862 research outputs found

    Theme of Redemption in Eliot’s The Family Reunion

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    Thomas Sterns Eliot’s second full length poetic play, The Family Reunion is known for its modernity in the matter of expression but medievalism for its contents. Nobody can ignore its importance about its recognition and contribution as a modern play. With this play Eliot presented different kinds of religious modernistic themes. It shows a kind of mirror to the psychological state of human beings. Eliot has presented the spiritual struggle of a lonely character, Harry who is suffering from the hallucination and experiences of having involvement in the act of sinister and desire for its atonement. Harry seems to be unavoidably burdened with the curse which is related to his familial background. Ultimately, he decides to expiate for the same. His feelings of expiation become so strong that he resigns the comfortable ways of life at the place where his family used to reside, the name of the place has been described as Wishwood although none of the wishes seems finely been perfected. He follows the path of self-denial for gaining redemption for himself and his community. Different kinds of mythical and religious images have been used and created to prove its religious concerns.  The alteration of Eumenides from hounds of hell is justified not only by “Oresteia of Aeschyus. With this play, Eliot has tried to explain the idea that suffering leans to atonement. Eliot attempted to connect the classical with the modern. This play has two levels of reality. On the surface level, there is a reunion of the family members of Harry. On the deeper level, Furies pursue Harry. Agatha helps Harry to follow the bright angels. He suffers for redemption. This play reflects Eliot’s recurrent preoccupation with Original Sin. The play is remarkable to greater concerns which is related to a purgatorial confrontation between the human spirit and the Divine spirits which may be called as the Supreme Power. Eliot emphasizes the possibility of salvation through redemption

    Beyond the Bond: Love, Marriage and Romance in Anton Chekhov’s Selected Short Stories

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    Anton Chekhov is a literary giant in nineteenth century fiction. He has contributed to the contemporary literature a deep awareness of human emotions, which foregrounds the necessity to understand the emotional values in narrative. Chekhovian realism has been a formula which writers have diligently followed ever since. In most of his fictional oeuvre he has depicted the individuals of modern society experiencing various shades of emotions which guide their psychological, interpersonal as well as social life. The stories written by Anton Chekhov are kaleidoscopes of various experiences which are an integral part of modern existence. Interpersonal relationships, especially man-woman relationships are portrayed by Chekhov in a striking manner. The present paper is an attempt to study a few of his selected short stories, keeping in mind Chekhov’s interest in a counter-presentation of such relations

    Nation as Identity in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason and The Shadow Lines

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    The terms nations and nationalism despite their common usage, have always been enigmatic terms. The proliferation of theories like post colonialism, multi-culturalism, globalization and post modernism have upheld or defied national identities and boundaries. We are living in the tempestuous uncertainties where on one hand the world is becoming footloose; on the other hand, the same euphoric and hyped cosmopolitanism is hounded by the ghosts of pristine identities. The question of avoiding nations and nationalism and shifting obdurate identities are finding an echo in contemporary literature. Of the contemporary Indian writers of novels in English, Amitav Ghosh happens to be extremely fascinating with his distinctive originality and flair for experimentation. Indeed, as a novelist Amitav Ghosh defies categorization because in each new novel he has shifted his perspective and in the process has moved from one genre to another, exploring diverse subjects and forms such as cultural history, science travel and reportage. The present paper attempts to examine his portrayal of diasporic situations and the impacts of the force of globalization in The Circle of Reasons and the The Shadow Lines, the writers first two novels, for it seems that national boundaries and diasporic thoughts have assumed a central importance in the construction of the novels. Migration and dislocation, indubitably are strikingly significant phenomena of the present time. They truly and effectively depict the postcolonial society as well as people’s postmodern predicament. Like many of his contemporaries, Amitav Ghosh perhaps believes that no culture is self- contained. Nor can any culture exist in isolation. His stories as such move over countries and continents. The characters go beyond their national boundaries and incidents extend across several locations

    Role of Mass Media in Higher Education & its Economic Viability - Part - 4 Unit Cost Analysis

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    This study has been undertaken with an aim to find out whether the role of mass media in higher education could make it Economically viable. For this purpose, it has been considered necessary to analyze the cost per student in conventional system of education and to compare the cost per student in distance and open system of higher education, which has been using mass media for its inputs. To analyze the cost of education in conventional system , one renowned Universities data(during Paradigm Shift years) has been selected for study, further in Distance Education category, IGNOU data has been chosen for analysis, finally on the basis of available data (during that time) Unit C ost per student worked out f or Economic Viability . Here years span selected for data was those which can be consider as "Paradigm Shift Era" for Indian Education System

    Nation as Identity in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason and The Shadow Lines

