223 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Kinerja Baznas Bogor dan Sukabumi: Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis

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    This study aims to know how performance efficiency BAZNAS in Bogor city, Bogor district, and Sukabumi district, and recommends things need BAZNAS have not been efficient can reach 100 percent efficiency level. This research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, with intermediation approach and production approach. The input and output intermediation approach are collected funds, operational costs, and channeled funds. The input and output of production approach are operational costs, socialization costs, collected funds, and channeled funds. The result of this study show that with intermediate approach BAZNAS has descresed efficiency. Calculation of production approach indicates that BAZNAS has increased efficiency value. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Sukabumi district has obtained efficiency 100 percent in the both approaches. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional have not been efficient can diminished operational cost and socialization cost, then increased collected funds and channeled funds

    Peran Komunikasi Antarpribadi Guru dan Siswa dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja di Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli

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    Proses komunikasi terutama komunikasi antara guru dan siswa akan mencapai tingkat efektivitas yang maksimal bila didukung dengan hubungan komunikasi antarpribadi yang baik. Disamping itu juga keefektifan dari komunikasi itu sendiri juga perlu didukung dengan melakukan komunikasi yang baik. Dalam hal ini efektif yang dimaksud ialah mengenai sasaran atau mencapai tujuan sesuai dengan maksud si pembicara. Jadi apabila tujuan untuk mengubah sikap, pendapat dan tingkah laku dapat tercapai maka komunikasi antarpribadi itu dapat dikatakan efektif. Selain komunikasi efektif juga adanya pemahaman yang lebih tentang komunikasi itu sendiri seperti pemahaman guru tentang komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Adapun metode yang dilakukan untuk pencapaian tujuan tersebut adalah dengan memberikan wadah serta kegiatan khusus bagi siswa yang bermasalah, agar siswa tidak mengisi kekosongan waktunya untuk melakukan hal-hal yang negatif. Adanya pendekatan hubungan, khususnya bagi siswa yang bermasalah. Sebagai antisipasif hal-hal yang negatif sebelum terjadi masalah yang berdampak besar terhadap era globalisasi. Memperluas jaringan komunikasi dengan orangtua murid, supaya pihak sekolah terutama guru bisa mendapatkan informasi yang akurat Demi mendukungnya motivasi dan mencegah diri setiap siswa dari kenakalan remaja. Penelitian ini lebih menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif

    Analisis Dampak ACFTA Dan Kebijakan Perdagangan Kakao Di Pasar Domestik Dan China

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    Indonesia dan Malaysia bersama dengan negara ASEAN lainnya telah melakukan liberalisasi perdagangan melalui perjanjian ASEAN China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA). Liberalisasi tersebut dimulai dengan pelaksanaan Early Harvest Program (EHP) pada tahun 2005. Dengan menggunakan analisis daya saing Revealed Symetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP), dan analisis regresi berganda diketahui bahwa daya saing biji kakao Indonesia di pasar China terhadap Malaysia ternyata tidak meningkat sejak pelaksanaan ACFTA. Daya saing ekspor biji kakao Indonesia di pasar China telah memasuki tahap kematangan. Malaysia telah menghentikan ekspor biji kakao ke China dan menggeser ke produk setengah jadi. Indonesia tidak meraih keuntungan dalam perdagangan bebas ACFTA hanya dengan mengekspor produk primer seperti biji kakao ke China. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia harus mengekspor produk kakao seperti kakao bubuk, kakao pasta dan lemak kakao untuk memperoleh nilai tambah dan memperbaiki daya saing kakao di pasar China maupun Internasional

    Hubungan Hukum Pengelolaan Wakaf antara Nazhir dan Badan Wakaf Indonesia Provinsi Sumatera Utara terhadap Tanah Wakaf yang Belum Terdaftar (Studi di Kota Medan)

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    Of 1,242 parcels of wakaf land in Medan, 663 of them have been certified and 393 have not, and 186 of them were in the process in the National Land Board and several of them have not been registered which will possibly cause dispute. Wakaf is expected to be able to improve people's welfare, especially Moslems. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the assets of registered and unregistered wakaf land. The problems of the research were as follows: first, how about the correlation between Nazir and BWI (Indonesian Wakaf Board) of North Sumatera, related to the management of unregistered wakaf land in Medan; secondly, how about the obstacles faced by Nazir and BWI of North Sumatera in managing unregistered wakaf land; and thirdly, how about the role BWI in controlling the management of unregistered wakaf land in Medan

