3 research outputs found


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    Stunting dapat terjadi karena tidak pahamnya perempuan akan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan. Perempuan yang memiliki pemahaman yang baik akan kesehatan diri khusunya pada usia subur, memiliki resiko kecil untuk melahirkan bayi stunting. PKM Strategi Perempuan Usia Subur Dalam Pencegahan Stunting di Kota Kupang, akan mencoba mengenalkan kepada perempuan usia subur pentingnya kesehatan diri demi pencegahan stunting. Tahapan dalam melakukan PKM ini ada dengan sosialisasi, pengukuran kondisi kesehatan perempuan usia subur serta pembagian tablet tambah darah atau vitamin. Pada proses pelaksanaan kegiatan ditemukan sebagian besar peserta mengalami kondisi dimana berpotensi untuk melahirkan bayi stunting. Sehingga sebagai strategi yang diberikan oleh tim pengabdian adalah dengan pemberian tablet tambah darah sebagai langkah untuk mencegah stunting

    Public Service Towards New Habit Adaptation In Kupang City

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    The Covid-19 pandemic which is still hitting various regions in the world, including Indonesia, has encouraged the government to immediately innovate and change policies and provide better public services for the benefit of society at large. besides that, because in the last two decades, the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 has entered, which demands the advancement of data and information systems, including in the public sector. This period gave the government a momentum to increase innovation to improve this sector. This is very complex so that and covers very broad aspects, this process experiences various obstacles and is encouraged to go through this towards adaptation to new habits or better known as the new normal era. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical method. This research shows a best practice in which the Kupang City Government (Pemkot) has carried out various innovations in public sector services such as the use of the SIMPEL application at the Civil Registry Population Service (DISDUKCAPIL) and SIPINTAR at the One-Stop Investment and Services Service (DPMPTSP) Kupang City as well as the QLUE application at the Kupang City Government. This innovation is able to provide a breakthrough in the process of providing public services which must still be carried out in the midst of a pandemic situation which necessitates ASN having to do Work from Home (WFH) and Work from Office (WFO). Even so, there are still several obstacles that need to be considered, especially by the Municipal Government of Kupang.&nbsp

    Implementation of the National Land Information Management System (SIMTANAS) at the Kupang City Land Agency

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    In an effort to change the pattern of serving the public, the National Land Agency, especially in the Kupang City Land Agency, has been providing computer-based services since 1997. Land Office Computerization (KKP) or Land Office Computerization (LOC) creates orderly land administration, improving the quality of land information. Case studies in the field, the informants in this study are employees who work in the Head of General Affairs and Personnel Affairs, Head of Land Measurement and Mapping Sub-section, Plan and Budget Compilation Officer, and Land Infrastructure Officer. Next, the researcher will carry out the stages of data collection according to Creswell as qualitative observation, qualitative interviews, qualitative documents search and qualitative audio and visual material and visual materials). The implementation model that researchers will use is the George Edward model to analyze the process of implementing the National Land Information and Management System (SIMTANAS) policy at the Kupang City Land Agency. On the side, the disposition found that SIMTANAS has only been running in its implementation in the survey, measurement and mapping sections. From the side of human resources, the budget has been fulfilled