49 research outputs found

    La colecci贸n Seroka del Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona

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    Si un coleccionista privado quiere que su colecci贸n perdure en el tiempo, que sea conservada en las mejores garant铆as y que haga una funci贸n social, una muy buena opci贸n es la donaci贸n a un museo p煤blico. Este es el caso de la colecci贸n de rocas donada por Peter Seroka en 2014. El departamento de Petrolog铆a del Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona hemos estado estudiando y documentando exhaustivamente esta colecci贸n desde su ingreso. Consta de 250 registros y para su estudio ha hecho falta realizar 87 l谩minas delgadas. Geogr谩ficamente, predominan las rocas de Alemania y de Europa, aunque contiene rocas de diferentes lugares del mundo. Litol贸gicamente, m谩s de la mitad de la colecci贸n son rocas de origen plut贸nico y volc谩nico. Gran parte de la colecci贸n tiene un alto inter茅s cient铆fico dada su singularidad en la geodiversidad terrestre (son ejemplo la kimberlita de Ud谩chnaya, la rodbergita de la mina de Fen de Noruega y la komati铆ta de la India). Del estudio realizado destacamos 31 ejemplares procedentes de localidades tipo. A d铆a de hoy la colecci贸n est谩 disponible para la sociedad en unas condiciones y con una informaci贸n de primer nivel. Palabras clave: colecci贸n, geodiversidad, patrimonio mueble, petrolog铆a, Seroka.If a private collector wants his collection to last over time, to be conserved in the best guarantees and to do a social function, is a good option to donate to a public museum. This is the case of the collection of rocks donated by Peter Seroka in 2014. The Department of Petrology of the Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona has been studying and thoroughly documenting this collection since its entry. It consists of 250 records and it has been necessary to make thin sections for its study. Geographically, the rocks of Germany and Europe predominate, although it contains rocks from different parts of the world. Lithologically more than half of the collection consists in rocks of plutonic and volcanic origin. Much of the collection has a high scientific interest due to its uniqueness in terrestrial geodiversity (for example the kimberlite of Ud谩chnaya, the rodbergite of the Fen mine in Norway and the komatiite of India). From the study conducted we highlight 31 specimens from typical locations. Today the collection is available to society in the best conditions and information. Keywords: collection, geodiversity, moveable heritage, petrology, Seroka

    La colecci贸n Seroka del Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona

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    La colecci贸n de petrolog铆a del Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB) re煤ne una parte importante del patrimonio geol贸gico mueble de la instituci贸n y gracias a las diferentes aportaciones pasadas y presentes contiene una buena representaci贸n de la geodiversidad de nuestro planeta, especialmente de la geolog铆a peninsular (D铆az-Ontiveros y D铆az-Acha, 2015). Con la donaci贸n de Peter Seroka la colecci贸n de petrolog铆a se ha visto enriquecida con 250 registros de ejemplares provenientes de todo el mundo, la mayor铆a con un alto inter茅s cient铆fico (e incluso muse铆stico) y con 32 de ellos procedentes de su localidad tipo. Gran parte de los ejemplares corresponden a rocas 铆gneas. Es importante destacar el beneficio de donar una colecci贸n cient铆fica privada a una instituci贸n p煤blica. Las instituciones p煤blicas garantizan tanto el acceso abierto a las colecciones como la conservaci贸n del patrimonio mueble, acci贸n muy relevante reflejada en la resoluci贸n 6.08 del congreso Mundial de la Uni贸n Internacional para la Conservaci贸n de la Naturaleza celebrado en 2016, en la que se incluye una moci贸n sobre conservaci贸n del patrimonio geol贸gico mueble. El MCNB, y en este caso el departamento de Petrolog铆a, ha estudiado, documentado (D铆az-Ontiveros y D铆az-Acha, 2016) y dispuesto la colecci贸n Seroka (rocas y l谩minas delgadas) para que cualquier persona pueda consultarla y estudiarla en las mejores condiciones

    Cat脿leg raonat de roques i l脿mines primes de la col路lecci贸 Joan Rosals i Corretjer (MCNB)

