48 research outputs found

    Riječ glavnog urednika

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    Influence of Frying Time and Addition of Rice Starch on Oil Uptake and Textural Properties of Fried Coated Chicken Meat

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    Rice starch in shares of 6, 8 and 10 % was used as replacement for eggs in the coating mixtures used for coating of meat before frying. After frying of meat at 170 0C for 4, 6 and 8 minutes, effects of frying time and addition of starch on oil uptake and meat texture were evaluated. Instrumental texture analysis of fried coated chicken meat was conducted, as well as Soxhlet method for determining of oil content in samples. Statistical analysis of relevant texture properties of fried meat was performed. Hardness of fried meat samples decreased with increase of the starch content in mixture. Elasticity of meat increased as a result of coatings water holding capability and consequent prevention of meat drying. Oil content in samples coated with mixtures containing rice starch decreased with increase of starch share. Optimal frying time was 6 minutes, which with 10 % of mass share of rice starch produced samples with 35.54 % less oil


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    Riječ glavnog urednika

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    Riječ glavnog urednika

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    Riječ glavnog urednika

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    V rokah imate prvo Ŕtevilko Naravoslovne solnice, ki jo je izdala PedagoŔka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot je bilo napovedano, smo izdajanje Naravoslovne solnice prenesli z založbe Modrijan na PedagoŔko fakulteto v Ljubljani. S tem smo vsaj za nekaj časa reŔili dobro in potrebno revijo pred ukinitvijo. Mesto glavne urednice je ponovno prevzela dolgoletna urednica Solnice Zvonka Kos, razŔirili smo uredniŔki odbor in krog strokovnih sodelavcev. Vse to naj bi vodilo k Ŕe večji aktualnosti in uporabnosti prispevkov v Ŕoli in vrtcu

    Applications of Power Ultrasound for Foodstuffs Processing

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    U posljednje vrijeme su mnoga istraživanja usmjerena na razvoj novih, blažih tehnika obrade hrane za koje se pretpostavlja da mogu zamijeniti neke tradicionalne toplinski temeljene procese prerade u prehrambenoj industriji, radi dobivanja prehrambenih proizvoda visoke kvalitete. Sačuvani i unaprijeđeni, aroma, okus, miris, vizualni izgled, boja, teksturalna i nutritivna svojstva samo su neke značajke na taj način obrađene hrane. Tako se u prvom redu istražuje primjena visokog hidrostatskog tlaka, ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta, oscilirajućih magnetskih polja, mikrovalova te pulsirajućih električnih polja. Zajedničko je svim ovim tehnikama da se obrada materijala odvija na sobnoj temperaturi, odnosno da dolazi do neznatnog poviÅ”enja temperature kao posljedice obrade te da sam proces traje kratko i to od jedne do deset minuta. KoriÅ”tenje ultrazvuka u prehrambenoj industriji i prehrambenoj tehnologiji predmet je intenzivnog istraživanja i primjene unazad nekoliko desetaka godina, kako kao metode za nerazorna ispitivanja tj. dijagnostičke metode za određivanje različitih svojstava prehrambenih sirovina i proizvoda (ultrazvuk niskog intenziteta), te kao razorne metode gdje se ultrazvuk koristi kao tehnika kojom se prehrambenoj sirovini ili materijalu mijenjaju fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (ultrazvuk visokog intenziteta). U ovom radu opisana je primjena tehnologije ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta u prehrambenoj industriji i tehnologiji.Many investigations recently deal with development of new, sophisticated and moderated techniques for food processing for which it can be assumed that might improve or even replace some traditional heat based processes within food technology and food industry to obtain high quality food products. Preserved and improved flavour, taste, odour, visual appearance, colour, textural and nutritive properties as well are some of the qualities for such treated and processed foods. Primarily applications of high hydrostatic pressure, hi-intensity ultrasound, oscilating magnetic fields, microwaves and pulsed electric fields are being investigated. In common for all mentioned technologies is that processing of foods is conducted under conditions of ambient temperature namely slightly increase of temperature occurs as a consequence of alteration of foodstuffs during which process itself last between one and ten minutes. Potential applications of ultrasound in food technology and food industry has been matter of intensive research in previous two decades and was divided in two different groups. First (low intensity ultrasound) as powerfull tool for non-destructive applications i.e. diagnostic methods for various properties determination of food raw materials and final food products, and second (hi intensity ultrasound) where ultrasound is used to change physical-chemical properties of foods. In this work applications of hi intensity ultrasound in food technology and food industry has been described