108 research outputs found

    Dune habitats vulnerability to the climate change

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    Italy sandy coasts are characterized by a great diversity of habitats and, at the same time, many of these coastal stretches are in erosive condition. The causes of erosion are represented by multiple factors essentially geomorphological but to which today others of a climatic change can be added. These are linked to the intensification of extreme climatic events and/or sea level rise. Therefore, it is important to understand, in areas where marine erosion is particularly strong, which are the most vulnerable and most threatened habitats. This paper sets out a summary of the results obtained up to now from the survey of dune habitats (sensu Directive 92/43/EEC) along the northern Tyrrhenian coast. This investigations, aim to point out the arrangement of these habitats in relation to extreme weather events and dune erosion and the different resilience in the face of important changes in the beach/dune system

    Forest-food nexus: a topical opportunity for human well-being and silviculture

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    As population will reach over 9 billion by 2050, interest in the forest-food nexus is rising. Forests play an important role in food production and nutrition. Forests can provide nutritionally-balanced diets, woodfuel for cooking and a broad set of ecosystem services. A large body of evidence recommends multi-functional and integrated landscape approaches to reimagine forestry and agriculture systems. Here, after a commented discussion of the literature produced in the last decade about the role for forests with respect to the food security global emergency, we summarize the state of the art in Italy as a representative country-case-study. The aim is to increase awareness about the potential of silviculture in Italy for combining ecological resilience with economic resilience, and reducing the pressure over tropical and sub-tropical forests by means of a sustainable intensification of forest management at national level. Although a quantification of the Italian non-wood forest products is difficult, the potential of this sector for the Italian bioeconomy is relatively high. Italy is among the four top European exporters of cork stoppers, is one of the three top countries for chestnut seed processing, and is among the leading exporters of wild mushroom, while it is the only European country among the top five global importers of tannins. In order to develop this sector for the food industry, more research is needed on non-wood forest products, the scale of production, emerging markets, marketing and production innovation. On the other hand, chain-supply fragmentation, landowner inertia, and lack of governance and cooperation may hamper an effective exploitation of non-wood products. A renewed joint impulse for exploitation of wood and non-wood products may come from a sustainable intensification of forest management. The strategies to guarantee an effective supply of non-wood products require appropriate business skills and the presence of a structured business services. A transparent market is also essential. Therefore, the introduction of standards (like those by forest certification schemes) is very important. They can add value to products and emphasize the importance and complexity of the forest sector. However, the implementation of sustainable forest management for an effective supply of non-wood products is affected by the availability of appropriate planning tools, and the public officers need a new mindset to stimulate and support business capacity of forest owners

    DiversitĂ  funzionale in cloni di ciliegio da legno (Prunus avium L.) di provenienza Appennino toscano

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    Functionality in wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) clones of Tuscany Appenines provenances. Results of a research regarding the functionality of already selected wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) clones are reported. The main target was to select the genotypes with the best ecological efficiency and less sensible to environmental stress, in order to give concrete indications for arboriculture for wood productions. Starting from 2002, measurements were carried out in the experimental plot of Papiano (Stia, AR), where the following clones with provenance from the Tuscan Apennines were compared: Casina Alpe 1 (A), Casina Alpe 2 (D), Puzzòlo (C), Paradisino (E), Piantata Catenaia (F). Dendrometrical data were collected at the beginning and at the end of each season, in order to evaluate the growth and the individual current increment of the clones. To better characterize the canopies of each clone, measurements of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) and of the leaf area index (LAI) where carried out with ceptometers and PCA LAI 2000. In order to evaluate differences between the clones regarding functionality and response to environmental stress, growth and productivity were related to the most important canopy characteristics. Ecological efficiency was calculated for the different clones using the net assimilation rate (NAR). The results show that the clone E has the most developed canopies and the best results in terms of growth. But at the same time it also presents densely branched round canopies and results more sensible to the effects of summer drought. These elements contribute to advise against the use of this clone in future genetic improvement programs and in high quality wood productions. On the contrary, the clones C and A have both good growth characteristics and a better general architecture and are therefore advised for high quality wood productions especially in the same geographic region

    Estimation of leaf area index in isolated trees with digital photography and its application to urban forestry

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    Accurate estimates of leaf area index (L) are strongly required for modelling ecophysiological processes within urban forests. The majority of methods available for estimating L is ideally applicable at stand scale and is therefore poorly suitable in urban settings, where trees are typically sparse and isolated. In addition, accurate measurements in urban settings are hindered by proximity of trees to infrastructure elements, which can strongly affect the accuracy of tree canopy analysis. In this study we tested whether digital photography can be used to obtain indirect estimate of L of isolated trees. The sampled species were Platanus orientalis, Liquidambar styraciflua and Juglans regia. Upward-facing photography was used to estimate gap fraction and foliage clumping from images collected in unobstructed (open areas) and obstructed (nearby buildings) settings; two image classification methods provided accurate estimates of gap fraction, based on comparison with measurements obtained from a high quality quantum sensor (LAI-2000). Leveled photography was used to characterize the leaf angle distribution of the examined tree species. L estimates obtained combining the two photographic methods agreed well with direct L measurements obtained from harvesting. We conclude that digital photography is suitable for estimating leaf area in isolated urban trees, due to its simple, fast and costeffective procedures. Use of vegetation indices allows extending significantly the applicability of the photographic method in urban settings, including green roofs and vertical greenery systems.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore www.elsevier.com/locate/ufu

    Effect of the silvicultural treatment on canopy properties, litter and seed production in beech coppices under conversion to high forest.