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    Of the contemporary Indian writers of novels in English, Amitav Ghosh happens to be extremely fascinating with his distinctive originality and flair for experimentation. Indeed as a novelist Amitav Ghosh defies categorization because in each new novel he has shifted his perspective and in the process has moved from one genre to another, exploring diverse subjects and forms such as cultural history, science, travel and reportage. In his novels Amitav Ghosh explores the ideas of nationhood and Diasporas, ideas that involve relationships between individuals belonging to the same or to different communities that sometimes transgress and transcend the shadow lines of political borders. The Shadow Lines is simultaneously about each character's personal identity and probably represents Ghosh's most direct confrontation with nationalism and national identity. Both in Political Science and Geography there is a specific definition of a country or a state. The work 'Country', however, bears a specific meaning to a man. A man's entire entity of present, past as well as future is associated with his own country or native land or homeland. In general, the part of land where one is born becomes one's homeland, native land or motherland. Within the parliamentary system it is a rule that a country will keep up the rights of people of that country but when the state is unable to bear the responsibility of a man, his whole entity is at stake. On the background of that crisis Amitav Ghosh writes an invaluable novel The Shadow Lines. The paper sets out to contextualize 'nation', through a close reading of this novel


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    Business administration in the process of financial statement have highlighted the increasing range of competition in association with the economic security. The part of analysis has administered the statistical analysis of the security management comprising of income statement, balance sheets and the cash flows respectively. In addition to that, the rate accountability has demonstrated the business ideologies in geniting surplus amounts of funds. The study reflects that the business sectors have achieved a market growth of USD 181.69billionin2020andUSD181.69 billion in 2020 and USD 256.74 billion 2021 in accordance with understanding the business strategies. Relatively the connected models are based on financial protocols that helps in determining the course of substantial income value. The aim of the study is based on the evaluation of the importance relating to the financial statements in monitoring the business performance. Moreover, the possible outcomes in administering financial statement in business growth and the source of monetary policies have verified the relaxational elements significantly. The study was conducted based on the SPSS analysis followed by descriptive analysis, correlation, regression and ANOVA. Research findings have stated that the minimum measurement of quality of the education is 2.0 and the maximum value is 4.0. it has been discussed that the feasibility of the research increases with an increase in the monetary values. The effectiveness of the various sources of monetary policies are measured with the help of balance sheets

    Effect Of Comprehensive Knee Rehabilitation Programme On Outcomes Of Pain And Function In Total Knee Replacement Patients With Osteoarthritis: A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study

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    Background and Objective: Total Knee Replacement has been widely used as a treatment option if the conservative management fail in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Knee rehabilitation plays an important role in improvement of Pain and Function post surgery. The main objective of the present study was to assess the patients with Total Knee Replacement with reference to Pain and Function following the knee rehabilitation.Methods: The subjects were recruited from a multispecialty hospital who got admitted for the Total Knee Replacement surgery (n=100). Patient’s demographics, BMI (Body Mass Index, severity of osteoarthritis (K-L grading system), and the co-morbidities were evaluated prior to the surgery. The subjects were evaluated for pain and physical function using Knee Society Score, WOMAC and Oxford Knee Scores a day before the surgery, 3rd month following surgery, 6th month following surgery and 12th month following surgery.Results: Improvement in mean pain score in KSS was found to be 58.1 points from pre operative evaluation to the 12th month whereas the function score in KSS was 52.9 points. Significant improvement in WOMAC and OKS scores was 64.5 points and 29.8 points respectively.Conclusion: Significant improvement in the pain and function was found in patients with Total Knee Replacement by knee rehabilitation


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    The intent of the study used to be to analyse and compare the favored leadership behavior offeminine volley ball players from their coaches. One hundred (Inter-college level =64, AllIndia level=36)) feminine volleyball avid players had been selected to serve as topics for thislearn. The themes have been in age ranged from 19 to 24 years. Management Scale forsporting events developed with the aid of P. Chelladurai (1994) used to be utilized to measurepreferred behavior preferences of feminine volleyball games. To assess the preferredleadership behavior of those female volleyball games, approach, usual deviations, t- ratio andF-ratio have been calculated. The effects of the survey showed that Inter-tuition and All Indiastage female volleyball players exhibited specific preferences on special dimensions of chiefbehavior except training and guideline and autocratic behavior dimensions of preferredmanagement. Inter-school level and All India level feminine volleyball players additionallydesired their coaches more on training and guideline in assessment of the residue of the scalepreferred leadership behavior


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    Good and bad has co-existence since the beginning of the world. Where first one comprises all things which are essential for wellbeing of all whereas other ones connotes negativity. Unfortunately technology cannot be mention as an exception of this rule. The internet and its technologies has opened up many opportunities for all countries to develop their economies. On one hand our scientist, technocrats are using this advanced stream of science for betterment of all and to make India self-dependent and secure from attack of our enemies while on the other hand a very well structured groups (Independent or Nation sponsored) are also using these technologies as a tool to make INDIA weak and helpless.Cyber criminals perform various acts like cyber stalking, on-line harassment, on-line defamation, hacking, and so forth collectively we call it cybercrime. When these activities are managed by organized group systematically and deliberately we term it as CYBER TERRORISM. Cyber terrorism is a well-planned and organized use of technologies by cyber experts resides inside and outside the country for anti-national activities. Although our government is well capable to fight against such challenges it requires support, awareness and alertness from people.This paper highlights some of the basics of cyber terrorism. This paper further discusses about the threats of cyber terrorism and the present status of various cybercrimes in India. This paper aims at creating awareness on cybercrime and suggests check on cybercrime.
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