    Evaluation of Changes in Dose Estimation on Abdomen CT Scan with Automatic Tube Current Modulation Using In-House Phantom

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    This study evaluates the effect of the Automatic Tube Current Modulation (ATCM) technique on pitch and effective diameter variation in estimating dose values and noise levels for abdominal examination on Philips Ingenuity CT scan machine using in-house Phantoms. The in-house phantoms are oval in shape with three effective diameter sizes, namely 23.2 cm, 28.3 cm, and 33.3 cm to represent abdominal region. The three size Phantoms were scanned using an Ingenuity 128 Philips CT scan with the abdominal protocol exposure parameters of 120 kVp tube voltage, Dose Right Index (DRI) variations of 10,11,12,13, and 14, and pitch variations of 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; and 1.49. The changes in mAs, CTDIvol, and noise to the Philips reference value were then verified (i.e. an addition of one DRI value increases mAs by 12 %). For evaluation, a metric to express the change in DRI is defined as ΔDRI. The study demonstrates that noise level is influenced by object size; size information of the object could be useful to predict the change of tube current and pitch due to ATCM with respect to selected DRI. The DRI value is proportional to the tube current, thus selecting the DRI at a certain pitch will directly determine tube current. The ΔDRI in general, according to Philips specifications, is verified to be approximately 10 % to 13 %, except for DRI 10 to 11 which is relatively high on average 15 % to 17 %. Increasing DRI increases the CTDIvol. The CTDI/mAs constantly ranges of 0.06 to 0.07. The value could serve as a characteristic parameter for quality assurance. The ATCM specifications of the Ingenuity 128 CT Scanner is according to Philips regulations

    Uji Efektivitas JamurMetarhizium Anisopliae (Metch.) Dan Helicoverpa Armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (HaNPV) Terhadap Larva Penggerek Tongkol Jagung Helicoperva Armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Di Lapangan

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    The aim of this research was to know effective concentrationof M. anisopliae and HaNPV to Helicoperva armigera in the field. This research was carried out in Desa Tanjung Makmur Subdistrict Tandem Hulu 1 District Deli Serdang. This research used sampling random technique non factorial with seven treatments and four replications. They were the result showed that the highest larvae population was control (1.35) and the lowest was HaNPV 6g/liter of water (0.10). The highest of attacked intensity was control (38.75% ) and the lowest was HaNPV 6g/liter of water (2.50%). The highest production was HaNPV 6g/liter of water (261.09 g) and the lowest was M. anisopliae 4g/liter of water(234.45 g)

    Estimation of Carbon Potential Above the Ground at the Stand Level Poles and Trees in Forest City Pekanbaru

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    The process of increasing temperature in the atmosphere or global warming is a climate change that has always been environmental problems. Related to the phenomenon of climate change, plants have an important role because it can absorb and store carbon as biomass through sequestration mechanism. Pekanbaru is a tropical city and it has temperature is high. The forest city areas as a green open space has a very large role in lowering the air temperature and tackling global warming. This research aimed to estimate the magnitude of the potential of biomass carbon in the area of forest city in ​​Pekanbaru. The result of this research is expected data the magnitude of potential carbon content above ground level on the forest. This research only measured the carbon content above ground level of poles and tree stands. Measures of conducted the measurement of Diameter Breast Height (DBH) and the identification of tree species. The results showed the magnitude of the potential of biomass carbon in the areas of forest city in Pekanbaru is 59.929 tons / ha or 366.166 tons when extrapolated to the total area of forest city Pekanbaru is ​​6.11 ha

    Pengaruh PH Terhadap Pembentukan Bintil Akar , Serapan Hara N, Pdan Produksi Tanaman Pada Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Pada Tanah Inseptisol Di Rumah Kasa

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    Indonesia is an agrarian country which focuses on agriculture sector, but has a lot of acid reaction soil. Among all plant species for cultivation activity, soybean is one of the most often plant which use for cultivation activity in Indonesia. The Purpose of this research is finding the effect of pH on root nodule formation, nitrogen and phosphorusuptake and crop production on some varieties of soybean in Inceptisol at screen house. This research use randomized block design factorial method, with 2 factor, first was pH, second was soybean varieties which quantity and weight of root nodule, plant's nitrogen and phosphorus content, plant's nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, soil pH, dry plant weight, and also quantity of pod plant as the parameter. The result of this research show that Tanggamus was the variety which had quantity of pod most is about 108 and also the most high nitrogen content 3.218 % in both condition of pH
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