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    Joan Rosals i Corretjer va ser un naturalista catal脿 de finals del segle XIX. Va arribar a ser conseller de la Instituci贸 Catalana d' Hist貌ria Natural, on va realitzar diverses publicacions cient铆fiques, i tamb茅 va ser una figura important del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, on va arribar a presidir la secci贸 de Geologia i Geografia F铆sica. Despr茅s de la seva mort, a l'abril de 1917, les col路leccions malacol貌giques, mineral貌giques i petrol貌giques que havia reunit durant la seva traject貌ria, van ser donades al Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona. Un cop revisats els documents hist貌rics i fet l'inventari total de la col路lecci贸 de Petrologia realitzat el 2014, es van documentar totes les mostres de roques pertanyents a la col路lecci贸 Rosals que encara es conservaven avui dia. En el moment del seu registre, la col路lecci贸 de roques estava formada per 458 entrades dels quals actualment se'n conserven 117 registres. La major part d'aquestes mostres s贸n de mida de m脿 i provenen de Catalunya, encara que tamb茅 n'hi ha d'Espanya i d'altres pa茂sos com Fran莽a, Alemanya, 脌ustria o Hongria. Pel que fa a la classificaci贸 petrol貌gica predominen les roques 铆gnies, especialment les hipabissals. El present article t茅 com a objectiu detallar el contingut de la col路lecci贸 Rosals, que es preserva en l'actualitat al departament cient铆fic de Petrologia del Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona, i vol ser una aportaci贸 m茅s per il路lustrar l'esperit naturalista catal脿 de finals del segle XIX.Joan Rosals i Corretjer was a Catalan naturalist who lived at the end of the 19th century. He became a member of the Instituci贸 Catalana d鈥橦ist貌ria Natural carrying out several scientific publications. In addition, he was also an important figure of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, chairing the Geology and Physical Geography section. After his decease, in April 1917, the malacological, mineralogical and petrological collections, which he had gathered during his career, were donated to the Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona. Once the historical documents were reviewed and the inventory of the petrology collection was made in 2014, we have documented all the samples of rocks belonging to the Rosals collection. The Rosals petrological collection was originally composed of 458 specimens, but only 117 have been preserved up to the present day. Most of the preserved samples are hand size and collected in Catalonia. However, there are samples from the rest of Spain and other countries such as France, Germany, Austria and Hungary. From a geological point of view, igneous rocks are predominant, especially hypabyssal rocks. This article aims to detail the content of the Rosals collection, which is currently preserved at the scientific Petrology Department of the Museu de Ci猫ncies Naturals de Barcelona, and to contribute to the knowledge of Catalan naturalist spirit during the late 19th century

    Proceso de documentaci贸n e informatizaci贸n de la colecci贸n de Petrolog铆a del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona

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    La Gesti贸n de la documentaci贸n, la informatizaci贸n y el almacenamiento de una colecci贸n es la clave para aumentar su valor e inter茅s para que sea aprovechada acad茅mica, muse铆stica y/o cient铆ficamente. Con este objetivo, el departamento cient铆fico de Petrolog铆a del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona (MCNB) ha estandarizado tanto el proceso de documentaci贸n como el de digitalizaci贸n de los datos. El proceso de documentaci贸n actual es el resultado de un trabajo met贸dico y laborioso consistente en nueve etapas, desde su inscripci贸n en el libro de registro hasta su ubicaci贸n en su lugar de almacenamiento definitivo. Este proceso genera mucha informaci贸n y para manejarla se ha formando una amplia estructura y definido campos contrastando bibliograf铆a referenciada. Para operar con todos ellos se han testado y valorado dos software de gesti贸n de datos (MuseumPlus庐 y FileMaker Pro庐). La Generalitat de Catalunya estableci贸 el MuseumPlus庐 como programa de gesti贸n de colecciones para el territorio catal谩n, y el MCNB asesor贸 en la adecuaci贸n del programa para la documentaci贸n de registros de ciencias naturales. El MuseumPlus庐 es el gestor en el que, a d铆a de hoy, tenemos ficha informatizada de todos los ejemplares existentes en la colecci贸n y con el que hemos elaborado una Gu铆a de Documentaci贸n de Petrolog铆a, donde se detalla cada campo y como trabajar con ellos. Por otro lado con FileMaker Pro庐 hemos obtenido el prototipo de lo que queremos que sea, pr贸ximamente, la base de datos definitiva de la colecci贸n. En resumen, este trabajo nos ha permitido conseguir el objetivo de aumentar el valor documental y cient铆fico de la colecci贸n al pasar de datos en papel, limitados a pocos campos, a una base de datos compleja informatizada pero manejable. Documentaci贸n, base de datos, petrolog铆a, MuseumPlus庐, File-Maker Pro.The management of the documentation and the collection storage is the key to increasing its value and interest to be exploited academically, museologically and/or scientifically. With this goal, the Petrology Department of the Natural History Museum of Barcelona (MCNB) has standardized the process of documentation as well as the data computerization. The current documentation process, which is the result of a methodical and laborious work, consists in eight stages (figure 1) which generate a lot of information: 1. Do the inscription in the register book; 2. Do the tuning-up of the sample; 3. Mark the labelling with the Davison et al. (2006) method; 4. Document the non-geological parameters; 5. Perform the Petrological study: this is one of the most important stages and requires more time; 6. Computerize the data; 7. Label the sample; 8. Set sample and documents up properly; 9. Place the sample in its final location. For a useful and modern collection the improvement, extension and computerization of all samples data is needed. The computerized data are those generated from the sample income to its final location, plus its history information, the actions made in the specimen, studies and other content. In order to handle all this information we have proceeded to define fields contrasting referenced literature, and we have generated a wide field structure (table I). To operate all this data we have worked with one spreadsheet application and we have tested and have assessed two relational database software. Regarding the different tested programs we have concluded that: Microsoft Excel庐 table is functional as an alternative table working fast with data, but it isn鈥檛 functional as a final storage of work data (figure 2). MuseumPlus庐 is the Catalan collections management official program and we have advised to adapt it to Petrological record inputs. The program is quite slow but reliable. Nowadays it is the software in which all MCNB petrologic samples have a file and which we have developed the Documentation Guide for the Petrologic Collection, where is detailed each field and how to work with it (figure 3). We consider FileMaker Pro庐 best than MuseumPlus庐 to manage natural science collections. Our department expect, soon, using it as our final data collection database manager and, for this reason, we have worked on creating our prototype collection database (figure 4). When the database is finished, we will develop the documentation guide for this program. The Documentation Guide for the Petrologic Collection contains descriptions of about 60 parameters, which are the result of the documentation and computerization process, and includes its associated list or thesaurus. The lists and thesaurus are created from data agreed within MCNB, in the case of internal parameters, or literature and authoritative sources for global parameters. Parameters are separated in four categories: - Main information fields: The main fields are the registration number of entry, the registration collection number, determination (thesaurus), dating (thesaurus), location (thesaurus), internal position (thesaurus) and number of elements. - Historical information fields: Consist of the income data, filed collection data and information about the source collection. - Secondary information fields: Include coordinates, weight and dimensions, other numbers and conservation data. - Petrological information fields (table II to table VI): It corresponds to the more specialized fields like analytical description (text); essential, accessory and secondary minerals (text); fossils (open list), grain shape (closed list), grain size (closed list), texture (closed list), microstructure (closed list), porosity (closed list), origin (closed list), present processes (text) and status of sample (closed list). Finally, it is necessary to mention that a database, however worked and standardized it was, is modified and considerably extended with the daily work of curators, assistant curators, editors and consultants. Therefore, regardless of the software that we want to work, it is very important to do a regular review and polish of the database if we want to achieve the goal of having a reliable and accurate data for its consultation, at every level. Documentation, database, petrology, MuseumPlus庐, FileMaker Pro庐

