174 research outputs found

    Influence of environment induced correlated fluctuations in electronic coupling on coherent excitation energy transfer dynamics in model photosynthetic systems

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    Two-dimensional photon-echo experiments indicate that excitation energy transfer between chromophores near the reaction center of the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides occurs coherently with decoherence times of hundreds of femtoseconds, comparable to the energy transfer time scale in these systems. The original explanation of this observation suggested that correlated fluctuations in chromophore excitation energies, driven by large scale protein motions could result in long lived coherent energy transfer dynamics. However, no significant site energy correlation has been found in recent molecular dynamics simulations of several model light harvesting systems. Instead, there is evidence of correlated fluctuations in site energy-electronic coupling and electronic coupling-electronic coupling. The roles of these different types of correlations in excitation energy transfer dynamics are not yet thoroughly understood, though the effects of site energy correlations have been well studied. In this paper, we introduce several general models that can realistically describe the effects of various types of correlated fluctuations in chromophore properties and systematically study the behavior of these models using general methods for treating dissipative quantum dynamics in complex multi-chromophore systems. The effects of correlation between site energy and inter-site electronic couplings are explored in a two state model of excitation energy transfer between the accessory bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin in a reaction center system and we find that these types of correlated fluctuations can enhance or suppress coherence and transfer rate simultaneously. In contrast, models for correlated fluctuations in chromophore excitation energies show enhanced coherent dynamics but necessarily show decrease in excitation energy transfer rate accompanying such coherence enhancement. Finally, for a three state model of the Fenna-Matthews-Olsen light harvesting complex, we explore the influence of including correlations in inter-chromophore couplings between different chromophore dimers that share a common chromophore. We find that the relative sign of the different correlations can have profound influence on decoherence time and energy transfer rate and can provide sensitive control of relaxation in these complex quantum dynamical open systems

    Consistent schemes for non-adiabatic dynamics derived from partial linearized density matrix propagation

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    Powerful approximate methods for propagating the density matrix of complex systems that are conveniently described in terms of electronic subsystem states and nuclear degrees of freedom have recently been developed that involve linearizing the density matrix propagator in the difference between the forward and backward paths of the nuclear degrees of freedom while keeping the interference effects between the different forward and backward paths of the electronic subsystem described in terms of the mapping Hamiltonian formalism and semi-classical mechanics. Here we demonstrate that different approaches to developing the linearized approximation to the density matrix propagator can yield a mean-field like approximate propagator in which the nuclear variables evolve classically subject to Ehrenfest-like forces that involve an average over quantum subsystem states, and by adopting an alternative approach to linearizing we obtain an algorithm that involves classical like nuclear dynamics influenced by a quantum subsystem state dependent force reminiscent of trajectory surface hopping methods. We show how these different short time approximations can be implemented iteratively to achieve accurate, stable long time propagation and explore their implementation in different representations. The merits of the different approximate quantum dynamics methods that are thus consistently derived from the density matrix propagator starting point and different partial linearization approximations are explored in various model system studies of multi-state scattering problems and dissipative non-adiabatic relaxation in condensed phase environments that demonstrate the capabilities of these different types of approximations for treating non-adiabatic electronic relaxation, bifurcation of nuclear distributions, and the passage from nonequilibrium coherent dynamics at short times to long time thermal equilibration in the presence of a model dissipative environment

    Computer simulations of localized small polarons in amorphous polyethylene

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    We use a simple mean field scheme to compute the polarization energy of an excess electron in amorphous polyethylene that allows us to study dynamical properties. Nonadiabatic simulations of an excess electron in amorphous polyethylene at room temperature show the spontaneous formation of localized small polaron states in which the electron is confined in a spherically shaped region with a typical dimension of 5 Å. We compute the self-trapping energy to be −0.06±0.03 eV, with a lifetime on the time scale of a few tens of picoseconds

    Electronic states for excess electrons in polyethylene compared to long-chain alkanes

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    Versión Post-Print del autorWe use a pseudopotential model to calculate the electronic states available to an excess electron in crystalline and amorphous regions of model polyethlyene as well as the molecular crystal of the linear alkane C27H56. It is shown that alkane crystals of whatever chain length are not representative of crystalline polyethylene (PE) although they are often considered to be so. We discuss the implications for electron transport in PE.This work was supported by EPSRC through Grants GR/R18222 and GR/M9442

