14 research outputs found
Ayvada Cydonia vulgaris Pers. Olgunlaşmamış Çenek Yapraklardan Somatik Embriyo Oluşumu
Bu çal ışmada, Limon ayvas ı n ı n Cydonia vulgaris Pers. cv Limon serbest tozlanma sonucu olu ş muş tohumları n ı n olgunlaş mam ış çenek yapraklar ı tam çiçeklenmeden 7, 8, 9, 10 ve 11 hafta sonra ç ı karı lm ış ve 250 mg/I Lglutamin, 500 mg/I kasein hidrolisat, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 mg/I benziladenin BA , 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ve 2.0 mg/I 2,4- diklorofenoksiasetik asit 2,4-D ya da naftalenasetik asit NAA ilave edilmi ş makro elment ve demir düzeyi 'A olan değ iştirilmiş Murashige ve Skoog MS ortam ı nda kültüre al ı nm ışt ı r. Çenek yapraklar 4 hafta süreyle karanl ı k koş ullarda inkübe edilmiş ve daha sonra hormon içermeyen 250 mg/I L-glutamin, 500 mg/I kasein hidrolisat ilave edilmi ş makro element ve demir düzeyi A olan de ğ i ştirilmiş MS ortamı nda karanl ı k koş ullarda 3 kez alt kültüre al ı nm ışt ı r. Her alt kültür sonras ı nda embriyonik çenek yaprak oran ı % ve somatik embriyo say ı s ı adet/çenek yaprak belirlenmi ştir. Ara şt ı rmada en yüksek embriyonik çenek yaprak oran ı %53.3 - 80.0 ve somatik embriyo say ı s ı 1.07±0.07 - 2.53±0.79 adet/ çenek yaprak , ba ş lang ı ç ortam ı nda 0.0 mg/I BA + 2.0 mg/ NAA, 0.5 mg/I BA + 0.5 mg/I 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/I BA + 1.0 mg/I NAA, 1.0 mg/I BA + 2.0 mg/I 2,4-D ya da 1.0 mg/I BA + 1.0 mg/I NAA kombinasyonlar ı kullan ı lm ış ve tam çiçeklenmeden 7 ve 11 hafta sonra kültüre al ı nm ış çenek yapraklardan elde edilmişti
Bazı Ayva Cydonia oblonga Mill. Genotiplerinde Yaprak Disklerinden Sürgün Organogenesisi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bazı ayva Cydonia oblonga Mill. genotiplerinde yaprak disklerinden in vitro sürgün organogenesisini uyarmaktır. Çalışmada bitkisel materyal olarak, Quince A bodur , S.Ö. Sabahattin Özbek 39-200 bodur , S.Ö. 18-82 orta kuvvetli ve S.Ö. 58-315 kuvvetli klon anaçları ile Eşme, Limon ve Çukurgöbek çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Organogenesis için iki denemede TDZ + NAA kombinasyonları ya da BA + NAA, AgNO3 ve putrasin uygulamalarının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Sürgün organogenesisi sadece 0.33 mg/l TDZ + 0.5 mg/l NAA + 2.0 mg/l AgNO3 içeren MS Murashige ve Skoog temel besin ortamında önemli düzeyde uyarılmıştır. Bu uygulama ile sürgün oluşturma oranı Quince A’da %80.0, S.Ö. 39-200’de %56.7, S.Ö. 18-82’de %17.5, S.Ö. 58-315’de %37.5, Eşme’de %36.7, Limon’da %40.0 ve Çukurgöbek’de %43.3 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ortalama sürgün sayısı ise genotiplere göre 0.4-2.7 adet/disk arasında değişmişti
Ayaş Ankara Koşullarında Elma, Armut ve Ayvada Bir Yaşlı Fidan Üretiminde ilkbahar Sürgün ve Sonbahar Durgun Göz Aşılarmın Karşılaştırılması
Bu çal ışmada, Ayaş Ankara koş ulları nda elma, armut ve ayvada bir ya şl ı fidan üretiminde ilkbahar sürgün ve sonbahar durgun T göz a şı ları n ı n kullan ı m olanaklar ı , 1996-1998 y ı lları aras ı nda araşt ı rı lm ışt ı r. Ara şt ı rmada, Starkspur Golden Delicious ve Starkrimson elma Malus domestica Borkh. , Akça ve Ankara armut Pyrus communis L. ve Esme ayva Cydonia vulgaris Pers. çeşitleri kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Elma çe şitleri MM 106, armut ve ayva çeş itleri Quince A klon anac ı üzerine a şı lanm ışt ı r. Ara ştı rma sonucunda, durgun a şı da ilkbahar geç donlar ı ndan ve sürgün a şı da sonbahar erken donlar ı ndan zararlanan sürgün oran ı %0.0 olarak kaydedilmiştir. Incelenen tüm özellikler bak ı m ı ndan sonbahar durgun a şı , ilkbahar sürgün a şı ya göre genellikle daha iyi sonuç vermi ştir. Sürgün ve durgun a şı larda aşı tutma oran ı s ı ras ı yla elmada %66.7 ve %99.5; armutta %74.5 ve %96.1; ayvada %38.3-78.3 ve %100.0; tutan a şı larda sürme oran ı elmada %52.2 ve %92.2; armutta °/067.9-92.9 ve %59.7-95.0; ayvada %62.0 ve %91.6; ortalama fidan boyu elmada 0.5-54.09 cm ve 52.10-97.15 cm; armutta 11.91-67.56 cm ve 74.89-82.24 cm; ayvada 0.5-85.70 cm ve 125.85-158.93 cm; ortalama fidan çap ı elmada 2.0-23.2 mm ve 21.0-37.2 mm; armutta 10.4-34.1 mm ve 30.5-44.6 mm; ayvada 2.0-32.1 mm ve 38.5-43.7 mm; I. boy bir yaş l ı fidan oran ı elmada %0.0 ve %0.0-3.3; armutta %0.0 ve %0.0-3.7; ayvada %0.0-12.5 ve %38.1-80.8; II. boy bir ya şl ı fidan oran ı elmada %0.0-1.3 ve %0.0-14.9; armutta %0.0 ve %0.0-5.5 ve ayvada %4.2 ve %16.1'dir
