23,295 research outputs found

    Cartan Invariants of Symmetric Groups and Iwahori-Hecke Algebras

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    K\"{u}lshammer, Olsson and Robinson conjectured that a certain set of numbers determined the invariant factors of the ℓ\ell-Cartan matrix for SnS_n (equivalently, the invariant factors of the Cartan matrix for the Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hn(q)\mathcal{H}_n(q), where qq is a primitive ℓ\ellth root of unity). We call these invariant factors Cartan invariants. In a previous paper, the second author calculated these Cartan invariants when ℓ=pr\ell=p^r, pp prime, and r≀pr\leq p and went on to conjecture that the formulae should hold for all rr. Another result was obtained, which is surprising and counterintuitive from a block theoretic point of view. Namely, given the prime decomposition ℓ=p1r1...pkrk\ell=p_1^{r_1}... p_k^{r_k}, the Cartan matrix of an ℓ\ell-block of SnS_n is a product of Cartan matrices associated to pirip_i^{r_i}-blocks of SnS_n. In particular, the invariant factors of the Cartan matrix associated to an ℓ\ell-block of SnS_n can be recovered from the Cartan matrices associated to the pirip_i^{r_i}-blocks. In this paper, we formulate an explicit combinatorial determination of the Cartan invariants of SnS_n--not only for the full Cartan matrix, \emph{but for an individual block}. We collect evidence for this conjecture, by showing that the formulae predict the correct determinant of the ℓ\ell-Cartan matrix. We then go on to show that Hill's conjecture implies the conjecture of KOR

    Poverty and Deprivation in Dumfries and Galloway: A Spatial Approach

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    This study was commissioned and funded by Dumfries and Galloway Council to provide evidence and analysis of the nature and patterns of poverty and deprivation across the region. It complements the Dumfries and Galloway Regional Economic Strategy Baseline Study and Regional Economic Profile published in 2014 and the four Area Profiles published earlier in the year (2015), and has been used to inform the development of the region’s first Anti-Poverty Strategy. It is consistent with best practice in policy development by providing quantitative data, drawn from national and local sources and qualitative information, and qualitative data drawn from Discussion Groups with people experiencing poverty across the region. The findings will be used to inform Elected Members, officers and partners throughout the implementation of the Anti-Strategy over the coming five years and also in its final evaluation

    P-adic interpolation of metaplectic forms of cohomological type

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    Let G be a reductive algebraic group over a number field k. It is shown how Emerton's methods may be applied to the problem of p-adically interpolating the metaplectic forms on G, i.e. the automorphic forms on metaplectic covers of G, as long as the metaplectic covers involved split at the infinite places of k.Comment: 37 page

    Market feedback, investment constraints, and managerial behavior

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    This paper examines the joint role of market feedback and investment constraints on managerial behavior. Using a sample of UK fixed price initial public offerings, we show that underperformance of share returns at the IPO significantly affects managerial investment decisions in the period after the offering. Firms with better investment opportunities and proportionately lower fixed (higher intangible) assets are more sensitive to negative market feedback. Over the longer term, the more responsive firms perform significantly better than their non-responsive counterparts. The findings contribute to the debate on the informational advantage of managers over investors and present strong evidence that the market, on aggregate, can provide a superior assessment of a firm's opportunities. Managers who are able to respond to negative market feedback can significantly improve their firm's future prospects

    Structural Change in EU Agriculture and the Supply of Social Attributes

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    The social attributes that agriculture is assumed to provide in its multifunctional role are analysed. Links with structural characteristics are examined and questions raised on the extent to which these are dependent on sustaining the present structure of EU agriculture. The nature of an efficient policy to provide these attributes is explored, with pointers for the next round of rural development policy. Our conclusion is that non-agricultural policies may be far more significant to the supply of social attributes than those conventionally seen as agricultural and rural developmental, suggesting that general community regeneration policies and "rural proofing" of general policies will be important for the future.multifunctionality, social attributes, sustainability, rural development, CAP, Agricultural and Food Policy,
