37 research outputs found

    The effect of dietary crude protein substitution as protected soybean meal on pregnant and lactating ewes’ performance

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    Production respons was related to rumen undegradable protein feeding. Twenty-six local late pregnant ewes are penned individually and allocated to four dietary treatment groups of feed supplement, containing different amount of protected soybean meal and provided 0% (R1), 10% (R2) 20% (R3) and 40% (R4) crude protein of feed supplement respectively. Diets were fed until the first 8-week of lactation phase. Results showed that the mean of total dry matter intake (DMI) during late pregnancy was 3,42% of body weight (BW). Dietary treatments of protected-protein tended to increase daily mean intake of dry matter (P0.05), ie. 76.9; 77.25; 77.49 and 78.81 g/kg BW 0.75 for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. A similar trend was noted in daily intake of crude protein with the mean of 9.75; 10.31; 10,75 and 12.1 g/kg BW0.75 (for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively) and were not different significantly (P0.05) among dietary treatments. Increasing the amount of protected-protein in the ration influenced (P0.05) the daily live weight gain (ADG) of ewes during the late phase of gestation which was 104.4, 99.4, 120.8 and 148.14 for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Feed efficiency (DMI/ADG) improved as substitution of protected-protein increased. The total birth weight of lambs (g/ewe) was not significantly different (P0.05), by increasing level of protected-protein in the ration, averaging 3.2 kg/ewe. Increasing protected-protein, increased (P0.05) the daily gain (g/ewe) of lambs during the first 8-week of lactation, and it was 127, 131, 165 and 211 g/ewe/d for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Consequently, the weaned weight at 8- week of ages increased significantly different (P0.05) as the amount of protected-protein in the diet increased.   Key words: Banana latex, protected-protein, ewes productio

    Improving microbial protein synthesis in the rumen of sheep fed fresh tofu waste by crude tannin extract of Acacia mangium

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    Tannin can be found in many tropical plants and the presence of tannin may reduce the nutritional value of feed. However, it can give beneficial effect as it protects the protein from its excessive degradation in the rumen. Tofu waste is abundant in a country, including Indonesia, where tofu is produced widely. A feeding trial on sheep to study the effect of tannin on microbial protein synthesis and condition of rumen fermentation, digestibility and N retention of feed containing tofu waste was conducted. Fifteen sheep were allocated to one of 3 treatments, i.e: 1) control treatment, feed without tannin, 2) feed + tannin treatment and 3) feed + tannin + polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment. The sheep was placed in the individual metabolism cage. They were fed with treatment feed for 14 days and then, the following 7 days, faeces and urine were collected. At the end of the treatment, rumen fluid was taken from each sheep before and after feeding. Rumen parameter (pH, ammonia, SCFA, protozoa) and microbial protein synthesis, digestibility, nitrogen retention were observed. Results showed that inclusion of 4% tannin in the feed depressed ammonia production in the rumen of sheep before and 3 hours after morning feeding. Total SCFA and individual SCFA were not different among treatments. Tannin did not affect daily feed intake. Tannin lowered the dry matter, organic matter and protein digestibilities but it significantly reduced ADF digestibility (P < 0.05) and tended to reduce NDF digestibility (P < 0.1). However, tannin increased the microbial protein synthesis. PEG addition was expected to bind tannin and alleviate the negative effect of tannin. Key Words: Tannin, Acacia Mangium, Polyethylene Glycol, Tofu waste, Digestibilit

    The effect of feeding mixtures of banana trunk and soybean meal on lambs performance

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    This study was intended to determine the effects of increasing the ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal on intake, nitrogen excretion and lambs performance. Sixteen lambs (averaging 21.21 + 1.69 kg) were pen individually and fed a basal diet consisted of chopped fresh king grass and commercial concentrate and unlimited access of water. Lambs were randomly assigned to one out of four different ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal as feed supplements, i.e. (R0) 0:1; (R1) 1:1; (R2) 2:1 and (R3) 4:1. Results showed that the inclusion of banana trunk had no adverse effect on lambs performance. As it is expected, altering the ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal increased (P 0.05) dry matter intake of forage as well as total dry matter intake. The digestion coefficient of dietary ration was not affected (P 0.05) by feed supplement. Despite of no difference was observed in the coefficient of nitrogen digestibility, apparent fecal and urine N-output were significantly (P 0.05) affected. The highest ratio of fed supplement (R3) tended to decrease nitrogen retention. Overall data indicated that lambs offered basal diet supplemented with R2 treatment accumulated more N per-day, than those fed other treatments, and consequently lambs performance was the best on those fed R2 treatment.   Key words: Banana trunk, protected protein, lamb

