17 research outputs found

    Evaluacion de los analisis de suelos de las zonas productoras de yuca en Colombia

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    The results are given of physicochemical analyses of soils and estimated cassava yields for five production zones in Colombia. There was little correlation between yield and the factors studied. Yields tended to increase as P increased; and there was a positive response to K in 2 zones and Ca/Mg in 2 others. However, there were contradictory results with K and pH in three of the zones. Other factors affecting yield should be studied to find the reasons for this discrepancy. (CIAT

    Manual de procedimiento para técnicos y promotores en el proceso de transferencia de tecnología

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    Costos de producción de yuca en Colombia cultivada en forma tradicional

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    Caracteristicas de la produccion de yuca en el mundo con enfasis en America Latina

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    The importance of cassava cultivation in relation to other agricultural products of cassava-producing countries is briefly analyzed. The production, area and yields of cassava cultivation in all the production zones, and especially L.A. countries, were studied with the purpose of evaluating the impact on product prices and producers' income. Since the increase in production is mainly due to the increase in area sown, real prices have been almost constant throughout the period (1955-74) and the majority of the cassava produced is directly used for human consumption, one could think that both the supply on behalf of the growers and the demand for human consumption has increased in relation to the population growth. An increase in cassava production greater than 3 percent yearly would cause a lowering in prices and a reduction in the gross profit of the producer and therefore, a lack of incentives for production for the following yr. A practical solution should reduce cassava prices to levels competitive with those of other products, principally flours and starches; utilize cassava as an energetic supplement in animal concentrates or as a substrate in unicellular protein production. Export markets for starches should be studied thoroughly since sub-products from this process are of great utility in animal concentrate industries. (CIAT)Se analiza brevemente la importancia del cultivo de la yuca en relacion con otros productos agricolas de los paises productores de yuca. Se estudia la produccion, el area y el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca en todas las zonas productoras y en especial en paises latinoamericanos, con el proposito de evaluar el impacto sobre los precios del producto y los ingresos de los productores. Dado que el incremento de la produccion se debe principalmente al aumento del area sembrada, que los precios reales han sido casi constantes a traves del periodo (1955-74) y que la mayor parte de la yuca producida se usa directamente para consumo humano, se podria pensar que tanto la oferta por parte de los cultivadores como la demanda para consumo humano ha aumentado en relacion con el crecimiento de la poblacion. Un aumento en la produccion de yuca mayor que 3 por ciento anual causaria una disminucion de los precios y de las utilidades brutas del productor y por consiguiente un desestimulo a la produccion en los anos siguientes. Una solucion seria reducir los precios de la yuca a niveles competitivos con los de otros productos, principalmente harinas y almidones; emplearla como suplemento energetico en concentrados para animales o como un sustrato en la produccion de proteina unicelular. Se debe estudiar muy detenidamente el mercado de exportacion de almidones, ya que los subproductos de este proceso son de gran utilidad en la industria de concentrados para animales. (CIAT

    Industrializacion de la yuca

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    This is a summary of a lecture on cassava given to CIAT`s trainees. The following of areas are discussed: cassava as a raw material for human nutrition, animal feeding and industrial uses. The processing of cassava meal, starch and chip manufacturing and diagrams of the processes are included. Cassava and maize industrialization are compared. Diagrams are included of industrial machinery used in Colombia for manufacturing cassava starch. (CIAT

    World cassava production trends: 1948-1969

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    Experiences in La Colorada

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    An analysis is made of the sociocultural, technical and economic implications in the transfer of technology, based on experiences acquired with cassava farmers from the community of Media Luna, located on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia. It is concluded that the technician must assimilate the life style of the community in order to transmit the technology under the same conditions. Of the sociocultural aspects, the religious, political and folkloric ones are the most . important. New technology should be in line with traditional practices, which should be evaluated initially. All technology that represents an increase in income for the same cost will have immediate acceptance; thus a promising high- yielding var. should be introduced. Cultural practices should be demonstrated and taught in the form of suggestions. (CIAT

    Encuesta agropecuaria nacional 1969: primer semestre. Notas preliminares

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    A compilation is presented of the area planted to cassava, production and yields in Colombia between 1960 and 1969. (CIAT