    Electronic transport in disordered n-alkanes: From fluid methane to amorphous polyethylene

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    We use a fast Fourier transform block Lanczos diagonalization algorithm to study the electronic states of excess electrons in fluid alkanes (methane, ethane, and propane) and in a molecular model of amorphous polyethylene (PE) relevant to studies of space charge in insulating polymers. We obtain a new pseudopotential for electron–PE interactions by fitting to the electronic properties of fluid alkanes and use this to obtain new results for electron transport in amorphous PE. From our simulations, while the electronic states in fluid methane are extended throughout the whole sample, in amorphous PE there is a transition between localized and delocalized states slightly above the vacuum level (∼+0.06 eV). The localized states in our amorphous PE model extend to −0.33 eV below this level. Using the Kubo–Greenwood equation we compute the zero-field electron mobility in pure amorphous PE to be μ≈2×10−3 cm2/V s. Our results highlight the importance of electron transport through extended states in amorphous regions to an understanding of electron transport in PE.EPSRC through Grants No.GR/R18222 and No. GR/M9442

    Single electron states in polyethylene

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    We report computer simulations of an excess electron in various structural motifs of polyethylene at room temperature, including lamellar and interfacial regions between amorphous and lamellae, as well as nanometre-sized voids. Electronic properties such as density of states, mobility edges, and mobilities are computed on the different phases using a block Lanczos algorithm. Our results suggest that the electronic density of states for a heterogeneous material can be approximated by summing the single phase density of states weighted by their corresponding volume fractions. Additionally, a quantitative connection between the localized states of the excess electron and the local atomic structure is presented.The US National Science Foundation under grant CHE-0911635 and from his Stokes Professorship in Nano Biophysics from Science Foundation Ireland thanks the Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) for computer resources and Science Foundation Ireland for support from grant 08-IN.1-I1869

    Oxygen defects in phosphorene

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    Physical Review Letters114404680

    Transport properties of pristine few-layer black phosphorus by van der Waals passivation in an inert atmosphere

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    Ultrathin black phosphorus is a two-dimensional semiconductor with a sizeable band gap. Its excellent electronic properties make it attractive for applications in transistor, logic and optoelectronic devices. However, it is also the first widely investigated two-dimensional material to undergo degradation upon exposure to ambient air. Therefore a passivation method is required to study the intrinsic material properties, understand how oxidation affects the physical properties and enable applications of phosphorene. Here we demonstrate that atomically thin graphene and hexagonal boron nitride can be used for passivation of ultrathin black phosphorus. We report that few-layer pristine black phosphorus channels passivated in an inert gas environment, without any prior exposure to air, exhibit greatly improved n-type charge transport resulting in symmetric electron and hole transconductance characteristics.B.O. acknowledges support by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP Award No. NRF-CRP9-2011-3) and the SMF-NUS Research Horizons Award 2009-Phase II. A.H.C.N. acknowledges the NRF-CRP award 'Novel 2D materials with tailored properties: beyond graphene'. The calculations were performed at the GRC computing facilities. A.Z. and D.F.C. acknowledge the NSF grant CHE-1301157. (NRF-CRP9-2011-3 - National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP); SMF-NUS Research Horizons Award-Phase II; NRF-CRP award 'Novel 2D materials with tailored properties: beyond graphene'; CHE-1301157 - NSF)Published versio

    Communication: Predictive partial linearized path integral simulation of condensed phase electron transfer dynamics

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    A partial linearized path integral approach is used to calculate the condensed phase electron transfer (ET) rate by directly evaluating the flux-flux/flux-side quantum time correlation functions. We demonstrate for a simple ET model that this approach can reliably capture the transition between non-adiabatic and adiabatic regimes as the electronic coupling is varied, while other commonly used semi-classical methods are less accurate over the broad range of electronic couplings considered. Further, we show that the approach reliably recovers the Marcus turnover as a function of thermodynamic driving force, giving highly accurate rates over four orders of magnitude from the normal to the inverted regimes. We also demonstrate that the approach yields accurate rate estimates over five orders of magnitude of inverse temperature. Finally, the approach outlined here accurately captures the electronic coherence in the flux-flux correlation function that is responsible for the decreased rate in the inverted regime