764 research outputs found

    Holocene lake sediment core sequences from Lochnagar, Cairngorm Mts., Scotland - UK final report for CHILL-10,000

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    The CHILL 10,000 research objective at Lochnagar is to examine proxy data for temperature and climate conditions. Changes in lake sediment stratigraphical data can be used to reconstruct past conditions. These proxies include organic and minerogenic matter as a bulk proxy for catchment and within-lake productivity, chironomids as a proxy for air temperature, diatoms as an indicator for lake water pH, pollen as an indicator of catchment vegetation and finally biomarkers to help determine changes in proportions of organic source material within the lake mud

    The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Primal Approach

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    The network metaphor in the analysis of urban and territorial cases has a long tradition especially in transportation/land-use planning and economic geography. More recently, urban design has brought its contribution by means of the "space syntax" methodology. All these approaches, though under different terms like accessibility, proximity, integration,connectivity, cost or effort, focus on the idea that some places (or streets) are more important than others because they are more central. The study of centrality in complex systems,however, originated in other scientific areas, namely in structural sociology, well before its use in urban studies; moreover, as a structural property of the system, centrality has never been extensively investigated metrically in geographic networks as it has been topologically in a wide range of other relational networks like social, biological or technological. After two previous works on some structural properties of the dual and primal graph representations of urban street networks (Porta et al. cond-mat/0411241; Crucitti et al. physics/0504163), in this paper we provide an in-depth investigation of centrality in the primal approach as compared to the dual one, with a special focus on potentials for urban design.Comment: 19 page, 4 figures. Paper related to the paper "The Network Analysis of Urban Streets: A Dual Approach" cond-mat/041124

    Lensing-Induced Structure of Submillimeter Sources: Implications for the Microwave Background

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    We consider the effect of lensing by galaxy clusters on the angular distribution of submillimeter wavelength objects. While lensing does not change the total flux and number counts of submillimeter sources, it can affect the number counts and fluxes of flux-limited samples. Therefore imposing a flux cut on point sources not only reduces the overall Poisson noise, but imprints the correlations between lensing clusters on the unresolved flux distribution. Using a simple model, we quantify the lensing anisotropy induced in flux-limited samples and compare this to Poisson noise. We find that while the level of induced anisotropies on the scale of the cluster angular correlation length is comparable to Poisson noise for a slowly evolving cluster model, it is negligible for more realistic models of cluster evolution. Thus the removal of point sources is not expected to induce measurable structure in the microwave or far-infrared backgrounds.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Testing Cold Dark Matter Models At Moderate to High Redshift

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    The COBE microwave background temperature fluctuations and the abundance of local rich clusters of galaxies provide the two most powerful constraints on cosmological models. When all variants of the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model are subject to the combined constraint, the power spectrum of any model is fixed to 10\sim 10% accuracy in both the shape and overall amplitude. These constrained models are not expected to differ dramatically in their local large-scale structure properties. However, their evolutionary histories differ, resulting in dramatic differences towards high redshift. We examine in detail six standardized, COBE and cluster normalized CDM models with respect to a large set of independent observations. The observations include correlation function of rich clusters of galaxies, galaxy power spectrum, evolution of rich cluster abundance, gravitational lensing by moderate -to-high redshift clusters, \lya forest, damped \lya systems, high redshift galaxies, reionization of the universe and future CMB experiments. It seems that each of the independent observations examined is or potentially is capable of distinguishing between at least some of the models. The combined power of several or all of these observations is tremendous. Thus, we appear to be on the verge of being able to make dramatic tests of all models in the near future using a rapidly growing set of observations, mostly at moderate to high redshift. Consistency or inconsistency between different observed phenomena on different scales and/or at different epochs with respect to the models will have profound implications for theory of growth of cosmic structure.Comment: ApJ in press (1998), 26 emulateapj page

    Evaluation Research and Institutional Pressures: Challenges in Public-Nonprofit Contracting

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    This article examines the connection between program evaluation research and decision-making by public managers. Drawing on neo-institutional theory, a framework is presented for diagnosing the pressures and conditions that lead alternatively toward or away the rational use of evaluation research. Three cases of public-nonprofit contracting for the delivery of major programs are presented to clarify the way coercive, mimetic, and normative pressures interfere with a sound connection being made between research and implementation. The article concludes by considering how public managers can respond to the isomorphic pressures in their environment that make it hard to act on data relating to program performance.This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 23. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    KAPAO First Light: the design, construction and operation of a low-cost natural guide star adaptive optics system

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    We present the instrument design and first light observations of KAPAO, a natural guide star adaptive optics (AO) system for the Pomona College Table Mountain Observatory (TMO) 1-meter telescope. The KAPAO system has dual science channels with visible and near-infrared cameras, a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, and a commercially available 140-actuator MEMS deformable mirror. The pupil relays are two pairs of custom off-axis parabolas and the control system is based on a version of the Robo-AO control software. The AO system and telescope are remotely operable, and KAPAO is designed to share the Cassegrain focus with the existing TMO polarimeter. We discuss the extensive integration of undergraduate students in the program including the multiple senior theses/capstones and summer assistantships amongst our partner institutions. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0960343

    Appointing Women to Boards: Is There a Cultural Bias?

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    Companies that are serious about corporate governance and business ethics are turning their attention to gender diversity at the most senior levels of business (Institute of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Briefing 21:1, 2011). Board gender diversity has been the subject of several studies carried out by international organizations such as Catalyst (Increasing gender diversity on boards: Current index of formal approaches, 2012), the World Economic Forum (Hausmann et al., The global gender gap report, 2010), and the European Board Diversity Analysis (Is it getting easier to find women on European boards? 2010). They all lead to reports confirming the overall relatively low proportion of women on boards and the slow pace at which more women are being appointed. Furthermore, the proportion of women on corporate boards varies much across countries. Based on institutional theory, this study hypothesizes and tests whether this variation can be attributed to differences in cultural settings across countries. Our analysis of the representation of women on boards for 32 countries during 2010 reveals that two cultural characteristics are indeed associated with the observed differences. We use the cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede (Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values, 1980) to measure this construct. Results show that countries which have the greatest tolerance for inequalities in the distribution of power and those that tend to value the role of men generally exhibit lower representations of women on boards