8 research outputs found

    Translokacija, degradacija i dekontaminacija nekih pesticida u odnosu na rezidue pesticida u prehrambenim proizvodima

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    This study was designed to establish the extent of translocation, degradation and decontamination of aldrin and lindane in regard to different pedologic characteristics of the soil. The research was conducted at experimental stations with different plant cultures during four years. It was established that pesticides aldrin and lindane, and their metabolites and stereoisomers, are translocated from the soil into plants. Within the plants, they are translocated from the root toward the leaves and grain. A certain stereoisomerization of lindane (gamma-HCH) into alpha-HCH was noted, but further experiments are needed to settle uncertainties. The different soil types at the »Podravina« and »Posavina« stations were also found to have considerable influence on the translocation of pesticides and their degradation.Ovim se radom htio dokazati stupanj translokacije, degradacije i dekontaminacije aldrina·i lindana u odnosu na različite pedološke osebujnosti tla pokusnih postaja na kojima su tijekom četiri godine uzgajane različite biljne kulture. Dokazana je da se aldrin i lindan, te njihov metabolit, odnosno stereoizomer, translociraju iz tla u biljku, a u samoj biljci od korijena prema listu i zrnju. Uočena je stereoizomerizacija lindana (gama-HCH) u alfa-HCH, ali bi daljnjim pokusima trebalo ukloniti prisutne dvojbe. Različiti tipovi tla na postajama »Podravina« i »Posavina« također utječu na translokaciju i degradaciju pesticida

    Determination of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the perirenal and dorsal fatty tissues of pigs

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    The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of the perirenal fatty tissue for the determination of an organochlorine pesticide. Fatty tissue samples were prepared by the matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) method, and pesticide levels were determined by gas chromatography on capillary column using an electron capture detector. Results were confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) system. The results showed that the perirenal fatty tissue contained significantly higher levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) than the dorsal fatty tissue (P < 0.01). All the levels were below the criteria for maximum residue limits established by Croatia and the EU

    Residues of chlorinated pesticides in mother\u27s milk and child\u27s serum

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    Uzorci mlijeka i seruma 27 hospitaliziranih dojilja iz Bjelovara i Zaboka s okolnim mjestima analizirani su na ostatke kloriranih insekticida aldrina, dieldrina, endrina, heptaklora, heptaklor epoksida, lindana i ostalih stereoizomera heksaklorcikloheksana, pp-\u27DDT-a i metabolita (pp-\u27DDE i pp-\u27DDD) i op-\u27DDT. Posebno je još analizirano 18 seruma majki i isto toliko seruma njihove djece koji su svi iz Zagreba. U uzorcima smo dokazali prisutnost samo Gama-HCH (Lindan). Alfa-HCH, pp-\u27DDE, op-\u27DDT, pp-\u27DDD i pp-\u27DDT. Koncentracije nađenih insekticida mnogo su veće u mlijeku dojilja nego u serumima. U serumima djece bilo je manje samo pp-\u27DDE i pp-\u27DDT nego u serumima njihovih majki. Uzorci seruma dojilja iz Zaboka i okolnih mjesta, hospitaliziranih u Zaboku i serumi dojilja iz Bjelovara hospitaliziranih u Zagrebu (N = 27) sadržavaju više navedenih insekticida nego uzorci seruma dojilja s područja Zagreba (N = 18).Milk samples obtained from 27 hospitalized lactating women and an equal number of sera from the same women were examined for residues of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides: aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlorepoxide, lindan and other steroisomers of hexachlorcyclohexane, pp\u27DDT and its metabolites (pp\u27-DDE, pp\u27-DDD) and op\u27-DDT. Additional 18 samples of mother\u27s sera and an equal number of their children\u27s sera were examined separately. The aim was to find out whether there is a correlation between the pesticide residues in mother\u27s serum and mother\u27s milk and in the serum of the mother and her child. The insecticides were determined according to the procedure used by the US Food and Drug Administration (4). Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in the serum were examined with the method described by Wyllie and coworkers (5). In all samples only the presence of a-HCH, y-HCH, pp\u27-DDE, op\u27-DDT, pp\u27-DDD and pp\u27-DDT could be demonstrated. The concentration ratio between mother\u27s milk and serum was between 4 and 11. The concentration ratio between mother\u27s and child\u27s serum was below 1 except for pp\u27-DDE and pp\u27-DDT

    Residues of total and methyl mercury in some fishes and mussels of the Northern Adriatic Sea

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    Uzorci riba ·i školjaka Sjevernog Jadrana analizirani su na ostatke ukupne i metil žive. U svim uzorcima tkiva i organa dokazana je prisutnost ukupne i metil žive. Prosječna vrijednost metil žive u mišićima srdele (20,6 µg/kg), ugora (100,0 µg/kg), tune (225,0 µg/kg) i u dagnjama (15,7 µg/kg) ne premašuje zakonom u nas dopuštene količine. Ukupna živa u istim uzorcima iznosila je u srdeli 170 µg/kg, ugoru 570 µg/kg, tuni 1730 ug/kg, te dagnjama 56 µg/kg. Ove vrijednosti, osim u uzorku tune, nisu, također, iznad dopuštenih.Commercial fishes and mussels were collected in the Northern Adriatic Sea and analysed for total methyl mercury content. Total and methyl mercury were found to be present in all samples. The average total mercury concentrations in sardine, conger-eel, tuna and Mediterranean mussel were 170.0, 570.0, 1730.0 and 56.0 µg/kg respectively. Gas chromatography determination of methyl mercury showed average concentrations in sardine, conger-eel, tuna and Mediterranean mussel to be 20.6, 100.0, 225.0 and 15.7 µg/kg respectively. Total and methyl mercury concentrations were below the tolerance limit except for total mercury content in the tuna muscle tissue (1730 µg/kg)

    Dietary exposure assessment of ß-lactam antibiotic residues in milk on Croatian market

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    This paper presents the preliminary screening report of the occurrence of β-lactam antibiotic residues in milk on Croatian market. The intensive animal production sometimes leads to the unavoidable presence of residues of veterinary drugs in food. However, it is possible to reduce the presence of residues in foods of animal origin by using the principles of good veterinary and good manufacturing practices, continuous control of food and using risk assessment approach. Method used for determination of these antibiotics were validated according to the guidelines laid down by European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The estimated dietary exposure based on the data on average consumption of milk and the estimated concentration of amoxicillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin, cloxacillin, cephapirin, cefazolin, cefoperazone and ceftiofur does not exceed relevant toxicological reference value (acceptable daily intake). These indicate that milk on Croatian market contain very low levels of β-lactam antibiotic residues and toxsicological risk with regard to consuming of milk could not be considered as a public health problem