927 research outputs found

    Temperature regulation of plant hormone signaling during stress and development

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    Global climate change has broad-ranging impacts on the natural environment and human civilization. Increasing average temperatures along with more frequent heat waves collectively have negative effects on cultivated crops in agricultural sectors and wild species in natural ecosystems. These aberrantly hot temperatures, together with cold stress, represent major abiotic stresses to plants. Molecular and physiological responses to high and low temperatures are intricately linked to the regulation of important plant hormones. In this review, we shall highlight our current understanding of how changing temperatures regulate plant hormone pathways during immunity, stress responses and development. This article will present an overview of known temperature-sensitive or temperature-reinforced molecular hubs in hormone biosynthesis, homeostasis, signaling and downstream responses. These include recent advances on temperature regulation at the genomic, transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational levels – directly linking some plant hormone pathways to known thermosensing mechanisms. Where applicable, diverse plant species and various temperature ranges will be presented, along with emerging principles and themes. It is anticipated that a grand unifying synthesis of current and future fundamental outlooks on how fluctuating temperatures regulate important plant hormone signaling pathways can be leveraged towards forward-thinking solutions to develop climate-smart crops amidst our dynamically changing world

    Visualization of Pairwise and Multilocus Linkage Disequilibrium Structure Using Latent Forests

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    Linkage disequilibrium study represents a major issue in statistical genetics as it plays a fundamental role in gene mapping and helps us to learn more about human history. The linkage disequilibrium complex structure makes its exploratory data analysis essential yet challenging. Visualization methods, such as the triangular heat map implemented in Haploview, provide simple and useful tools to help understand complex genetic patterns, but remain insufficient to fully describe them. Probabilistic graphical models have been widely recognized as a powerful formalism allowing a concise and accurate modeling of dependences between variables. In this paper, we propose a method for short-range, long-range and chromosome-wide linkage disequilibrium visualization using forests of hierarchical latent class models. Thanks to its hierarchical nature, our method is shown to provide a compact view of both pairwise and multilocus linkage disequilibrium spatial structures for the geneticist. Besides, a multilocus linkage disequilibrium measure has been designed to evaluate linkage disequilibrium in hierarchy clusters. To learn the proposed model, a new scalable algorithm is presented. It constrains the dependence scope, relying on physical positions, and is able to deal with more than one hundred thousand single nucleotide polymorphisms. The proposed algorithm is fast and does not require phase genotypic data

    MM-Stat – MultiMedia-Statistik: Statistische Datenanalyse – webbasiert, interaktiv und multimedial

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    In der Vergangenheit wurden viele (interaktive) Lehrmaterialien auf proprietären Plattformen entwickelt. Mit den Web 2.0 Technologien bieten sich neue interaktive und technische Möglichkeiten der Darstellung dieser Lehrinhalte auf einer standardisierten Plattform an. Existierende und neue Lehrinhalte im Bereich Statistik, sowohl aus dem Grund- als auch aus dem Hauptstudium, wurden in ein Wiki (http://www.mm-stat.org) übertragen bzw. erstellt. In das frei editierbare Wiki wurden Videos, Aufgaben, Bewertungsfunktionen und Softwareprogramme eingebettet.E-learning, MM-Stat, Wiki, Web 2.0, Open Access

    Innovation trends in industrial biotechnology

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    Microbial fermentations are used for the sustainable production of a range of products. Due to increasing trends in the food sector toward plant-based foods and meat and dairy product substitutes, microbial fermentation will have an increasing role in this sector, as it will enable a sustainable and scalable production of valuable foods and food ingredients. Microbial fermentation will also be used to advance and expand the production of sustainable chemicals and natural products. Much of this market expansion will come from new start-ups that translate academic research into novel processes and products using state-of-the art technologies. Here, we discuss the trends in innovation and technology and provide recommendations for how to successfully start and grow companies in industrial biotechnology

    Hubungan Intellectual Capital Dan Kinerja Belanja Pada Instansi Pemerintah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh intellectual capital terhadap kinerja belanja pada instansi pemerintah. Capital intellectual dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu public human capital, public organizational capital dan relational public capital. Purposive sampling digunakan dalam menentukan sampel penelitian ini yang berjumlah sebanyak 41 observasi. Responden penelitian merupakan pegawai pengelola anggaran di Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa public human capital, public organizational capital, dan relational public capital memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kinerja belanja. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi literatur dalam pengujian intellectual capital pada organisasi sektor publik yang masih jarang dilakukan khususnya dengan menggunakan data Indonesia

    Prevalensi diabetes melitus tipe 2 pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di praktik dokter keluarga Kota Manado

