161 research outputs found

    Nutrigenomics: The science of the 21st century

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    Hepatic encephalopathy is a complication of liver cirrhosis and is defined as a neuropsychiatric disease, with a reversibile character. Besides classical ways of therapy, an increasing importance is attached to nutritional therapy that is an effective prevention of the onset and leads to an ease of symptoms in hepathic encephalopathy that already exists. After the patient's nutritional status evaluation, the prescription of diet that includes adequate protein, calories and vitamins is assessed. The greatest importance is attached to the zinc intake as well as branched chain amino acids (BCAA therapy) supplementation. It is believed that further development of science in terms of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics will give detailed guidance on further developments since the possibility of clinical investigation in these patients is limited


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    The authoress of this article considers the changes in structure of agricultural population of Yugoslavia in the period from 1921 to 1961. In the first part of this article the authoress analized the statistical data of the prewar and postwar population censuses and comes to the conclusion that in the prewar period total number of agricultural population was increasing absolutely and relatively as well. In postwar period situation reversed. An average annual decrease of participation of agricultural population in the total population amounted in the prewar period to 0,23% while in the postwar period up to 1961. 1,28%. The authoress particularly notes the differences among republics and regions for the period from 1953 to 1961 and concludes that there was a general tendency of the decrease in number of agricultural population (relatively and absolutely). This tendency is strongly expressed in regions which have been developing their economies relatively the most intensive in the postwar period (Crna Gora, Makedonia). In the second part authoress considers the degree of economic activity of agricultural population. According to the population censuses in 1953 and 1961 the procentage of activ agricultural population in the total number of agricultural population was lower in less developed regions than in more developed ones. Surprisingly high procentage of women are among the active agricultural population (55% in the whole country and 62% in Slovenia). However this is a consequence of higher proportion of men among those employed in nonagricultural activities. Relatively high procentage of women in the activ agricultural population determines and changes in certain extent the way of farming. Peasants\u27 households with prevailing women labour power orientate their agricultural production to so called Ā»small farming Ā«(pigbreeding and hortyculture). Women manage agricultural works in about 15% of all pesantsā€™ households (in Croatia 20% and in Slovenia 25% respectively). In the third part authoress analized some basic data about the age structure of agricultural population. Gradual process of ageing of rural population is a general tendency and is due to the flow of younger people from villages to towns. Analysis of the decrease of activ population in the period 1953ā€”1961 shows that groupes of activ population up to the 34 yaers of age rapidly reduced their number while groupes of activ population over 50 years of age increased their number. In the conclusion of this article there is said: Ā»The tendency of further decrease of agricultural population is caused on the one hand by the decline of the rate of natural increase and on the other hand by the flow of rural population from villages to towns i. e. from agricultural to nonagricultural activities. Many individual households won\u27t reproduce themselves any more. Aged peasantsā€™ households are growing in number and gradually dying out as agricultural householdsĀ«


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    Immune status of an individual depends on the organismā€™s nutritional status as well as on the choice of nutrients that enter the body. Malnutrition and HIV progression are closely linked and require an active cooperation between infectious disease physicians and nutritionist. It has been noticed that patients with HIV that receive antiretroviral therapy have a significantly greater loss of body weight, and therefore need an adequate diet modification. Oxidative stress represents an important etiological factor in diseases of immune deficiency, so that antioxidant agents (Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12 and certain minerals, such as zinc and selenium) are crucial factors in HIV dietotherapy. Polyphenols from cocoa beans as well as from green and black tea (catechins and teaflavins) have an important role in disease progress modification as well as disease transmission prevention. The patients also need their probiotic intestinal flora to be encouraged to grow properly in order to prevent opportunistic infections. All of these nutrition elements are already in use in prevention, therapy and alleviation of HIV symptoms, and further science development will make a personal diet modification for each patient possible

