103 research outputs found

    Cognitive maps beyond the hippocampus

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    Accelerating K-12 computational thinking using scaffolding, staging, and abstraction

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    We describe a three-stage model of computing instruction beginning with a simple, highly scaffolded programming en-vironment (Kodu) and progressing to more challenging frame-works (Alice and Lego NXT-G). In moving between frame-works, students explore the similarities and differences in how concepts such as variables, conditionals, and looping are realized. This can potentially lead to a deeper under-standing of programming, bringing students closer to true computational thinking. Some novel strategies for teach-ing with Kodu are outlined. Finally, we briefly report on our methodology and select preliminary results from a pi-lot study using this curriculum with students ages 10–17, including several with disabilities

    A skeptic's menagerie: conflictors, preemptors, reinstaters, and zombies in nonmonotonic inheritance

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    Subtle differences in the method of constructing arguments in inheritance systems can result in profound differences in both the conclusions reached and the efficiency of inference. This paper focuses on issues surrounding the defeat of arguments in nonmonotonic inheritance. Looking primarily at skeptical reasoners, we analyze several types of defeat that may be encountered, especially the defeat of defeaters. Finally, we raise some questions specific to networks that mix strict and defeasible links.

    Controlling search dynamics by manipulating energy landscapes

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    Abstract: "Touretzky and Hinton's DCPS (Distributed Connectionist Production System) is a neural network with complex dynamical properties. Visualization of the energy landscapes of some of its component modules leads to a better intuitive understanding of the model. Three visualization techniques are used in this paper. Analysis of the way energy landscapes change as modules interact during an annealing search suggests ways in which the search dynamics can be controlled, thereby improving the model's performance on difficult match cases.
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