Transgenik olan ve olmayan bazı ceviz (Juglans spp.) genotiplerinde kök lezyon nematodu (Pratylenchus vulnus Allen ve Jensen)'na toleransın İn vitro belirlenmesi
(Jug,şns spp.) genotipıerin, *i,t koşııılarda ıu* i"iv* i"nnffi tryy.aiiiuİnuı,u" Aılen ve Jensen i951),na
toleranşı belirlenmiştir. DyflrV (1/2 N} ve Gamborg,u-6'Jt"*"ı besin ortamı.uzeiınoe
Selection of the promising genotypes in the local apple cultivar collection of Eastern Black Sea region coastal zone maintained in Ankara
Bu araştırmada, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi sahil kesimine ait 241 yerel elma çeşidi ile Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü’nde kurulmuş olan koleksiyon bahçesinden sofralık tüketime uygun ve mutlak periyodisite göstermeyen 50 ümitvar yerel elma çeşidi, UPOV ve Elma Deskriptörü kriterlerine göre meyve özellikleri yönüyle morfolojik olarak tanımlanmıştır. Yerel elma çeşitlerinin meyveleri genellikle küçük-orta ya da orta-iri, küresel, meyve kabuğunun zemin rengi sarımsı yeşil, üst rengi sıvama pembe kırmızı, meyve eti dokusu sert ve rengi beyazdır. Meyvelerin albenisi ve yeme kalitesi iyi, meyve eti ince yapılıdır. Ortalama meyve ağırlıkları 74.3-258.2 g, meyve boyu 48.0-71.7 mm, meyve çapı 54.3- 77.3 mm, boy/çap oranı 0.76-1.03, meyve eti sertliği 71.7-104.8 N, SÇKM miktarı %11.8-16.9, titre edilebilir asitlik değeri %0.27-1.78 arasındadır. Meyve özelliklerine göre yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda 50 ümitvar yerel elma çeşidi arasından 3’ü yazlık, 4’ü güzlük ve 10’u kışlık olmak üzere toplam 17 yerel çeşit öne çıkmıştır. Bunlar, 41, 50, 150 kodlu yazlık; 103, 111, 180, 208 kodlu güzlük ve 29, 46, 58, 93, 100, 120, 131, 152, 194, 213kodlu kışlık yerel elma çeşitleridir.In this study, 50 promising cultivars, suitable for fresh consumption and without alternate bearing from 241 local apple genotypes of Coastal Zone of Eastern Black Sea Region which were planted in the collection orchard at Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture were characterized by morphological traits as fruit attributes based on UPOV and apple descriptor. Fruits of local apple cultivars were, in general, small to medium or medium to large, globose, skin ground color was yellow green, over color was solid flush pink red, flesh was firm and white in color, fruit attractiveness and eating quality was good, and texture was fine. The average fruit weight was 74.3-258.2 g, fruit length was 48.0-71.7 mm, fruit diameter was 54.3-77.3 mm, length/diameter ratio was 0.76-1.03, flesh firmness 71.7-104.8 N, SSC was 11.8-16.9%, titratable acidity was 0.27-1.78%. Among the 50 genotypes, 3 summer type, 4 fall type and 10 winter type genotypes, 17 in total, were found promising based on pomology. These were 41, 50, 150 (summer types); 103, 111, 180, 208 (fall types) and 29, 46, 58,93, 100, 120, 131, 152, 194, 213 (winter types) coded local cultivars
Antioxidant activity and total phenolics of local apple cultivars encountered along the coastal Zone of Northeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey
WOS:000596485700010In this study, antioxidant activity and total phenolics in fruit flesh and fruit flesh + skin tissue of local apple cultivars encountered along the coastal zone of Northeastern Anatolia Region (Turkey) and 5 standard cultivars were determined. In local cultivars, antioxidant activities (mu mol Trolox equivalent (TE) antioxidant g fresh weight (fw)(-1)) varied between 0.17-1.70 in fruit flesh and between 0.35-1.55 in fruit flesh + skin tissue; in standard cultivars, the values varied between 0.24 ('Royal Gala') and 0.29 ('Granny Smith' and 'Pink Lady') in fruit flesh and between 0.27 ('Jonagold') and 0.61 ('Royal Gala') in fruit flesh + skin tissue. In local cultivars, total phenolics (Gallic acid equivalent (GAE) kg fw(-1)) varied between 53.26- 00.54 in fruit flesh and between 89.32-406.91 in