    Sezonalnost, folikulogeneza i luteogeneza u jajnicima kobile

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    In the horse the circannual rhythm of reproduction is cued primarily by photoperiod changes. This environmental signal is translated to an endocrine signal in the habenulo-pineal gland. In the mare, short daylenght is associated with a decrease in gonadotropin secretion and consequently a decrease in ovarian activity. The ovary of the mare is unique in its structure and different from other mammals. Ovaries were cut around the fossa ovulations, and analyzed during the seasonal period of mare (10) estrus cycle (March-July). Tissue sections were fixed in Bouien fixative and then HE stained. The relationship of localization of cortex., medulla and fossa ovulations is investigated. The ovulation fossa is localized in the center of the ovary and is surrounded by broad ovarian cortex. Medulla is localized in a narrow peripheral area. The cortex area ahead of the fossa is occupied by developing follicles. Variously sized follicles were identified and ovocyte-cumulus connections will be considered. The inside cavity from the evacuated follicle, fills rapidly with blood forming Corpus Hemorrhagicum followed by creation of lutel tissue. Corpus Luteum in mare is the largest comparing the other animals, pear-triangle shaped, size 0.5-1 cm, covered by dense tunica albuginea, inside the fossa. The regulatory mechanisms of seasonality are on the strong influence and connection between hypothalamo-pituitarygonadal axis and we discuss the implications with regard to investigation strategies to advanced the onset of cyclic reproductive activity in the early spring.GodiÅ”nji ciklus parenja konja je u značajnoj zavisnosti od fotoperiodičnih promena. Ovakvi podsticaji iz okoline bivaju prevedeni u endokrine signale u habenulo-pinealnoj žlezdi. Kod kobile, kratko trajanje dnevne svetlosti je povezano sa opadanjem lučenja gonadotropina Å”to dovodi do posledičnog opadanja aktivnosti jajnika. Jajnik kobile je jedinstvene strukture i razlikuje se od jajnika ostalih sisara. Jajnici su sečeni u oblasti fose ovulationis, i potom analizirani u sezoni parenja kod kobila (10), tokom estrusnog ciklusa (mart-juli). Tkivni isečci su fiksirani u Bujen fiksativima, a zatim bojeni Hematoksilin-eozinom. Posmatrani su odnosi i relacije rasporeda kore, srži i fose ovulationes. Ovulatorna fosa je lokalizovana u centru jajnika i okružena gustim ovarijalnim korteksom. Srž je razmeÅ”tena u uskoj zoni na periferiji. Područje kore koja okružuje fosu ispunjeno je folikulima u razvoju. Posmatrani su folikuli različitih veličina i utvrđivani su odnosi ovocita i okolnih ćelija. UnutraÅ”nja Å”upljina oslobođenog folikula brzo se ispunjava krvlju obrazujući hemoragično telo od koga će se formirati lutealno tkivo. Kobila ima najveće žuto telo u poređenju sa drugim životinjama. Ono je kruÅ”koliko- trouglastog oblika, veličine oko 0,5-1 cm, i obavijeno gustom tunikom albugineom smeÅ”teno u unutraÅ”njosti fose. Mehanizmi regulacije sezonalnosti su pod snažnim uticajem i povezanosti između hipotalamo- pituitarno- gonadalne sprege i mi smo razmatrali rezultate imajući u vidu početak ciklusa reproduktivnih aktivnosti u toku ranog proleća

    Nova grupa antimikrobnih lekova - hemija glicilciklina

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    Human and veterinary medicines, since the late forties of the 20th century, have increasingly used tetracyclines as broad spectrum antibiotics. The wide and long-lasting usage of all antibiotics, including tetracyclines, accordingly causes a widespread microbial resistance. At the beginning of the nineties, the synthesis of a new antibiotics' group, including tetracyclic structure showing more active antibacterial potency and widespread spectrum activity on the existing resistant microorganisms' forms, have been reported and called glycylcyclines. The group development, its chemistry and the first launched tigecycline properties will be shown in this paper.Humana i veterinarska medicina, s kraja četrdesetih godina proÅ”log veka, je koristila tetracikline kao antibiotike Å”irokog spektra dejstva. Obimna i duga upotreba svih antibiotika, uključujući i tetracikline, dovela je do pojave porasta rezistencije. Početkom devedesetih godina, objavljena je sinteza nove grupe antibiotika tetraciklične strukture, te je grupa koja je pokazala najjaču antimikrobnu aktivnost, najÅ”iri spektar dejstva na postojeće rezistentne forme mikroorganizama, nazvana glicilciklini. Razvoj ove grupe antibiotika, kao i hemija i osobine prvog registrovanog tigeciklina, prikazane su u ovom radu


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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of gastrointestinal system and they are characterised by extreme variability in clinical, hystopathological and genetic features. It is considered that all GISToms have a malignant potential. Ethiological factors which cause GISToms have not been clarified yet, and genetic basis is not easy to be determined since GISToms are mostly sporadic. However, certain genetic and cytogenetic aberations which have been determined can be considered to have an impact on the onset of GISToms. Macroscopic picture is polymorphic, but they can most frequently be seen as large, mushroom-like, intraluminal, clearly limited pseudo-incapsulated submucosal masses. Hystomorphology of these tumors shows a high spectar of structural and cellular variations. They are most frequently built out of spindle cells (60-70% of cases), rarely of epitheloid (about 30% of cases) and very rarely of mixed and transitional type (intermedial). Stroma is predominantly loose or poorly colagenized with neoangiogenesis, which is markedly in GISToms with a higher malignant potential. Most of GISToms (95%) express transmembrane receptors KIT (CD 117), CD 34, vimentine, specific neurogenic and smooth muscle cells markers. The most successful therapies are: surgical ressection, imatinib and sunitinib (in case of imatinib resistence) therapy (tyrosine kinase receptor blockers). Research are being conducted all over the world with the aim of finding new and more efficient drug therapies that would not manifest resistency

