12,992 research outputs found

    Systematic Development of Trans-Theoretically Based Behavioral Risk Management Programs

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    The authors explain the development and use of a behavioral Risk management strategy. It is designed for developing interventions to change behaviors, e.g., to lower the Risk of AIDS. The advantage of their strategy is said to be its structure combined with flexibility. Intervenors are not restricted to a single model in determining factors most relevant to changing Risky behavior

    Formative Graphing with Templates for Microsoft Excel 2013

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    Observant practitioners of behavior analysis graph data formatively, or at least once per session, because graphs improve analysis and dissemination of data (Bushell & Baer, 1994; Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007; Johnston & Pennypacker, 2009). In service settings, practitioners commonly use Microsoft Excel to graph. Although numerous field-specific tutorials explain how to create new graphs with Microsoft Excel (e.g., Carr & Burkholder, 1998), tutorials rarely encourage formative graphing with procedures that would make updating graphs easy and efficient. Templates with programming code could address this limitation. With Microsoft Excel 2013 and a single-subject design, I compared graphing with a template to graphing with a typical textual task analysis. Four graduate students created and updated three types of graphs more accurately and efficiently with the template than with the task analysis. Moreover, the four students reported that graphing was easier with the template than with the task analysis. I conclude by discussing how these improvements might improve clinical practice when multiplied by days, weeks, and years


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    Literature reports that small and medium firms face greater difficulty in obtaining the necessary export market information and in obtaining financing than do larger firms. Accordingly, the United States has many export promotion and enhancement services, but there is little documentation on the impacts of these services on small and medium rural and agricultural firms. The objectives of this project were to 1) analyze the export assistance needs of small and medium rural and agricultural firms operating in the Northern Plains region at different stages of the export or internationalization process, 2) identify available export assistance and promotion services offered at the federal and state levels to meet the needs of these firms, and 3) identify factors that may increase the effectiveness of export assistance programs. The primary assistance these firms wanted from the government was help in documenting their exports. The primary reasons firms did not seek government assistance were a lack of knowledge of the service and the service is not useful. The most often used non-government information sources were trade or industry associations and banks. Accordingly, policy makers should emphasize programs that complement efforts of private organizations and that target the needs and interests of the firms.export, rural, agriculture, export assistance, Northern Plains, government, Community/Rural/Urban Development, International Development,

    Economics of Sourcing Cellulosic Feedstock for Energy Production

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    This study investigates the economics of supplying wheat straw and corn stover within 100 mile radius of a potential new biorefinery in southeast North Dakota. In particular, straw and stover total delivery costs, potential straw and stover supply sites and least cost transportation routes are identified using a linear programming transport model and a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mapping system. We show that USDA/NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) future crop residue removal rate policies will be important for determining whether it is economically viable to harvest crop residues as potential feedstock for energy generation. Increase in residue removal rates narrow the size of residue supply areas and consequently result in lowering total transportation costs. There is an economic tradeoff between residue collection density and distance from the biorefinery. Most wheat residues are highly concentrated in the north, some distance from the biorefinery. Relying solely on wheat straw for supply needs require longer transportation distances which increases total cost. Using a combination of wheat and corn residues lowers total transportation costs. Since most wheat/corn residues are densely concentrated in north/south, regional highways would likely be the routes used often to transport the residues, as compared to interstate highways. Increased traffic volumes due to the hauling of crop residues would require additional investment in improving road conditions.Wheat Straw, Corn Stover, Density, Transportation Cost, GIS, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries,

    Creep of Granular Ice With and Without Dispersed Particles

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    The effects of silt-sized particles (average diameter of 50 m m) on the compressive creep of polycrystalline ice have been studied at stress levels from 0.1 to 1.45MPa and temperatures of –12 8 C and –10 8 C. Dislocation densities during creep have been estimated using a dislocation-based model of anelasticity. The results indicate that at low concentrations (up to 4wt.% % ), particles increase the minimum creep rate. Power-law behavior with an exponent of 3 was observed for both particle-free ice and ice with 1 wt.% % particles when the stress was \u3e0.3 MPa. In contrast, linear behavior was observed when the stress was \u3c0.3 MPa. Calculations show that the linear behavior is associated with a constant dislocation density, and the power-law behavior is associated with increasing dislocation densities with increasing stress

    The Effect of Particles on Dynamic Recrystallization and Fabric Development of Granular Ice during Creep

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    The mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of laboratory-prepared, particle-free fresh-water ice and ice with 1 wt.% (~0.43 vol.%) silt-sized particles were investigated under creep with a stress level of 1.45 MPa at −10°C. The particles were present both within the grains and along the grain boundaries. The creep rates of specimens with particles were always higher than those of particle-free ice. Dynamic recrystallization occurred for both sets of specimens, with new grains nucleating along grain boundaries in the early stages of creep. The ice with particles showed a higher nucleation rate. This resulted in a smaller average grain-size for the ice with particles after a given creep strain. Fabric studies indicated that ice with particles showed a more random orientation of c axes after creep to ~10% strain than the particle-free ice

    The Effect of Particles on Creep Rate and Microstructures of Granular Ice

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    The microstructures of particle-free granular freshwater ice and ice containing 1 wt.% of 50 ± 10 mm uniformly distributed particles were investigated before and after compressive creep to ∼10% strain with stresses of 1.45 MPa at −10°C and 0.4 MPa at −5°C. Creep rates of particle-containing ice were always higher than those of particle-free ice. For an initial stress of 1.45 MPa at −10°C, dynamic recrystallization occurred with new grains nucleating and growing along grain boundaries for both sets of specimens, and the ice with particles showed a higher nucleation rate. Under creep with an initial stress of 0.4 MPa at −5°C, dynamic recrystallization also occurred by the nucleation and growth of new grains along the grain boundaries for ice containing particles, but recrystallization in the particle-free ice occurred through grain boundary migration