16 research outputs found

    Silver recovery from the waste materials by the method of flotation process

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    During the leaching process of zinc concentrates, the waste materials rich in various metals such as eg. silver are produced. So far no attempts of silver recovery from the mentioned waste materials have been made due to the lack of any method which would be both effective and beneficial. The paper presents some possibilities of application of flotation process in silver recovery form waste materials generated during zinc production

    Silver recovery from the waste materials by the method of flotation process

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    During the leaching process of zinc concentrates, the waste materials rich in various metals such as eg. silver are produced. So far no attempts of silver recovery from the mentioned waste materials have been made due to the lack of any method which would be both effective and beneficial. The paper presents some possibilities of application of flotation process in silver recovery form waste materials generated during zinc production

    Effect of Alloying Additives and Casting Parameters on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Bronzes

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    The studied silicon bronze (CuSi3Zn3Mn1) is characterised by good strength and corrosion resistance due to the alloying elements that are present in it (Si, Zn, Mn, Fe). This study analysed the casting process in green sand moulding, gravity die casting, and centrifugal casting with a horizontal axis of rotation. The influences of Ni and Zr alloying additives as well as the casting technology that was used were evaluated on the alloy’s microstructure and mechanical properties. The results of the conducted research are presented in the form of the influence of the technology (GS, GZ, GM) and the content of the introduced alloy additives on the mechanical parameters (UTS, A10, and Proof Stress, BHN). The analysis of the tests that were carried out made it possible to determine which of the studied casting technologies had the best mechanical properties. Microstructure of metal poured into metal mould was finer than that which was cast into moulding compound. Mechanical properties of castings made in moulding compound were lower than those that were cast into metal moulds. Increased nickel content affected the BHN parameter

    Research on usage of sewage sludge for soil reclamation and fertilizing

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych od 5 lipca 2004 r. do 2 maja 2005 r. badań nad wykorzystaniem osadów ściekowych do uprawy roślin. Zastosowano trzy mieszanki ziemi z osadem (0%, 50% i 75% osadu), w których zasadzono różne rośliny: jałowiec pospolity, jodłę pospolitą, żywotnik wschodni, żywotnik zachodni, paprotkę zwyczajną, parzydło leśne, tawułę japońską, trzmielinę Fortune'a i rozchodnik brodawkowaty. Mierzono wysokość praz szerokość roślin, a także prowadzono dokumentację zdjęciową w celach wizualnego porównania. Do roślin, które dobrze rozwijają się w środowisku glebowym z domieszką osadu należą: żywotniki (wschodni i zachodni), rozchodnik brodawkowaty, a także parzydło leśne, tawuła japońska oraz trzmielina Fortune'a.In the paper the results of research on usage of sewage sludge for plants cultivation carried out between 5 July 2004 and 2 May 2005 are presented. Three mixtures of soil and sludge (0%, 50% and 75% sludge) were applied as a bedding for several species of plants: Common Juniper, Silver Fir, Chinese Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Common Polypody, Goat's Bread, Japanese Camellia, Fortune's Spindletree, Thick-leaved Stonecrop. Height and width of plants were measured and visual records were taken in eye to conduct visual analysis. Some of analyzed species grow well on soil and sludge bedding: Chinese and American Arborvitae, Thick-leaved Stonecrop, Goat's Bread, Japanese Camellia and Fortune's Spindletree

    Computer simulation of process in molten oxide slag reduction

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    Praca zajmuje się termodynamiczną analizą elementarnych procesów chemicznych zachodzących podczas redukcji żużla zawierającego tlenek miedzi. Redukcja żużla zachodzi przez zastosowanie reduktora w postaci stałej - węgla, gazowej - tlenek węgla lub węgla rozpuszczonego w ciekłym żużlu. Obecna praca rozpatruje dwa procesy chemiczne: reakcję ciekłego żużla z węglem oraz z tlenkiem węgla. Korzystając z komercyjnego oprogramowania FATSage obliczono w warunkach równowagi termodynamicznej składy faz dla układów: stały węgiel – ciekły żużel - stop Cu–Fe–Pb – faza gzowa oraz gazowy CO – ciekły żużel – stop Cu–Fe–Pb – faza gazowa. Symulację prowadzono dla temperatury procesu 1500, 1600, 1700 K. Gazowe produkty reakcji redukcji i stop Cu–Fe–Pb były usuwane z układu w każdym kroku obliczeniowym. Uzyskane wyniki obliczeń wykazały, że redukcja za pomocą węgla odgrywa zasadniczą rolę w procesie odzysku miedzi.The present work deals with thermodynamic analysis of process of the reduction of molten slag containing copper oxide. Reduction of liquid slag is possible with solid carbon, gaseous carbon oxide. and carbon dissolved in liquid slag. This work studied two chemical reactions of liquid slag containing copper oxide: with solid carbon and gaseous CO. Thermodynamic equilibrium in the system: solid carbon – liquid slag – metallic alloy Cu–Fe–Pb – gas and gaseous CO – liquid slag – metallic Cu–Fe–Pb – gas were calculated by means of FACTSage software. The simulation of the progress of reduction process at 1500, 1600, 1700K was obtained under assumption that the gaseous reduction products and metallic alloy Cu–Fe–Pb were removed from consideration after each simulation step. The calculation revealed that consumption of reducing agent is much higher in the case of CO reduction. The effect of simulation suggested, that reduction with solid carbon is the predominant mode of industrial process

    Dissolved and suspended forms of caesium-137 in marine and riverine environments of the southern Baltic ecosystem

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    Dissolved and particulate activities of caesium-137 are presented for the coastal and open southern Baltic Sea waters, fluvial waters (the Vistula and Swina rivers) and lagoon waters (the Vistula Lagoon) during 1996-1999 and compared to those collected before the Chernobyl accident. 137Cs was measured in the Baltic Sea waters at different depths as well as 0.2-0.3 m above the sea bed. In a layer of the Gdafsk Bay waters (the Gdafsk Deep location), extending from the surface down to 1-2 meters above the sea bed, the caesium-137 concentrations ranged between 57 and 66 Bq m-3 in 1999, whereas in the layer situated 0.2-0.3 m above the sea bed its concentration increased up to 87 Bq m-3. This phenomenon was also observed in 1994 and 1998. The concentrations of caesium-137 in riverine suspended particulate matter (r SPM) are lower than in the marine SMP (m SMP) and its activity attains respectively 36 and 222 Bq kg-1 based on dry weight. The proportion of caesium-137 in the suspended form in the Baltic Sea waters does not exceed 2 per cent, while in the fluvial suspended form it is as high as 55 per cent

    Silver recovery from the waste materials by the method of flotation process

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    During the leaching process of zinc concentrates, the waste materials rich in various metals such as eg. silver are produced. So far no attempts of silver recovery from the mentioned waste materials have been made due to the lack of any method which would be both effective and beneficial. The paper presents some possibilities of application of flotation process in silver recovery form waste materials generated during zinc production