fruit flesh + skin tissue; the values in standard cultivars varied between 56.30 ('Royal Gala') and 124.64 ('Jonagold') in fruit flesh and between 102.73 ('Summerred') and 198.72 ('Jonagold') in fruit flesh + skin tissue. Present findings revealed that local cultivars generally had 3-4 times greater antioxidant activity and total phenolics than the standard cultivars. Fruit flesh + skin tissue generally had greater antioxidant activity and total phenolics than the fruit flesh alone. However, the local apple cultivar of - 'Hemsin Elmasi' had greater values of both parameters in fruit flesh than in fruit flesh + skin tissue
Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on Old Home x Farmingdale 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia in Vitro Micrografts
In this study, possibility of creating a specific interstock / rootstock combination to obtain a clonal, semi dwarf, composite pear rootstock tolerant to various stresses by micrografting was investigated. In vitro shoots of ‘Old Home x Farmingdale 333’ (Pyrus communis L.) which is a clonal semi dwarf pear rootstock resistant to fireblight and pear decline was used as interstock, and in vitro Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pallas seedlings known as tolerant to Fe-chlorosis, salinity and drought stresses was used as rootstock. Cleft grafting was applied in micrografts. Grafted seedlings were cultured on Murashige and Skoog basal medium with ½ strength of macronutrients for 8 weeks under white fluorescent light for 16 h day. Cultures, except the control, received complete darkness either 1 or 2 weeks at the beginning of incubation. Graft take success in the control treatment was significantly higher (97.9%) than darkness treatments of 1 or 2 weeks (90.5% and 82.5%, respectively). Ultrastructural observations with transmission electron microscope revealed that dividing cambial initials reached to 2-3 layers, and new xylem and phloem elements distinctly differentiated in transverse sections of the graft union 8 weeks after micrografting in the control and darkness treatments. The results indicated a successful graft union formation
Multidimensional scaling analysis of sensory characteristics and quantitative traits in wild apricots
WOS:000791750800004The Cappadocia Region in Central Anatolia, Turkey is rich in wild apricot genetic resources. In this study, a multivariate analysis method of metric and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) was used to classify 43 wild apricot genotypes and 5 standard cultivars by using Euclidean distance. MDS was applied, based on dissimilarities, to quantitative traits of weight, height, width and thickness of fruit, stone and kernel weight, flesh/stone ratio, total soluble solids content, titratable acidity and pH in fruit juice, and sensory attributes of fruit size and shape, cavity depth, suture (cheek line), fruit apex, fruit attractiveness, skin pubescence, ground and over color (blush), eating quality, aroma, firmness and juiciness of flesh, uniformity of ripening of fruit, flesh color and texture, skin cracking and pit burn susceptibility, separation of stone, stone size and shape (lateral view), stone surface and kernel taste. The results showed that most of the wild apricots (91.66%) had small sized fruits ranging from 10.5 g (type #53) to 79.3 g (type #68) with an average of 25.27 +/- 2.44 g. The genotypes had fair or good eating quality and aroma, good fruit attractiveness and light bitter or sweet kernel taste in general. The harvest date showed quite a wide range between late June and early September among the genotypes. The sufficient number of dimensions was determined by stress value and pseudo-R-2 statistics, then relative positions of genotypes were displayed on graphics. The Aprikoz was the most distinct cultivated apricot from the wild genotypes. Both MDS analyses revealed that most of the wild genotypes had similar fruit characteristics while genotypes of #13, #20, #39, #60, #64, #68 differed the most. The wild apricot individuals with interesting features could be used as a parent in apricot breeding programs for the development of commercial cultivars