17 research outputs found

    Mainstreaming One-Health Concept & Approach into postgradute research

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    Mainstreaming One Health into general agricultural and food security intervisions seeks to provide a onestop solution to addressing the current effects of climate change. While focus is farmers and other users, the needs to identify and capacitate future researchers and practionners with adequate knowledge will augment the already exiting approaches. One health ontroduction into research, teaching and community services has redefined research in the agriculture and climate change space. This has created a nexus which AICCRA sponsored students unpacking through research. Capacity trainings and seminar presentations has provided feedback on how One health is required for research output

    Divergent climate smartness priority setting by practitioners vis-Ă -vis advisors: implications on inclusivity, one-health achievement, and enabling environment

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    By capturing the prioritization of 22 innovations by 71 farmers against those of advisors, this paper examines the level of awareness and contextualized conceptualization of 31 indicators of Climate Smartness Plus (equity, one health and enabling environment). Concordance analysis reveals differences in prioritization among farmers and agricultural advisors: with advisors giving relatively higher ratings as they set broader goals than farmers. We find that farmers give equal priority to productivity, adaptation, and mitigation while advisors overly prioritise productivit

    Situational Analysis and Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy: Towards the making of gender and youth smart innovations in Ghana

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    The working paper presents AICCRA Ghana's situational analysis on differential access to and use of agriculture resources in intervention communities and highlight our strategy to mainstream gender and social inclusion into AICCRA's innovations. Through a traingulation of data from literature review, needs assessments, and baseline study, the document discusses gender and generational differences in access to and use of land, labour, capital, extensions services and participation in farmer based organisations. The document highlights how the identified gender and generational gaps are rooted in community norms and customs that define who has access to what resources under what conditions. Resulting from the situational analysis, the document presents a strategy to mainstream gender and social inclusion that builds on two main pillars: 1.Capacitation of AICCRA partners/collaborators, and farmers in communities, households and organised groups to improve access and use of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Climate Information Services (CIS) 2. Transformational dialogues with partners/collaborators and communities to reflect and change norms that entrech gender and generational inequalties

    Knowledge and utilisation of climate information services and climate smart agriculture for climate readiness and one-health in Ghana

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    Adaptation to climate change is happening on several fronts. The study was commissioned to capture gender dynamics in climate information services, climate smart agriculture technologies, and climate-smart one–health interventions for promoting social inclusion and informing policy in Ghana’s food systems. The study regions were selected based on previous evidence of impacts of climate change generated by Climate Change and Food Security (CCAFS) project. The study therefore, takes stock of existing practices, information channels and their impacts to inform further research and development

    Promoting the National Framework for Climate Services in Ghana Through Collaborative Effort for Sustainable Agriculture

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    This policy briefing captures recommendations for the development and implementation of the National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) in Ghan

    Making CSA-CIS-One-health Innovations Inclusive: AICCRA Ghana activities on mainstreaming and customizing innovations to women and youth needs

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    AICCRA Ghana prioritized cowpea and sweet potato value chains for their women friendliness in addition to maize, yam and tomatoes which also involve substantial numbers of women and youth in their value chains. The project prioritized CSA technologies that are women and youth friendly including their lower associated drudgery, affordability, availability and socio-cultural acceptability. To disseminate these technologies, AICCRA Ghana ensured plots selected to host demonstration were convenient to women. The project intentionally selected women’s plots to host demonstration as a way to demystify cultural norms around the productivity of women’s farms. The project further customized field days to the meetings of women’s VSLA groups to encourage more women to attend. The project disseminated CIS through community radios which reached many women and was crucial for farm decision making especially the harvesting of cowpea. To improve women’s decision making in farmer based organizations, AICCRA Ghana convened women’s sub-groups and engaged in transformative dialogues around gender norms that impede their participation and leadership. This improved women’s collective action and improved their voice in FBOs

    Capacitation of stakeholders on CSA, CIS and One-Health approaches

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    In order to establish and go on to strengthen CSA-CIS and One-Health Innovation Platforms at the AICCRA project intervention communities, there is the need to train relevant intermediary stakeholders to understand the One-Health concept and how it can be boosted with climate-smart agriculture innovations and integrated climate services for agriculture. These intermediary stakeholders comprise of municipal/district agriculture directors, crop officers, extension officers, and lead farmers. Their understanding of these concepts will contribute to mainstreaming them into their day-to day activities and sharing the knowledge beyond the AICCRA intervention communities

    Training Manual on Bundled Climate Smart Agriculture, Climate Information Services and One-Health Technologies for Priority Value Chains

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    The manual is an addendum to the prioritized and bundled Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Climate Information Services Innovations that is One Health Sensitive. The manual is designed as an extension and training tool for trainers of trainees (TOT) and extension agents to support smallholder farmers most especially stakeholders in AICCRA intervention communities. Users will find the manual very useful and it is hoped that Agriculture Extension Agents (AEAs), farmers, students, and other end users will apply the modules to increase crop production in the target agroecologies. Specifically, the manual provides climate information services, climate smart agriculture innovations and one health intervention that have been prioritized along maize, cowpea, yam, sweetpotato and tomato value chains

    Constructing A Climate-Smart Readiness Index for smallholder farmers: The case of prioritized Bundles of Climate Information Services and Climate Smart Agriculture in Ghana

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    Bundling of CSA-CIS are relatively distinct although they are impactful when integrated. Farmers and Agric Officers rated 21 innovations based on CSA, gender, youth and social inclusion (GSI), enabling environment (EE), one-health achievement (OHA), and end-user friendliness (EUF). for prioritization, bundling and to construct the Climate Smart Readiness Index (CSRI). There were fundamental differences in concordance in their respective rankings. A high level of concordance exist between ratings by farmers and advisors on the CS score; moderate concordance on OHA and a lower concordance on GSI. CS, GSI, OHA, EUF, and EE integrates towards CSRI through the Fornell-Larcker and the Heterotrait-Monotrait criteria. OHA was a key determinant of CSRI for farmers while EE was for Agric Officers