16,792 research outputs found

    What can we say about seed fields for galactic dynamos?

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    We demonstrate that a quasi-uniform cosmological seed field is a much less suitable seed for a galactic dynamo than has often been believed. The age of the Universe is insufficient for a conventional galactic dynamo to generate a contemporary galactic magnetic field starting from such a seed, accepting conventional estimates for physical quantities. We discuss modifications to the scenario for the evolution of galactic magnetic fields implied by this result. We also consider briefly the implications of a dynamo number that is significantly larger than that given by conventional estimates

    Magnetic fields near the peripheries of galactic discs

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    Magnetic fields are observed beyond the peripheries of optically detected galactic discs, while numerical models of their origin and the typical magnitudes are still absent. Previously, studies of galactic dynamo have avoided considering the peripheries of galactic discs because of the very limited (though gradually growing) knowledge about the local properties of the interstellar medium. Here we investigate the possibility that magnetic fields can be generated in the outskirts of discs, taking the Milky Way as an example. We consider a simple evolving galactic dynamo model in the "no-z" formulation, applicable to peripheral regions of galaxies, for various assumptions about the radial and vertical profiles of the ionized gas disc. The magnetic field may grow as galaxies evolve, even in the more remote parts of the galactic disc, out to radii of 15 to 30 kpc, becoming substantial after times of about 10 Gyr. This result depends weakly on the adopted distributions of the half thickness and surface density of the ionized gas component. The model is robust to changes in the amplitude of the initial field and the position of its maximum strength. The magnetic field in the remote parts of the galactic disc could be generated in situ from a seed field by local dynamo action. Another possibility is field production in the central regions of a galaxy, followed by transport to the disc's periphery by the joint action of the dynamo and turbulent diffusivity. Our results demonstrate the possibilities for the appearance and strengthening of magnetic fields at the peripheries of disc galaxies and emphasize the need for observational tests with new and anticipated radio telescopes (LOFAR, MWA, and SKA).Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. II. Dynamo models

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    We study the generation and maintenance of large-scale magnetic fields in barred galaxies. We take a velocity field (with strong noncircular components) from a published gas dynamical simulation of Athanassoula (1992), and use this as input to a galactic dynamo calculation. Our work is largely motivated by recent high quality VLA radio observations of the barred galaxy NGC 1097, and we compare our results in detail with the regular magnetic fields deduced from these observations. We are able to reproduce most of the conspicuous large-scale features of the observed regular field, including the field structure in the central regions, by using a simple mean-field dynamo model in which the intensity of interstellar turbulence (more precisely, the turbulent diffusivity) is enhanced by a factor of 2-6 in the dust lanes and near the circumnuclear ring. We argue that magnetic fields can be dynamically important, and therefore should be included in models of gas flow in barred galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Revised version (changes shown in bold face

    Applications and Sexual Version of a Simple Model for Biological Ageing

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    We use a simple model for biological ageing to study the mortality of the population, obtaining a good agreement with the Gompertz law. We also simulate the same model on a square lattice, considering different strategies of parental care. The results are in agreement with those obtained earlier with the more complicated Penna model for biological ageing. Finally, we present the sexual version of this simple model.Comment: For Int.J.Mod.Phys.C Dec. 2001; 11 pages including 6 fig

    Magnetic field reversals and galactic dynamos

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    We argue that global magnetic field reversals similar to those observed in the Milky Way occur quite frequently in mean-field galactic dynamo models that have relatively strong, random, seed magnetic fields that are localized in discrete regions. The number of reversals decreases to zero with reduction of the seed strength, efficiency of the galactic dynamo and size of the spots of the seed field. A systematic observational search for magnetic field reversals in a representative sample of spiral galaxies promises to give valuable information concerning seed magnetic fields and, in this way, to clarify the initial stages of galactic magnetic field evolution

    Towards A Mean-Field Formulation Of The Babcock-Leighton Type Solar Dynamo. I. Alpha Coefficient Versus Durney's Double Ring Approach

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    We develop a model of the solar dynamo in which, on the one hand, we follow the Babcock-Leighton approach to include surface processes like the production of poloidal field from the decay of active regions, and, on the other hand, we attempt to develop a mean field theory that can be studied in quantitative detail. One of the main challenges in developing such models is to treat the buoyant rise of toroidal field and the production of poloidal field from it near the surface. We build up a dynamo model with two contrasting methods of treating buoyancy. In one method, we incorporate the generation of the poloidal field near the solar surface by Durney's procedure of double ring eruption. In the second method, the poloidal field generation is treated by a positive alpha-effect concentrated near the solar surface, coupled with an algorithm for handling buoyancy. The two methods are found to give qualitatively similar results.Comment: 32 pages, 27 figures, uses aastex.cls and epsfig.st

    Numerical investigation of friction in inflaton equations of motion

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    The equation of motion for the expectation value of a scalar quantum field does not have the local form that is commonly assumed in studies of inflationary cosmology. We have recently argued that the true, temporally non-local equation of motion does not possess a time-derivative expansion and that the conversion of inflaton energy into particles is not, in principle, described by the friction term estimated from linear response theory. Here, we use numerical methods to investigate whether this obstacle to deriving a local equation of motion is purely formal, or of some quantitative importance. Using a simple scalar-field model, we find that, although the non-equilibrium evolution can exhibit significant damping, this damping is not well described by the local equation of motion obtained from linear response theory. It is possible that linear response theory does not apply to the situation we study only because thermalization turns out to be slow, but we argue that that the large discrepancies we observe indicate a failure of the local approximation at a more fundamental level.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    A Possible Resolution of the Black Hole Information Puzzle

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    The problem of information loss is considered under the assumption that the process of black hole evaporation terminates in the decay of the black hole interior into a baby universe. We show that such theories can be decomposed into superselection sectors labeled by eigenvalues of the third-quantized baby universe field operator, and that scattering is unitary within each superselection sector. This result relies crucially on the quantum-mechanical variability of the decay time. It is further argued that the decay rate in the black hole rest frame is necessarily proportional to eStote^{-S_{tot}}, where StotS_{tot} is the total entropy produced during the evaporation process, entailing a very long-lived remnant.Comment: 15 pages, 3 uuencoded figures. Revised version contains some notational simplification