    Suplementasi Urea dan Tepung Ikan Meningkatkan Fermentabilitas Ransum Berbasis Kulit Buah Kakao pada Kambing

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi fermentabilitas ransum berbasis silase kulit buah kakao (KBK) yang disuplementasi urea dan tepung ikan sebagai pengganti ransum berbasis rumput pada kambing. Pemberian KBK dalam bentuk silase dibuat dengan menambah 10% dedak padi dan difermentasi secara anaerob. Perlakuan ransum percobaan adalah R = Rumput + konsentrat R; S = Silase KBK + konsentrat S; SU = Silase KBK + konsentrat SU; SI = Silase KBK + konsentrat SI; dan SUI = Silase KBK + konsentrat SUI. Pengujian ransum digunakan rancangan acak kelompok menggunakan 20 ekor kambing jantan Peranakan Ettawah (PE). Nilai kecernaan BK dari ransum S, SU, SI dan SUI sebesar 62,11-67,45% tidak berbeda nyata (P0,05) dengan ransum R sebesar 69,83%. Ransum S menghasilkan kecernaan SDN yang lebih rendah 34,5% dari ransum R, namun bila dibandingkan dengan SI dan SUI mampu meningkatkan kecernaan SDN masing-masing sebesar 16,3 dan 26,4%. Kenaikan yang nyata juga dihasilkan dari kecernaan SDA. Nilai rata-rata VFA total berkisar 134,1-151,0 mM pada ransum S, SU, SI, SUI dan sebesar 132,73 mM pada ransum R. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ransum berbasis silase KBK yang disuplementasi campuran urea dan tepung ikan dapat menggantikan ransum berbasis rumput dengan kecernaan dan kemampuan menghasilkan energi yang setaraf

    Perbedaan Sumber Protein Ransum Menghasilkan Fermentasi Rumen yang Efisien

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    Efisiensi penggunaan pakan dapat dilihat dari aspek produksi dibandingkan dengan input pakannya atau ditinjau dari proses pencernaan pakan itu sendiri. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ransum dengan sumber protein berbeda terhadap fermentasi rumen untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pakan. Ransum terdiri dari 40% rumput dan 60% konsentrat dengan kadar protein 18,6% dan energi 2.906 kkal/kg ME. Terdapat 4 ransum percobaan yaitu RBK = mengandung bungkil kedelai; RBIS = mengandung bungkil inti sawit; RDG = mengandung daun gamal; RDK = mengandung daun kaliandra. Kecernaan fermentasi in vitro dilakukan selama 48 jam. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang dengan ulangan sebanyak 8 kali. Perbedaan sumber protein ransum tidak menyebabkan perbedaan (P>0,05) nilai kecernaan BK dan BO. Populasi bakteri rumen diantara keempat ransum tidak ada perbedaan (P>0,05), namun protozoa tertinggi 17,94 x 105 sel/ml dihasilkan dari ransum RBK dan paling rendah 5,63 x 105 sel/ml dihasilkan dari ransum RDK. Ransum RDK menghasilkan VFA dan C2 lebih rendah (P0,05). Produksi gas metana ransum RBK lebih tinggi (P0,05) dengan rata-rata 111,56 -121,84 ml/g. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan sumber protein menghasilkan kecernaan yang serupa, namun menghasilkan produk fermentasi yang berbeda. Sumber protein BIS paling potensial dalam menyediakan energi dan efisien dalam pencernaan ransum

    The effects of inorganic and organic Zn, Cu and Mo supplementation to the in vitro digestibility of grass

