59 research outputs found

    Evaluation Work Plan Implementation Department of Labor Karimun 2014

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    Work Plan Department of Labor is a technical document which is the operational guidelines for the preparation of annual work program for the current year. While the function is as a guide in the management of the work to be more focused activities in accordance with the vision and mission of the District Government on the implementation of the Work Plan Karimun. Department of Labor Karimun is lack of budget for training, is not yet optimal for the protection of labor and the lack of infrastructure the Department of Labor Karimun. Objective: 1) To study and analyze how the implementation of the work plan on the Department of Labor Karimun 2) To determine the factors that affect the implementation of the work plan of the Department of Labor Karimun. Theoretical concepts using Nurcholis (2003) as a guideline research Implementation Evaluation 1) Input is the input required for the implementation of the policy, 2) process that is the policy formulated in the form of direct services, 3) The output is the result of the implementation of policies and 4) Outcomes ie an executor policies have a significant impact on the target group. The informants were taken from some employees Department of Labor Karimun. Population serve as informants for this study using qualitative research. The types and sources of data used primary data, ie data obtained directly from the respondents and secondary data, ie data obtained through reporting, books and records. Data collection technique used interview, observation, documentation. Data analysis techniques by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and draw conclusions. From the results obtained in the research work plan implementation Department of Labor Karimun how big objectives of the work plan can already covered or illustrated clearly that the implementation of this Renja still many obstacles or not everything went smoothly. At the Department of Labor Karimun impact on manpower development process, efforts to improve labor skills against free competition-based economy will be difficult to achieve and to create reciprocal government and society will be difficult to be realized. Factors that affect the implementation of the work plan delays the Department of Labor in 2014 Karimun Regency is located in Dana, Infrastructure, Communications and Resources. Thus concluded the evaluation of the Department of Labor Karimun is optimal in the quality of execution for the evaluation aims to determine the quality of the implementation of the run

    Implementasi Perda Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas di Peknabaru (Studi Kasus Penyediaan Aksessibilitas Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Transportasi)

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    Disability community is a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia in the Act of 1945 is guaranteed to have the status, rights, obligations, and the same role with other citizens. Therefore, the government should give adequate attention to the disabled, including in terms of provision of services, especially the accessibility of land transport infrastructure. Reality has shown the opposite. Social services and the mobility of persons with disabilities are lacking a proper where most of the accessibility barriers still prevalent. This makes disabled people disenfranchised in getting similar services and even to say good. based on that researcher interest to study how the Implementation Regulation No. 18 Year 2013 on the Protection and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities In the city of Pekanbaru (Case Study accessibility Provision of Infrastructure and Transport Infrastructure. The concept of the theory used is the theory of implementation according to Van Meter Van Horn (2008), which says that there are several variables that affect the performance of a public policy implementation. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive data assessment. techniques of data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation which the parties involved in this study as an informant. The results of this study indicate that the process of implementation of the regulation number 18 of 2013 on the protection and empowerment of persons with disabilities can not be executed properly. The standards that have been set have not been implemented properly. Still many of its implementation is not in accordance with established standards

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pengembangan Kabupaten/ Kota Layak Anak di Kabupaten Bengkalis (Studi Kasus: Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum)

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    Bengkalis District implemented a policy in the form of a mandate program from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection namely Development of District/ City Worthy of Children. But the implementation of this program is in fact still many shortcomings in the implementation. The purpose of the issues is to evaluatate the implementation of the Program Development of District/ City Worthy of Children in Bengkalis District, especially for children face with the law, any factors that affect Evaluation Implementation of the program District/ City Worthy of Children in Bengkalis, especially children face with the law.There are 6 evaluation criteria namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness, and determination. In this study, the researcher uses the informant research through key informants and complementary informants. Key informants are the Secretary of the integrated service center of women and children empowerment, while complementary informants are figures who are considered to know about this problem. For that information researchers used the technique of snowball sampling.Based on the results of the evaluation of the researchers that the evaluation of development programs District/ City Worthy of Children in Bengkalis District (Case Study: Children Faced With the Law) has not optimally. Implementation has not been effective, inefficient because in terms of cost, and energy that is still lacking, not enough to satisfy the needs of the society, the response to this policy is also lacking. The factors that influence the evaluation of this policy are Sosialization, Facility, Society Participation, and communication among organization

