62 research outputs found

    Purcell Enhancement of Parametric Luminescence: Bright and Broadband Nonlinear Light Emission in Metamaterials

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    Single-photon and correlated two-photon sources are important elements for optical information systems. Nonlinear downconversion light sources are robust and stable emitters of single photons and entangled photon pairs. However, the rate of downconverted light emission, dictated by the properties of low-symmetry nonlinear crystals, is typically very small, leading to significant constrains in device design and integration. In this paper, we show that the principles for spontaneous emission control (i.e. Purcell effect) of isolated emitters in nanoscale structures, such as metamaterials, can be generalized to describe the enhancement of nonlinear light generation processes such as parametric down conversion. We develop a novel theoretical framework for quantum nonlinear emission in a general anisotropic, dispersive and lossy media. We further find that spontaneous parametric downconversion in media with hyperbolic dispersion is broadband and phase-mismatch-free. We predict a 1000-fold enhancement of the downconverted emission rate with up to 105 photon pairs per second in experimentally realistic nanostructures. Our theoretical formalism and approach to Purcell enhancement of nonlinear optical processes, provides a framework for description of quantum nonlinear optical phenomena in complex nanophotonic structures.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum nonlinear light emission in metamaterials: broadband Purcell enhancement of parametric downconversion

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    Single-photon and correlated two-photon sources are important elements for optical information systems. Nonlinear downconversion light sources are robust and stable emitters of single photons and entangled photon pairs. However, the rate of downconverted light emission, dictated by the properties of low-symmetry nonlinear crystals, is typically very small, leading to significant constraints in device design and integration. In this Letter, we study principles of spontaneous emission control (i.e., the Purcell effect) generalized to describe the enhancement of nonlinear generation of quantum light through spontaneous parametric downconversion. We develop a theoretical framework based on eigenmode analysis to study quantum nonlinear emission in a general anisotropic, dispersive, and lossy media. Our theory provides an unprecedented insight into the emission process. We find that spontaneous parametric downconversion in a media with hyperbolic dispersion is broadband and phase-mismatch-free. We further predict a significant enhancement of the downconverted emission rate in experimentally realistic nanostructures. Our theoretical formalism and approach to Purcell enhancement of nonlinear optical processes provides a framework for description of quantum nonlinear optical phenomena in complex nanophotonic structures

    Van der Waals Materials for Atomically-Thin Photovoltaics: Promise and Outlook

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    Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors provide a unique opportunity for optoelectronics due to their layered atomic structure, electronic and optical properties. To date, a majority of the application-oriented research in this field has been focused on field-effect electronics as well as photodetectors and light emitting diodes. Here we present a perspective on the use of 2D semiconductors for photovoltaic applications. We discuss photonic device designs that enable light trapping in nanometer-thickness absorber layers, and we also outline schemes for efficient carrier transport and collection. We further provide theoretical estimates of efficiency indicating that 2D semiconductors can indeed be competitive with and complementary to conventional photovoltaics, based on favorable energy bandgap, absorption, external radiative efficiency, along with recent experimental demonstrations. Photonic and electronic design of 2D semiconductor photovoltaics represents a new direction for realizing ultrathin, efficient solar cells with applications ranging from conventional power generation to portable and ultralight solar power.Comment: 4 figure

    Quantum nonlinear light emission in metamaterials: broadband Purcell enhancement of parametric downconversion

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    Single-photon and correlated two-photon sources are important elements for optical information systems. Nonlinear downconversion light sources are robust and stable emitters of single photons and entangled photon pairs. However, the rate of downconverted light emission, dictated by the properties of low-symmetry nonlinear crystals, is typically very small, leading to significant constraints in device design and integration. In this Letter, we study principles of spontaneous emission control (i.e., the Purcell effect) generalized to describe the enhancement of nonlinear generation of quantum light through spontaneous parametric downconversion. We develop a theoretical framework based on eigenmode analysis to study quantum nonlinear emission in a general anisotropic, dispersive, and lossy media. Our theory provides an unprecedented insight into the emission process. We find that spontaneous parametric downconversion in a media with hyperbolic dispersion is broadband and phase-mismatch-free. We further predict a significant enhancement of the downconverted emission rate in experimentally realistic nanostructures. Our theoretical formalism and approach to Purcell enhancement of nonlinear optical processes provides a framework for description of quantum nonlinear optical phenomena in complex nanophotonic structures

    Backward and forward modes guided by metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides

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    We revisited the problem of the existence of plasmonic modes guided by metal-dielectric-metal slot waveguides. For the case of lossless slot waveguides, we classify the guided modes in the structure with the metal dispersion and found that, in a certain parameter range, three different guided modes coexist at a fixed frequency, two (symmetric and antisymmetric) forward propagating modes and the third, backward propagating antisymmetric mode. We study the properties of the forward and backward plasmonic guided modes in the presence of realistic losses, and discuss the importance of evanescent modes in lossy structures

    Plasmonic Bloch oscillations in chirped metal-dielectric structures

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    We study the propagation of plasmon polaritons in one-dimensional chirped metal-dielectric layered structures. We find an optical Wannier–Stark ladder in the mode spectrum and analyze Bloch oscillations associated with the coupling of surface plasmons localized at the metal-dielectric interfaces. For long structures, we find that the energy flow may dramatically change its direction, thus providing possibilities for the beam steering in the transmission band.The work has been supported by the Australian Research Council

    Mimicking surface polaritons for unpolarized light with high-permittivity materials

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    Tailoring near-field optical phenomena often requires excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) or surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs), surface waves at the interface between media with electric permittivities of opposite sign. Despite their unprecedented field confinement, surface polaritons are limited by polarization: only transverse magnetic fields enable their excitation, leaving transverse electric fields unexploited. By contrast, guided modes in positive permittivity materials occur for both linear polarizations, however, they typically cannot compete with SPPs and SPhPs in terms of confinement. Here we show that omnipolarization guided modes in materials with high-permittivity resonances can reach confinement factors similar to SPPs and SPhPs, while surpassing them in terms of propagation distance. We explore the cases of silicon carbide and transition-metal dichalcogenides near their permittivity resonances, and compare with SPhPs in silicon carbide and SPPs in silver, at infrared and visible frequencies, respectively

    High Photovoltaic Quantum Efficiency in Ultrathin van der Waals Heterostructures

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    We report experimental measurements for ultrathin (< 15 nm) van der Waals heterostructures exhibiting external quantum efficiencies exceeding 50%, and show that these structures can achieve experimental absorbance > 90%. By coupling electromagnetic simulations and experimental measurements, we show that pn WSe2/MoS2 heterojunctions with vertical carrier collection can have internal photocarrier collection efficiencies exceeding 70%.Comment: ACS Nano, 2017. Manuscript (25 pages, 7 figures) plus supporting information (7 pages, 4 figures
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