15 research outputs found

    pH Profiles.

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    <p>Depth profiles of measured pH, July 21–23, prior to significant rain event (in orange), with July 24–25, following a significant rain event (in gray scale). Also displayed are pre-rain and post rain averages with horizontal error bars representing the standard deviation of the average, on either side.</p

    Lake Level Readings.

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    <p>Panel A: Recorded lake levels spanning the duration of sampling time, with several listed Profiles for reference. Values are reported in cm and on the time scale of seconds following initial lake level reading. Dates are listed above two of the plotted points. Panel B: Lake level readings between July 21–22. Red points correspond to values selected for estimation of lake tidal range.</p

    Water Temperature Profiles.

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    <p>Depth profiles of measured water temperature, July 21–23, prior to significant rain event (in orange), with July 24–25, following a significant rain event (in gray scale). Also displayed are pre-rain and post rain averages with horizontal errors bars representing the standard deviation of the average, on either side.</p

    Kwajalein Weather Data, July 21–25 2009.

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    <p>Source: We used records from Kwajalein's (permanently based) weather station. <a href="http://rts-wx.com/data/climatology/daily_summary/2009/#table6" target="_blank">http://rts-wx.com/data/climatology/daily_summary/2009/#table6</a></p

    Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves.

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    <p>Abbreviations: CDS, Clinical Dehydration Scale; WHO, World Health Organization; G, Gorelick; MD, Physician.</p

    Subgroup analysis by age of child from which each scale was derived.

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    <p>Abbreviations: CDS, Clinical Dehydration Scale; AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; CI, confidence interval.</p

    Test characteristics.

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    <p>*The cut point refers to the position on the receiver operating characteristic curve that corresponds to the best test characteristics for the Clinical Dehydration Scale (CDS), Gorelick scale, and physician gestalt respectively. The World Health Organization (WHO) scale test characteristics are based on a predefined cut point. Abbreviations: AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; SN, sensitivity; SP, specificity; LR+, likelihood ratio positive; LR-, likelihood ratio negative.</p