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    The effects of inorganic and organic Zn, Cu and Mo supplementation to the in vitro digestibility of Elephant grass were studied in this trial. The in vitro trial used the TILLEY dan TERRY method modified by VAN SOEST with the incubation of the grass for 48 hours in sheep rumen liquor medium. Mineral added as fonn of organic and inorganic. The treatment of mineral inorganic supplementations were by adding single e1emen Cu, Zn and Mo and its combination. Mineral added was Zn (as chloride and sulphate salts) 5 ppm, Cu (sulphate salt) 0,1 ppm dan Mo (molybdate salt) 5 ppm, with 4 replicates. Meanwhile the organic minerals added were in the proteinate fonns. Parameter measured were in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), pH, VF A total and NH3. Statistical analysis was done by using Complete Split splitsplot design. The supplementation increased pH value, VFA total, IVDMD and IVOMD value (P<0,05) and decreased NH3 value. The highest IVDMD and IVOMD values obtained at the mixture supplementation of mineral Zn (as Zn S04), Cu and Mo, from 58,31 became 69.73% and 52.22 became 62.55% respectively for IVDMD and NOMD. pH value increased from 6.48 to 7.05 and ammonia content decreased from 1,17 to 0,14%. The organic mineral supplementation, en-proteinate dan Zn-proteinate showed that the adding of Zn, Zn and Mo, Zn and Cu also the combination of Zn, Cu and Mo, resulted in IVDMD values as 70.29; 69.97, 64.12 and 63.93%. Further more IVDMD value at the supplementation of Cu and the combination of Cu and Mo were 65.08 and 60,49%. It can be concluded that the supplementation of minerals in the form of inorganic or organic could improve the IVDMD values   Key words: Three element, in vitro digestibility, shee

    Effect of Different Supplement on Degradation of Dry Matter and Fiber of Untreated and Urea Treated Rice Straw in the Rumen of Sheep

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    The study was conducted to investigate the degradation of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergentfiber (NDF) of urea untreated (URS) and urea treated rice straw (TRS) incubated in the rumen of sheepfed different diet. Three fistulated sheep were fed on urea-treated rice straw basal diet with threesupplemental treatment diets which consisted of control diet (T0) mulberry and molasses; mulberry,rice bran and urea (T1); and rice bran and urea (T2). Either URS or TRS was placed in nylon bags andincubated in the rumen at 0, 8, 16, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Parameters recorded were degradation of DMand NDF, rumen pH, rumen ammonia. The results showed that DM degradability of URS of the diet T1was significantly lower than other diets. Similarly the URS degradability of rumen-insoluble fraction(b) of DM and NDF of T1 diet was significantly lower than those of T0 and T2 diet. DM and NDFdegradability of URS was not affected by diets. The rumen ammonia concentration of T1 and T2 wassignificantly higher than those T0, but still higher than critical ammonia concentration required forrumen microbial synthesis. These results suggest that different supplementations have no significanteffect on DM and NDF degradability of TRS

    Penambahan Eznim BS4 untuk Meningkatkan Degradasi Bungkil Inti Sawit dalam Rumen dan Pascarumen

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    Penambahan Eznim BS4 untuk Meningkatkan Degradasi Bungkil Inti Sawit dalam Rumen dan Pascarume

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Leguminosa dalam Pakan terhadap Kualitas Semen Dua Rumpun Kambing Perah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki kualitas sperma kambing perah Anglo Nubian (AN) dan Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang diberi pakan tambahan konsentrat dan leguminosa pada ransum basal rumput gajah (RG) segar yang dicacah. Jumlah ternak yang digunakan sebanyak 16 ekor kambing jantan dewasa yang terdiri dari 8 ekor kambing AN dan 8 ekor kambing PE. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial dengan faktor 1 (rumpun: AN dan PE), faktor 2 ( pakan: 1. R : 5 kg rumput + 500 gram konsentrat dan 2. RL : 4 kg rumput + 1kg campuran daun Glirisidia dan Kaliandra (1:1) + 500 gram konsentrat) Ternak diberi pakan selama 6 minggu . Koleksi semen dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali ejakulasi di awal sebelum percobaan dimulai dan setiap minggu selama 6 minggu. Peubah yang diamati volume per ejakulat, warna, pH, gerakan massa, gerakan individu (motilitas), spermatozoa yang hidup dan konsentrasi sperma. Hasil menunjukkan volume semen dari kedua rumpun kambing bervariasi dari 0,2 sampai 1,7 ml/ejakulat dengan warna krem. Pemberian pakan tambahan konsentrat dan leguminosa dapat memperbaiki/berpengaruh (