    La colecci贸n de rocas de Joan Rosals i Corretjer (Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona)

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    Joan Rosals i Corretjer fue un naturalista catal谩n de finales del siglo XIX, especializado en malacolog铆a, que perteneci贸 a la Instituci贸 Catalana de Hist貌ria Natural y al Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Tras su muerte, en abril de 1917, su colecci贸n fue donada al Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona (MCNB). En 2014, despu茅s de revisar los documentos hist贸ricos relacionados e inventariar la colecci贸n, se han documentado las muestras de roca que se conservan hoy en d铆a, entre las que se encuentran algunas l谩minas delgadas, y se ha contrastado la informaci贸n con la original. Esta colecci贸n supone un patrimonio geol贸gico mueble de gran valor. En el momento de su registro la colecci贸n de rocas constaba de 455 muestras, de las cuales actualmente solo se conservan 113. La mayor parte de las muestras conservadas son de tama帽o mediano y provienen de Catalu帽a (87 registros), y en menor medida del resto de Espa帽a (4 registros) y de otros pa铆ses como Francia (12 registros), Alemania (6 registros), Austria (1 registro) y Hungr铆a (1 registro). Geol贸gicamente predominan las rocas 铆gneas (54%), concretamente las plut贸nicas y las hipoabisales.Joan Rosals i Corretjer was a Catalan naturalist (specialized in malacology) at the end of the 19th century who belonged to the Instituci贸 Catalana de Hist貌ria Natural de Catalunya and the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. After his death, in April 1917, his collection was donated to the Natural History Museum of Barcelona (MCNB). In 2014, after reviewing the related historical documents and inventory the collection, the preserved rock samples have been documented (including some thin sections) and the information has been compared with the original one. This collection has a high value as movable geological heritage. At the time of registration, the rock collection consisted of 455 samples and now only 113 are preserved. Most of the preserved samples are medium size and they are from Catalonia (87 records). There are also samples from the rest of Spain (4 records) and from another countries such as France (12 records), Germany (6 records), Austria (1 record) and Hungary (1 record). Geologically igneous rocks predominate (54%), specifically plutonic and hypabyssal rocks