    Implementasi Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Desa (Rkpdes) dalam Bidang Pembangunan Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Tanah Merah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    This research is motivated by Infrastructure Development of Tanah Merah Village, Tanah Merah Sub-district, Indragiri Hilir Regency that has not been realized well in accordance with the Tanah Merah Village Development Program Activity Plan as stated in RKPDes Desa Tanah Merah document. The purpose of this research is to find out how is the Implementation of Village Government Work Plan (RKPDes) in the Village Development Sector of Tanah Merah based on Indragiri Hilir Regent Regulation No. 27 of 2016 about Regional Development Plans Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2016 Year and what factors that affect the Implementation of Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2016 Year at the field of development of the village of Tanah Merah.Based on the formulation above of the research problems, to answer the purpose of research, the authors use the theory Tachjan (2006: 8). According to him, there are three things that must be fulfilled in the absolute implementation of: First, the Implementing Elements, Second, Programs conducted, Third, Target Group.While the method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, in the form of primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques such as observation and interview. Determination method of research informant used is triangulation technique. Research location in Tanah Merah Village and Tanah Merah Village Office Tanah Merah Sub-district Indragiri Hilir Regency.The result of the research shows that the Implementation of Village Government Work Plan (RKPDes) in the Village Development Sector of Tanah Merah Tanah Merah Sub-district of Indragiri Hilir Regency conducted by Tanah Merah Village with a description of who becomes the implementing element of the village development program and how it is implemented. In the implementation of the system has not been realized optimally with influencing factors such as communication factors and geographical factors

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Penggunaan Alokasi Dana Desa (Add) Di Desa Setako Raya Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Village Allocation Fund is a part of the central and regional equalization fund devoted to the village in implementing government services and community empowerment. Village Allocation Fund recived through rural development planning. But in reality the effectiveness of the implementation of the use is still not effective. In the implementation of the us the village allocation fund does not comply with the exixting policy, the human resources are still inadequate, the construction of facilies and infrastructure that had not been realized, Lack of the community participation. This studi aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the us village allocation fund In the Setako Raya subdisctrict of the Peranap Indragiri Hulu.The concept of the theory that researchers use is organizational effectiveness by using Gibson's theory by looking at the goals to be achieved clarity, clarity goal attainment strategy, process analysis and formulation of policy steady, careful planning, preparation of appropriate programs, availability of the insfrastructure and surveillance systems and control didactic. The researched method used is a qualititative researched study descriptive. In data collection, research using interview, observation and documentation stipulated by snowball samping.The result showed that the effectiveness of the implementation the use village allocation fund in the Setako Raya Subdisctrict of Peranap Indragiri Hulu has not been effective in the use of village allocation fund in not accordance with government policy. but it is still a lot of programs tha have not been implemented. As for the factors that influence that effectiveness of the implementation the use Village Allocation Fund in the Setako Raya subdisctrict of Peranap Indragiri Hulu the quality of human resources and coordination that has not been good

    Efektifitas Pelayanan Administrasi Pertanahan di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The National Land Agency conducts land certification services, one of which is the transfer of land rights. Currently, many communities have not registered their land, lack of socialization of land registration procedures, objectives of land registration, lack of knowledge of land law grounds, and ineffective service delivery. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Land Administration Services and to determine the factors that affect the service of Land Administration at the BPN Office Kecamatan Tampan. Based on the effectiveness theory of S. Siagian namely, Clarity of goals to be achieved, Clarity of goal achievement strategy, Process analysis and formulation of a solid policy, Mature Planning, Preparation of appropriate programs, the availability of facilities and work infrastructure. The factors that affect the Limited Quality of Resources and Lack of information. Research location at BPN office Pekanbaru city. The research informants are the head of BPN, BPN staff, Head of Land Rights and Land Registry, Koflik and Case Dispute Disputes as well as the community taking care of the land certificate. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive analysis by using data collection method technique by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that the effectiveness in the Administration of Land Administration at BPN Kecamatan Tampan office showed that there was a problem at the time of handling which was not in accordance with the existing regulations. The cost of taking care of the certificate is appropriate. BPN employees are given the opportunity to attend technical and non technical education and training. Coordination of kelurahan and BPN in the land administration process is needed, so there is no waiting list that is so long. Public service one of the fulfillment of welfare then automatically becomes the fulfillment of community rights

