20 research outputs found
Presencia de huevos de Toxocara spp. en el pelaje de caninos callejeros y domésticos
Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati are the etiologic agents of a zoonotic disease with a broad distribution: human toxocariasis. Toxocara spp. eggs on the hair of dogs could be a route of transmission. The objective was to determine the presence of Toxocara spp. eggs in canine fur, according to dog type and age. We analyzed hairs from 148 dogs classified by their type in stray dogs (56) or domestic (92) and by age in puppy (20), juvenile (39) or adult (89). Eggs were detected in 8 stray dogs (14.3%) and in 1 domestic dog (1.1%). We found positive samples in 5 puppies (25%), 3 juveniles (8%) and 1 adult (1%). Being stray and less than one year were risk factors for the presence of eggs in dogs hair (OR=15,17 (IC 1,84-124,85); p=0,0018, y OR=13,80 (IC 1,67-113,55); p=0,0028, respectively). Amongst the 213 eggs found from all the samples, we detected 60 (28.1%) non viable, 79 (37.1%) viable, 73 (34.3%) embryonating and 1 (0.5%) embryonated. Canine hair with Toxocara spp. eggs could represent a secondary transmission route.Fil: Sierra, M.F. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Daprato, B. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Kunic, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: López, C.M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Sommerfelt, I.E. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaToxocara canis y Toxocara cati son los agentes etiológicos de una zoonosis parasitaria ampliamente distribuida: la Toxocariasis humana. Una vía de transmisión de Toxocara spp. podría ser a través del pelaje de los caninos que tengan huevos del parásito adheridos al mismo. El objetivo fue establecer presencia de huevos de Toxocara spp. en el pelaje de caninos según origen y edad de los animales. Se analizaron pelos de 148 perros clasificados según origen, callejeros (56) y domésticos (92) y, según edad, cachorros (20), juveniles (39) y adultos (89). Se encontraron huevos en pelo de 8 callejeros (14,3%) y 1 doméstico (1,1%). Según edad en 5 cachorros (25%), 3 juveniles (8%) y 1 adulto (1%). Ser callejero y menor de un año resultaron factores de riesgo para la presencia de huevos en el pelaje de perros (OR=15,17 (IC 1,84-124,85); p=0,0018, y OR=13,80 (IC 1,67 113,55); p=0,0028, respectivamente). Se observaron 213 huevos, no viables 60 (28,1%), viables 79 (37,1%), embrionados 73 (34,3%) y larvados 1 (0,5%). El pelo de los caninos con huevos de Toxocara spp. podría ser una vía secundaria de transmisión
Seroprevalencia y estudio de factores asociados a la neosporosis canina en animales ingresados al Hospital Escuela, FCV-UBA, Argentina
Intracellular protozoan Neospora caninum, produces nervous, gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms and muscular disorders in dogs. In order to estimate the seroprevalence of anti N. caninum antibodies, sera of 238 dogs admitted in the School Hospital at the Veterinary Science Faculty of Buenos Aires University, were analyzed in the 2011-2012 period. For this, the indirect immunofluorescence technique (IIF ) ( ? 1:50) was used, resulting in 27.3 % (95 % CI = 21.9% - 33.7%) positive for N. caninum . The highest prevalence was observed in dogs of group 2 to 10 years. An epidemiological survey was also carried out to analyze potential risk factors. No significant differences between sex, race or habit of staying or not exclusively indoor were found. Statistical association was found between positives and the habit of hunting (p < 0.05). IIF titers of 1/100 and 1/200 were the most frequent . The association between seropositive animals and hunting habits may\nsuggest the importance of the role of horizontal transmission. This paper seroprevalence of canine neosporosis is the first carried out in the School Hospital FCV -UBA .Fil: Daprato, B. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Suraniti, A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Hospital Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Loiza, Y. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: López, C. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Sommerfelt, I.E. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaNeospora caninum, protozoario intracelular, es causa de signos nerviosos, gastrointestinales, respiratorios y desórdenes musculares en perros. A los fines de estimar la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos anti N. caninum, se analizaron los sueros de 238 caninos que ingresaron al Hospital Escuela de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en el período 2011 ? 2012. Para ello se utilizó la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) ( ? 1:50), resultando el 27,3% (95% IC= 21,9%- 33,7%) positivas a N. caninum. La mayor prevalencia se observó en caninos del grupo de 2 a 10 años. Se realizó además una encuesta epidemiológica para analizar posibles factores de riesgo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el sexo, la raza o el hábito de permanecer o no exclusivamente dentro del ambiente doméstico. Se encontró asociación estadística de animales positivos con el hábito de caza (p<0,05). Los títulos de IFI de 1/100 y 1/200 fueron los de mayor frecuencia. La asociación entre animales seropositivos y el hábito de caza podría sugerir la importancia del rol de la transmisión horizontal. El presente trabajo sobre seroprevalencia de neosporosis es el primero que se realiza en caninos concurrentes al Hospital Escuela FCV-UBA
Activity and safety of epirubicin plus paclitaxel in advanced breast cancer.
We performed a dose-escalation study to evaluate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of paclitaxel (Taxol; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Princeton, NJ) plus a fixed dose of epirubicin. Epirubicin was administered as a 90 mg/m2 bolus immediately followed by a 3-hour infusion of paclitaxel starting at 135 mg/m2 and escalating by 20mg/m2 for each triplet of patients as long as no dose-limiting toxicity had occurred; courses were repeated every 3 weeks. The MTD was defined as that at which any of the following toxicities occurred in at least two of six patients: absolute neutrophil count less than 500/microliter for more that 7 days or less than 100/microliter for more than 3 days; any episode of febrile neutropenia requiring intravenous antibiotics and hospitalization; grade 4 thrombocytopenia requiring platelet transfusion; failure to recover absolute neutrophil count to > or = 1,500/microliter and/or platelets to > or = 100,000/microliter by day 28; and any grade > or = 3 nonhematologic toxicity. Two MTDs were defined: the first without granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (MTD 1) and the second with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor given either to accelerate recovery of grade 4 neutropenia lasting more than 72 hours or immediately in case of febrile neutropenia (MTD 2); granulocyte colony-stimulating factor was never used prophylactically. To date, 22 patients have been entered into the study; the median patient age was 55 years (age range, 30 to 66 years). Nineteen (86\%) patients had received adjuvant chemotherapy that included anthracyclines in 12 cases (55\%). The viscera were the dominant sites of disease in 55\% of patients. Median baseline ventricular ejection fraction was 58\% (range, 53\% to 67\%). Short-lasting grade 4 neutropenia occurred in 61\% of courses; however, only four episodes of febrile neutropenia were recorded. Grade 4 thrombocytopenia was reported in 8\% and grade 3 anemia in 3\% of courses; four patients experienced peripheral neuropathy (three patients grade 1, one patient grade 2); complete alopecia was universal. The cardiac effects of the combination were surprisingly low: median ejection fraction at study entry was 58\%, and after a cumulative dose 1,080 mg/m2 it was 56\%. Three complete responses and 12 partial responses have been documented for an overall response rate of 83.3\% (95\% confidence interval, 58\% to 96\%). In conclusion, neutropenia is the most frequent toxicity of this novel combination. However, the MTD has not yet been reached. The combination of epirubicin plus paclitaxel is highly active, and no signs of cumulative myocardiopathy have been observed