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. As the 6th leading cause of death in developing countries, type 2 DM (T2DM) accounts for 90% of all DM cases. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 states prevalence of DM in Manado City was 4.51%. This study aims to determine the epidemiological data of T2DM during the COVID-19 pandemic in family doctor practices in Manado City, with the specific aim of knowing its prevalence and pattern of it. This study was a retrospective descriptive study with a cross-sectional study design. Data were from the medical record data of T2DM patients in family doctor practices in Manado City from June 2021 to May 2022. The results showed that the prevalence of T2DM in family doctor practices was 28.64%. Most patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were female, and most T2DM patients were over 65 years old. Local health services can carry out counselling efforts to prevent DM disease. Keywords: type 2 diebetes mellitus, prevalence, incidence pattern, age, sex &nbsp


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    Salah satu sektor penyokong perekonomian di Indonesia adalah Industri pertambangan. Di wilayah Kalimantan khususnya Kalimantan timur, aktivitas penambangan terbuka batubara telah banyak dilakukan. kegiatan penambangan terbuka batubara menyumbang peran besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi serta kemajua teknologi bagi Indonesia. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan kajian pada setiap aspek penting seperti kajian hidrologi dan hidrogeologi berupa akuifer sehingga kegiatan penambangan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dapat diatasi. Kajian akuifer pada lokasi penelitian didasarkan pada nilai resistivitas material yang diperoleh lewat salah satu metode geofisika yaitu geolistrik dengan menggunakan konfigurasi wenner-schlumberger. Pada penelitian ini metode geolistrik dilakukan untuk mengetahui keadaan bawah permukaan bumi dengan menginjeksikan dua buah elektroda kedalam tanah menggunakan arus listrik searah dengan jarak tertentu sehingga dengan mengalirkan arus listrik searah dapat diketahui beda potensial dan diperoleh informasi tahanan jenis lapisan bawah permukaan bumi. Nilai tahan jenis material yang diperoleh kemudia diintepretasikan sehingga jenis akuifer pada daerah penelitian dapat diketahui. Hasil interpretasi dari nilai resistivitas material pada daerah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran akuifer untuk lintasan geolistrik 1,2 dan 3 adalah jenis akuifer semi tertekan sementara untuk lintasa geolistrik 4 adalah jenis akuifer tertekan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian hidrologi, Daerah yang diteliti memiliki curah hujan tahunan sebesar 3053,704 mm/tahun dengan luas daerah aliran sungai sebesar 16,586 km2. Sementara itu nilai evapotranspirasi daerah penelitian adalah 1784,21 mm/tahun, surface run-off sebesar 913,51mm/tahun dan imbuhan airtanah sebesar 355,98mm/tahun

    Digital mirror devices and liquid crystal displays in maskless lithography for fabrication of polymer-based holographic structures

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    Polymer-based holographic and diffractive optical elements have gained increasing interest due to their potential to be used in a broad range of applications, such as illumination technology, micro-optics, and holography. We present a production process to fabricate polymer-based diffractive optical elements and holograms. The process is based on maskless lithography, which is used to fabricate optical elements in photoresist. We discuss several lab-level lithography setups based on digital mirror devices and liquid crystal devices with respect to illumination efficiency, resolution, and contrast. The entire optical setup is designed with emphasis on low-cost components, which can be easily implemented in an optical research lab. In a first step, a copy of the microstructures is replicated into optical polymeric materials by means of a soft stamp hot embossing process. The soft stamp is made from polydimethylsiloxan, which is coated onto the microstructure in the photoresist. The hot embossing process is carried out by a self-made and low-cost hot embossing machine. We present confocal topography measurements to quantify the replication accuracy of the process and demonstrate diffractive optical elements and holographic structures, which were fabricated using the process presented. © 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).DFG/CRC/PlanOSGerman Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)/EFB ZN 50

    Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based micro-optical elements and holographic structures

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    Polymer based diffractive optical elements have gained increasing interest due to their potential to be used in various applications such as illumination technology, micro optics and holography. We present a novel production process to fabricate polymer based diffractive optical elements and holograms. The process is based on maskless lithography, which is used to fabricate optical elements in photoresist. We discuss several lab-made lithography setups based on digital mirror devices and liquid crystal devices with respect to light efficiency, resolution and contrast. The whole optical setup is designed with an emphasis on low-cost setups, which can be easily implemented in an optical research lab. In a subsequent step, a copy of the microstructures is easily replicated into optical polymeric materials by means of a soft stamp hot embossing process step. The soft stamp is made from Polydimethylsiloxan, which is coated onto the microstructure in resist. The hot embossing process is carried out by a self-made and low-cost hot embossing machine. We present confocal topography measurements to quantify the replication accuracy of the process and demonstrate diffractive optical elements and holographic structures, which were fabricated using the process presented. © COPYRIGHT SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.DFG/CRC/PlanOSGerman Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)/EFB ZN 50
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