3 research outputs found

    Role of Women in Fisheries and Aquaculture in Kano State, Nigeria

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    This review examines the participation and roles of women within the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Kano state, looking at their direct involvement in fishing and fish production as well as their indirect association with related activities (Marketing and distribution, processing, administration, management and public sectorial work, research, education and training).Women represent approximately 20% of Kano state population and 40% of the labor force. More than, 1000, people were fully engaged in fisheries activities in 2010. Studies have shown that of all the various fishing a sector, participation of women was highest in fish processing (approximately 30%) followed by inland aquaculture. Although there is limited data on women’s roles in the Kano fisheries sector as a whole, women are known to play only a very minor role in fish capture in southern part of Nigeria. This participation is usually in the form of small scale activities on lakes or as support to sea going spouses. Where women are employed in the aquaculture sector (5%), they are mainly involved in hatchery and live food units. Women also play an important role in administration, fisheries research, education and training as reflected by the numbers of female graduates employed in such fields. The marketing of fresh products for local markets was found to be predominantly carried out by men. Women are also temporarily and permanently involved in activities such as fish vaccination and the construction and manufacture of nets. Women play a key and vital role in the Fisheries value chain in Nigeria especially when we look at their involvement in the marine, artisanal and Aquaculture sub-sector of the Fisheries. The women who constitute the greater percentage of the fish mongers/ processors represent the first segment of the fish market chain; buying fresh fish directly from the fishermen; the fish is either sold fresh by the women, or processed by smoking. Keywords: Women, Aquaculture, Fisheries, Kano State, Nigeria

    In vitro evaluation of nutritional quality of ensiled rice offal enhanced with nonprotein nitrogen sources and soybean meal residue

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    An experiment was conducted to assess the appearance, smell, texture, pH, temperature, chemical composition and energy content of ensiled Rice offal (RO) treated with non-protein nitrogen sources and soybean meal residue in a completely randomized design. Rice offal was treated with different proportions of Urea, Poultry litter (PL) and Soybean meal residue (SBMR) and ensiled. The treatment combinations were; A (100%RO), B (100%RO + Urea),C (75%RO + 25%PL), D (50%RO + 50%PL), E (75%RO + 25%SBMR) and F (50%RO + 50%SBMR). The treatments were ensiled for 21 days in triplicates. The results showed that silages were adequately fermented with sweet aroma. The silages were acidic (4.70 – 5.80) except for treatments C and D which had pH of 7.20 and 7.00, respectively. The temperatures of the silages were significantly (P<0.05) different. The proximate composition of silages differed significantly (P<0.05), being highest for %CP, %EE and ash in treatment B. Dry matter contents were also significantly different (P<0.05) with treatment A having the highest (90.25%). Rice offal and Urea mixtures resulted in silages with highest NDF, HEM and Energy. Lowest NDF was obtained in treatment without additive (Treatment A) compared to all other treatments. Least ADF was obtained in Treatment E (75% RO + 25% SBMR). Enhancement of rice offal with urea, poultry litter and soybean meal residue has shown improvement in the silage physiochemical quality. Keywords: In vitro; Additives; Ensilage; Rice offal; Poultry litter; Fermentatio

    Challenges and Opportunities in the Selective Laser Melting of Biodegradable Metals for Load-Bearing Bone Scaffold Applications

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