    Manajemen Laporan Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik oleh Ombudsman Perwakilan Provinsi Riau di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The research present describe management report of public services by Ombudsman Republic of Indonesia district Riau Province subdistrict Pekanbaru City. One of main job describtion a government are public services as a democracy state. Since reformation era Indonesia government always do instropections for their authority, but until now still report from the society about the problem of public service. In order that since 2002 Indonesia government create a institutions that have function to receive and investigation the report from the society are Ombudsman Republic of Indonesia. Until now Ombudsman have a representative in every Province in Indonesia and can make optimalization their function.The research use the methode are qualitative methodes that analyze problem research by describe the subject and object conditions based on real fact. This research use location in Pekanbaru City and researcher collect data from books, government regulation, jurnal, mass media, website and deep interview with informan likes Head of Ombudsman Representative of Riau Province, Commisioner of Ombudsman Representative of Riau Province and the citizens that has report.The conclusion of this research about management report of public services by Ombudsman Republic of Indonesia district Riau Province subdistrict Pekanbaru City are done by some steps likes receive and registration a report from society and inisiative from Ombudsman, processing a report and investigations a report from society by mediation, special adjudication and systemic review and output from Ombudsman by result and recomendation and publication report for precident, legislative and mass media. Some factors that cause the management report of public services by Ombudsman Republic of Indonesia district Riau Province subdistrict Pekanbaru City are minims of human resources in Ombudsman Representative of Riau Province, minims of budgeting and facility in Ombudsman Representative of Riau Province

    Efektivitas Program Kerja Unit Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Rekayasa (Dikyasa) Satlantas Polresta Pekanbaru Tahun 2015

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    Pekanbaru city which is the capital of Riau province, continue doing development in various fields for the realization of Pekanbaru city as a metropolitan city that is civil, it must be prepared. The real problems faced by the city of Pekanbaru one of which is the bottleneck. Congestion is one of the negative impact from the more advanced development, especially in the field of production of motor vehicles that cause heavy traffic. This is because not match the number of vehicles with an area of road that will eventually allow traffic accidents and cause discomfort for the users of the highway. The institutions authorized and responsible for the traffic conditions are particularly Pekanbaru Police Satlantas unit public education and traffic engineering (Dikyasa). In order to realize traffic conditions in an orderly, safe, and comfortable work program implemented by Dikyasa. The work program is meant socialization, education seminars or for the public to be aware and orderly traffic. The concept of the theory used is effectiveness (Mahmudi:2015). This study uses descriptive qualitative research. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interview, observation and documentation. By using key informants as a source of information and analysis of data. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the Work Program Unit (Dikyasa) Police Satlantas Pekanbaru, has not been applied effectively because still there is a problem in the input, namely: human resources are still not adequate in terms of quality and quantity, sources of funding available is not sufficient to carry out the work program, the use of technology has not been utilized to the maximum. With the problems that occurred in the input section, it will affect the results of the work program Pekanbaru Police Satlantas Dikyasa unit. Input troubled course will affect the process, outputs and outcomes or results obtained. In addition, factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation of the work program is community participation. Therefore, the need for additional personnel, improvement of the budget system, the use and mastery of technology, and give a good example to promote public participation

    Efektivitas Fungsi Terminal Gerbangsari Kecamatan Rengat Barat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Terminal built since 1991 and until now has never been used and enforced, it is because of the lack of clarity from the government on this Gerbangsari terminal. The purpose of this study was to determined the effectiveness of Terminal Function Gerbangsari Rengat Western District of Indragiri Hulu. And to investigate the factors that influenced the effectiveness of Terminal Function Gerbangsari Rengat Western District of Indragiri Hulu.The concept of the theory used in this study is the concept of effectiveness Duncan (2008). The research is a qualitative research with descriptive assessment. In the data collection researcher used interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. By using Key Informants as a source of information.From the results of research conducted on the general terminal functions can be assessed not effective, it is because of not achieved some of the existing indicators, as indicators of goal achievement, integration and adaptation. From the several factors that influenced the effectiveness of Terminal functions Gerbangsari Rengat Western District of Indragiri Hulu were the factors that most influenced Facilities gerbangsari terminal that is damaged and no longer maintained, it is very influential on the ineffectiveness of gerbangsari terminal functions. The thing to be done is the repair or renovation of terminal facilities have been damaged. The human resource factor is the driving factor ineffectiveness gerbangsari terminal in terms of human recources are inadequate facilities that are not maintained
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