    Effects of induced maternal hypothyroidism on the ovarian development of offspring rats

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    The effects of propylthyouracil (PTU) induced hypothyroidism of rats during pregnancy and lactation on offspring ovarian development and maturation were studied. Thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations were determined using the radioimmunoassay method in order to verify the hypothyroid status of treated mothers and their two months old pups. The ovaries of the offspring were processed for light microscopy analysis on the day of the first estrus after the 60th day of age. Histological analysis including follicle count was performed on serial sections stained with haematoxyline/eosin and on semithin sections stained with methylene blue. A significant increase of serum TSH and decrease in T3 and T4 levels was observed in treated mothers compared to controls. The levels of measured hormones in the control and PTU-treated two months old rats were not significantly different. Ten percent of 60-dayold treated females did not reach estrus and they were sacrificed in diestrus. The secondary interstitial cells were the dominant structures in the ovaries. The number of healthy growing and early antral follicles was markedly decreased. Ovaries of treated rats contained relatively few antral follicles, significantly more atretic antral follicles and a decreased number of corpora lutea, compared to controls. These results indicate that lack of thyroid hormones during prenatal and early postnatal development impair ovarian development in rats. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175061

    MorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike jajnika kao faktor mogućeg uticaja na osobenost polnog ciklusa kobile

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    The sexual cycle, endocrine regulation of estrus and the ovarian morphology of the mare are characteristic. Have these characteristics acquired through evolution in the mare remained preserved to this day in this animal specie which is 60 million years old and whose fossil remains date back to early Cenozoic, the earliest geological period in the development of the Earth and why? Hypothalamus neurons, cells of the pituitary and target organs, as genetically programmed for specific responses to steroid hormones, the photoperiod and the environmental factor, have an essential role in the regulation of the transcription of target genes, and regulatory proteins have been conserved in the course of evolution. The memory of these cells was acquired through evolution and the programmed gene expression can be modulated temporarily or permanently, through steroid hormones. Having in mind the extremely complex endocrine regulation of estrus in the mare, we wished, by clarifying the elementary structure of the mare ovaries, to contribute to the better understanding of this problem and the specificities occurring in this specie during the reproductive period. The problems in considering data dealing with the sexual cycle of mares and the appearance of ovaries are in the lack of the possibility to make up statistically relevant experimental groups for this specie, so that any data suitable for comparison is significant. The conventional manner of histological investigations and drawing of conclusions are rendered difficult by the specific morphological structure, where the ovarian medulla is on the periphery of the organ and the cortex distributed in the center and grouped around the ovulation fossa, the size of the ovary that reaches 6-9 cm follicles that are up to 7 cm, corpora lutea 1-2 cm in dimension, the specific tissue structure, the discrepancies in the size and appearance.Polni ciklus, endokrina regulacija estrusa i morfologija jajnika kobile su osobeni. Da li su, i zbog čega, evolucijom stečene te karakteristike kobile ostale očuvane i danas kod ove vrste životinja koja je stara 60 miliona godina i čiji fosilni ostaci datiraju iz ranog kenozoika, najmlađeg geoloÅ”kog doba razvoja zemlje? Neuroni hipotalamusa, ćelije hipofize i target organa, kao genetski programirane za specifične odgovore na steroidne hormone, foto-period i faktore sredine, imaju bitnu ulogu u regulaciji transkripcije target gena, a regulatorni proteini su konzervisani u toku evolucije. Memorija ovih ćelija, sticana je tokom evolucije, a programirana ekspresija gena, može da bude modulirana privremeno ili permanentno, pomoću steroidnih hormona. U razmatranju podataka koji se bave polnim ciklusom kobila i izgledom jajnika problemi su u nemogućnosti sačinjavanja statistički relevantnih eksperimentalnih grupa za ovu vrstu, pa je značajan svaki podatak pogodan za poređenje. Specifična morfologija sa medulom jajnika koja je na periferiji organa i korteksom raspoređenim u centru i grupisanim oko ovulatorne fose, veličina jajnika koja dostiže 6-9 cm folikuli veličine do 7 cm, žuta tela dimenzija 1-2 cm, posebna struktura tkiva, diskrepancije u veličinu i izgledu otežavaju klasičan način histoloÅ”kih ispitivanja i donoÅ”enje zaključaka
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