249 research outputs found

    Creation of Supply Chain Management Aimed At Improving the Quality and Accessibility of Municipal Services

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    Abstract— Supply chain management of regulation are mainly used in the field of municipal services management. Coordination between local governments and other organizations that control the provision of municipal services is poorly developed on the territory of municipal entities. The solution to this problem becomes particularly relevant in the context of creating the supply chain system for the management.  It is quite obvious that a review of approaches and methods in organizing the provision of municipal services is necessary under supply chain strategy. First of all, we implemented the effective supply chain for allocation of resources in the context of the transition to medium-term budget planning, and also to the integration of supply chain mechanism for organizing the provision of municipal services in the existing territorial development management system. This article provides an insight into supply chain management practices in a municipal context. It highlights the status, challenges and way forward for the implementation of supply chain management in a municipal environment

    Continuation of the exponentially small transversality for the splitting of separatrices to a whiskered torus with silver ratio

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    We study the exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds of whiskered (hyperbolic) tori with two fast frequencies in nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems whose hyperbolic part is given by a pendulum. We consider a torus whose frequency ratio is the silver number Ω=21\Omega=\sqrt{2}-1. We show that the Poincar\'e-Melnikov method can be applied to establish the existence of 4 transverse homoclinic orbits to the whiskered torus, and provide asymptotic estimates for the tranversality of the splitting whose dependence on the perturbation parameter ε\varepsilon satisfies a periodicity property. We also prove the continuation of the transversality of the homoclinic orbits for all the sufficiently small values of ε\varepsilon, generalizing the results previously known for the golden number.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure


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    Based on the isotope-geochronological (zircons, U-Pb method), petrogeochemical, and structural and petrologic data, the following paper provides a detailed description of the characteristics of the Late Paleozoic basic and granitoid magmatism in the eastern part of the Kaakhem magmatic area (Eastern Tuva). During the formation of the Shivey alkaline-granitoid and Chadal gabbroid massifs in the period of 292–283 Ma, there were revealed two stages of contrasting magmatism. The early stage is characterized by the formation of plutonic mingling structures and intermediate rocks. Deformation structures, widespread in the early-mingling rocks, are superimposed and formed in extensional regime. At a later stage, there occurred a sequential intrusion of salic and mafic magmas into the zones of local extension in the early-mingling host rocks. A similar petrogeochemical composition of basic rocks of the early and late mingling indicates that they all formed from enriched magma. Granosyenites and granites are derived from melting of tonalities and metasedimentary rocks with a significant contribution of the mantle component. The simultaneous formation of the Chadal gabbroid and Shivei granitoid massifs took place at the intraplate stage of the development of geological structures of Eastern Tuva in the Late Paleozoic

    Bose-Einstein condensate as a diagnostic tool for an optical lattice formed by 1064 nm laser light

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    Recently, the thulium atom has been cooled down to the temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation. While the condensate of the thulium atom has a lot of applications in quantum simulations and other areas of physics, it can also serve as a unique diagnostic tool for many atomic experiments. In the present study, the Bose-Einstein condensate of the thulium atom was successfully utilized to diagnose an optical lattice and detect unwanted reflections in the experiments with the 1064 nm optical lattice, which will further be used in a quantum gas microscope experiment


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    Based on the isotope-geochronological (zircons, U-Pb method), petrogeochemical, and structural and petrologic data, the following paper provides a detailed description of the characteristics of the Late Paleozoic basic and granitoid magmatism in the eastern part of the Kaakhem magmatic area (Eastern Tuva). During the formation of the Shivey alkaline-granitoid and Chadal gabbroid massifs in the period of 292–283 Ma, there were revealed two stages of contrasting magmatism. The early stage is characterized by the formation of plutonic mingling structures and intermediate rocks. Deformation structures, widespread in the early-mingling rocks, are superimposed and formed in extensional regime. At a later stage, there occurred a sequential intrusion of salic and mafic magmas into the zones of local extension in the early-mingling host rocks. A similar petrogeochemical composition of basic rocks of the early and late mingling indicates that they all formed from enriched magma. Granosyenites and granites are derived from melting of tonalities and metasedimentary rocks with a significant contribution of the mantle component. The simultaneous formation of the Chadal gabbroid and Shivei granitoid massifs took place at the intraplate stage of the development of geological structures of Eastern Tuva in the Late Paleozoic.В настоящей работе на основе изотопно-геохронологических (цирконы, U-Pb метод), петрогеохимических и структурно-петрологических данных приводится характеристика позднепалеозойского магматизма Каахемского ареала (Восточная Тува). Выявлены два этапа контрастного по составу магматизма при становлении Шивейского щелочно-гранитоидного и Чадалского габброидного массивов в период 292–283 млн лет. Ранний этап характеризуется формированием структур плутонического минглинга и образованием пород промежуточного состава. Деформационные структуры, широко распространенные в породах раннего минглинга, имеют наложенный характер и формировались в обстановках растяжения. На позднем этапе последовательное внедрение салических и мафических магм происходило в зоны локального растяжения во вмещающих породах раннего минглинга. Мафические породы раннего и позднего минглинга идентичны по петрогеохимическому составу, что указывает на их происхождение из единого глубинного обогащенного источника. Образование граносиенитов и гранитов связано с плавлением тоналитов и метаосадочных пород со значительным вкладом мантийного компонента. Одновременное становление Чадалского габброидного и Шивейского гранитоидного массивов происходило на внутриплитном этапе развития геологических структур Восточной Тувы в позднем палеозое

    Eta photoproduction off the neutron at GRAAL: Evidence for a resonant structure at W=1.67 GeV

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    New (preliminary) data on eta photoproduction off the neutron are presented. These data reveal a resonant structure at W=1.67 GeV.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Published in Proceedings of Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons NSTAR2004, Grenoble, France, March 24 - 27, pg.19

    Eta photoproduction off the neutron at GRAAL

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    The gamma n -> eta n quasi-free cross section reveals a resonant structure at W ~ 1.675 GeV. This structure may be a manifestation of a baryon resonance. A priori its properties, the possibly narrow width and the strong photocoupling to the neutron, look surprising. This structure may also signal the existence of a narrow state.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons NSTAR2005, 12 - 15 October 2005, Tallahassee, Florida, US

    Eta photoproduction on the neutron at GRAAL: Measurement of the differential cross section

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    In this contribution, we will present our first preliminary measurement of the differential cross section for the reaction gamma+n->eta+n. Comparison of the reactions gamma+p->eta+p for free and bound proton (D2 target) will also be discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, August 29-September 4 2004, Beijing, Chin

    Lowering the Light Speed Isotropy Limit: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Measurements

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    The measurement of the Compton edge of the scattered electrons in GRAAL facility in European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background dipole reveals up to 10 sigma variations larger than the statistical errors. We now show that the variations are not due to the frequency variations of the accelerator. The nature of Compton edge variations remains unclear, thus outlining the imperative of dedicated studies of light speed anisotropy