162 research outputs found

    Characterizing circles by a convex combinatorial property

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    Let K0K_0 be a compact convex subset of the plane R2\mathbb R^2, and assume that K1R2K_1\subseteq \mathbb R^2 is similar to K0K_0, that is, K1K_1 is the image of K0K_0 with respect to a similarity transformation R2R2\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R^2. Kira Adaricheva and Madina Bolat have recently proved that if K0K_0 is a disk and both K0K_0 and K1K_1 are included in a triangle with vertices A0A_0, A1A_1, and A2A_2, then there exist a j{0,1,2}j\in \{0,1,2\} and a k{0,1}k\in\{0,1\} such that K1kK_{1-k} is included in the convex hull of Kk({A0,A1,A2}{Aj})K_k\cup(\{A_0,A_1, A_2\}\setminus\{A_j\}). Here we prove that this property characterizes disks among compact convex subsets of the plane. Actually, we prove even more since we replace "similar" by "isometric" (also called "congruent"). Circles are the boundaries of disks, so our result also gives a characterization of circles.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Finite semilattices with many congruences

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    For an integer n2n\geq 2, let NCSL(n)(n) denote the set of sizes of congruence lattices of nn-element semilattices. We find the four largest numbers belonging to NCSL(n)(n), provided that nn is large enough to ensure that |NCSL(n)4(n)|\geq 4. Furthermore, we describe the nn-element semilattices witnessing these numbers.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Finite convex geometries of circles

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    Let F be a finite set of circles in the plane. We point out that the usual convex closure restricted to F yields a convex geometry, that is, a combinatorial structure introduced by P. H Edelman in 1980 under the name "anti-exchange closure system". We prove that if the circles are collinear and they are arranged in a "concave way", then they determine a convex geometry of convex dimension at most 2, and each finite convex geometry of convex dimension at most 2 can be represented this way. The proof uses some recent results from Lattice Theory, and some of the auxiliary statements on lattices or convex geometries could be of separate interest. The paper is concluded with some open problems.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Quasiplanar diagrams and slim semimodular lattices

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    A (Hasse) diagram of a finite partially ordered set (poset) P will be called quasiplanar if for any two incomparable elements u and v, either v is on the left of all maximal chains containing u, or v is on the right of all these chains. Every planar diagram is quasiplanar, and P has a quasiplanar diagram iff its order dimension is at most 2. A finite lattice is slim if it is join-generated by the union of two chains. We are interested in diagrams only up to similarity. The main result gives a bijection between the set of the (similarity classes of) finite quasiplanar diagrams and that of the (similarity classes of) planar diagrams of finite, slim, semimodular lattices. This bijection allows one to describe finite posets of order dimension at most 2 by finite, slim, semimodular lattices, and conversely. As a corollary, we obtain that there are exactly (n-2)! quasiplanar diagrams of size n.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    A note on finite lattices with many congruences

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    By a twenty year old result of Ralph Freese, an nn-element lattice LL has at most 2n12^{n-1} congruences. We prove that if LL has less than 2n12^{n-1} congruences, then it has at most 2n22^{n-2} congruences. Also, we describe the nn-element lattices with exactly 2n22^{n-2} congruences.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Notes on the description of join-distributive lattices by permutations

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    Let L be a join-distributive lattice with length n and width(Ji L) \leq k. There are two ways to describe L by k-1 permutations acting on an n-element set: a combinatorial way given by P.H. Edelman and R.E. Jamison in 1985 and a recent lattice theoretical way of the second author. We prove that these two approaches are equivalent. Also, we characterize join-distributive lattices by trajectories.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Representing convex geometries by almost-circles

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    Finite convex geometries are combinatorial structures. It follows from a recent result of M.\ Richter and L.G.\ Rogers that there is an infinite set TrrT_{rr} of planar convex polygons such that TrrT_{rr} with respect to geometric convex hulls is a locally convex geometry and every finite convex geometry can be represented by restricting the structure of TrrT_{rr} to a finite subset in a natural way. An \emph{almost-circle of accuracy} 1ϵ1-\epsilon is a differentiable convex simple closed curve SS in the plane having an inscribed circle of radius r1>0r_1>0 and a circumscribed circle of radius r2r_2 such that the ratio r1/r2r_1/r_2 is at least 1ϵ1-\epsilon. % Motivated by Richter and Rogers' result, we construct a set TnewT_{new} such that (1) TnewT_{new} contains all points of the plane as degenerate singleton circles and all of its non-singleton members are differentiable convex simple closed planar curves; (2) TnewT_{new} with respect to the geometric convex hull operator is a locally convex geometry; (3) as opposed to TrrT_{rr}, TnewT_{new} is closed with respect to non-degenerate affine transformations; and (4) for every (small) positive ϵ\epsilon\in\real and for every finite convex geometry, there are continuum many pairwise affine-disjoint finite subsets EE of TnewT_{new} such that each EE consists of almost-circles of accuracy 1ϵ1-\epsilon and the convex geometry in question is represented by restricting the convex hull operator to EE. The affine-disjointness of E1E_1 and E2E_2 means that, in addition to E1E2=E_1\cap E_2=\emptyset, even ψ(E1)\psi(E_1) is disjoint from E2E_2 for every non-degenerate affine transformation ψ\psi.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure