7 research outputs found

    Linktree analysis of plateau similarities based upon microhabitat explanations for the biotic distribution, Primer-e v7.

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    <p>Annotated for Eco-zones; HS-High South; HC-High Central; HN-High North; LS-Low South; LC-Low Central; LN-Low North. A: R = 0.53; B% = 85; Woody plants<-0.117(>-0.0826). B: R = 0.89; B% = 91; Max loose rock size<0.832(>2.26) or Surface water<0.848(>1.67) or Woody plants>-0.999(<-1.23). C: R = 0.55; B% = 43; Surface water>-1.19(<-1.6) or Woody plants<-0.345(>-0.117). D: R = 0.37; B% = 29; Woody plants<-0.738(>-0.607). E: R = 0.54; B% = 20; Stream>0.743(<-1.1) or Max loose rock size<-0.871(>0.00354) or Surface water>-0.377(<-0.785) or Woody plants>-0.738(<-0.999). F: R = 0.00; B% = 11; Max loose rock size<0.00354(>0.832) or Soil Cover<-0.791(>0) or N. Rocks>-0.0943(<-0.7) or Surface water>-0.785(<-1.19). G: R = 1.00; B% = 26; N. Rocks<-1.09(>2.13) or Pools<-0.832(>1.23) or Surface water>0.848(<-1.19) or Soil Cover<0(>1.58) or Max loose rock size<-1.42(>-0.0425) or Stream>0.743(<-0.177) or Woody plants<-0.607(>-0.345). H: R = 0.37; B% = 68; N. Rocks<-0.067(>1.63) or Woody plants>0.376(<-0.0826). I: R = 0.54; B% = 67; Woody plants>2.31(<1.39) or N. Rocks<-1.03(>-0.997). J: R = 0.63; B% = 55; Soil Cover<0(>2.37) or N. Rocks<-0.206(>-0.067). K: R = 0.50; B% = 42; Surface water<-0.377(>0.44). L: R = 0.50; B% = 23; Stream<-1.1(>1.66) or Max loose rock size<-1.24(>0.786) or Woody plants<0.376(>1.39) or Surface water>1.26(<0.44) or Soil Cover<-0.791(>0) or N. Rocks<-0.997(>-0.206) or Pools<-0.832(>-0.317).</p

    Habitat association results from significant habitat associations identified in step wise analysis using AICc in distLM, Permanova+, Primer-e v7, where * = P<0.05, ** = P<0.01.Status is the IUCN threat status: Accessed 10/02/2017 [9].

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    <p>NA- Not Assessed; DD-Data Deficient; LC-Least Concern; EN-Endangered; CR-Critically Endangered. Population stability:/S-Stable; /D-Decreasing; /I-Increasing. RH-Relative Humidity; Rock -large loose rocks >50 mm; Rock N-abundance of small rocks<50 mm; Plant-%of area with woody plant cover; Soil-% of area with soil; Stream-stream in surveyed area; Pool-lentic pools within surveyed area; Flood-plateau surface flooded to a depth >25 mm; Agree-our habitat association agree with published findings; Elev-altitude above sea leavel taxa were found; Habitat Associations are those listed by the IUCN.</p

    Map of study sites within the study area inset with location within India.

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    <p>Green triangles denote surveyed site locations below the Western Ghats escarpment and blue circles sites above it. Some mine site locations are included to illustrate the proximity of threat of mining. The biodiversity hotspot outline is derived data downloaded from ArcGIS, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California, USA.</p