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    European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is widely distributed in Italy where it covers 1035103 ha, mainly concentrated in the mountainous areas at altitudes above 900 m. The major part is represented by high forest often issued from the conversion of coppice woods, which in the past was the silvicultural system most widely applied mainly to provide fire wood. The social changes occurred in the second half of the last century –fire wood market crisis and the increasing importance of environmental issues- enhanced the conversion into high forest of large areas previously managed as coppice by means of different silvicultural treatments and practices. Nevertheless, the environmental benefits of this choice were not adequately investigated. Results of annual measurements (1992-2009) made in a beech coppice stand aged 65 are here reported. The study area is located on the Alpe di Catenaia, a pre-Apennine outcrop close to Arezzo (Central Italy). Variables strictly related to stand productivity and dynamics such as annual litter and seed production, leaf area index (LAI) and transmittance (PAR) were measured in the research area of Buca Zamponi to estimate the effects of two theses, natural evolution (TEST) and conversion into high forest (DIR). Three thinnings were undertaken in the latter thesis in 1972, 1987 and 2002. Additional theses of natural evolution (CONTR) and advance seed cutting (TS) were added in 2002 in a nearby study area (Eremo della Casella). Results showed the high productivity of coppice stands, under conversion to high forest, with mean values of annual total litter, leaf litter and leaf area index of 5 Mg ha-1, 3 Mg ha-1 and 6 m2m-2, respectively. These findings confirm both the prompt response of beech to intensive thinning cycles and the reliability of undertaking coppice conversion into high forest. Furthermore, the positive trend observed in the ecological parameters and the high consistency of leaf fraction, highlight the still juvenile phase in progress in these stands. These results will be investigated further because of their significance in stands aged over 60. The applied silviculture produced positive outcomes in all the tested theses. Annual total litter, leaf area index and transmittance showed significant differences comparing DIR and TEST. The gap tends to vanish within 8-10 years after thinning occurrence. Seed cutting (TS) produced on the contrary heavy and lasting differences compared with all the theses. Leaf area index and transmittance were 1.97 m2m-2 and 24.8 % in TS vs. 4.22 m2m-2 and 7.89% in DIR. Seed cutting increased also the development of stand canopy and hastened seed production. The amount of seed production in TS was higher than in DIR representing 25% of total litter production. The DIR thesis resulted to be more appropriate for coppice conversion into high forest. Silvicultural practices hasten the conversion process and allow both ecological and economic returns throughout the conversion cycle by the repeated intermediate harvestings that amount to 250-300 m3ha-1 at the age of 60. A 15 yrs timeis recognized as the optimal interval between moderate to heavy thinnings. The complementary thesis of undertaking an advance seed cut (TS) relies more on management planning criteria than on ecologically-based issues

    Early and long-term impacts of browsing by roe deer in oak coppiced woods along a gradient of population density

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    Over the last few decades, wild ungulate populations have exhibited relevant geographic and demographic expansion in most European countries; roe deer is amongst the most widespread ungulate species. The increasing roe deer densities have led to strong impact on forest regeneration; the problem has been recently recognized in coppice woods, a silvicultural system which is widespread in Italy, where it amounts to about 56% of the total national forested area.In this study we investigated the effect of roe deer browsing on the vegetative regeneration of Turkey oak few years after coppicing, along a gradient of roe deer density. A browsing index revealed that browsing impact was high at any given roe deer density but increased at higher density, with the browsing rate ranging from 65% to 79%. We also analyzed the long-term impact of browsing six and eleven years after coppicing under a medium roe deer density. Results indicated the early impact are not ephemeral but produced prolonged impacts through time, with an average reduction in volume of -57% and -41% six and eleven years after coppicing, respectively. Based on these results we proposed integrating browsing monitoring with roe deer density estimation to allow identifying ungulate densities which are compatible with silvicultural and forest management objectives. The proposed browsing index can be regarded as an effective management tool, on account of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, being therefore highly suitable for routine, large scale monitoring of browsing impact

    Stand structure and anatomical, physical and mechanical characterisation of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) wood from central Italy aged coppices.

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    The present paper aims to implement the knowledge on sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) in Mediterranean area where, although present, for natural or anthropogenic causes, the species is rare. The focus is on two sessile oak stands in Tuscany (central Italy), classified as worthy of protection for their importance both in a local-national and European context. In addition to the environmental and stand structural characteristics, some technological properties of sessile oak wood grown there, comparing the obtained results to the bibliographic data were provided. The examined wood characteristics are anatomical parameters (growth ring thickness, earlywood and latewood thickness, fiber length, earlywood and latewood vessel diameter, amount of earlywood and latewood vessel) and the physical and mechanical parameters (density, modulus of elasticity, strength, hardness). No appreciable technological differences issued between the examined wood in the two stands and the wood from the same species, but from other Italian and French provenances, obtained from literature. Results highlighted, although managed as coppice in the past, the material is suitable for the reforestation of this endangered species in suitable areas, always taking into account that the quality of the wood is determined not only by the basic technological properties of a certain wood, but also, and mostly, by the growing conditions of the trees and particularly by the sylvicultural management of the stand

    Indicators for the assessment and certification of cork oak management sustainability in Italy

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    Sustainable forest management (SFM) is crucial for forest ecosystem productivity and conservation, especially in systems such as cork oak (Quercus suber L.) threatened by human activities and biotic and abiotic factors. In this study SFM indicators with particular reference to cork oak forests in the region of Sardinia (Italy) are proposed and tested. Sustainable and responsible management options specifically aimed at cork oak forest management and chain of custody certification are also provided. A set of ten indicators was proposed and assessed by an expert panel in cork oak management. Five indicators were also tested against data on structure, origin, health condition and management in 285 forest compartments managed by FoReSTAS (Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia, Italy), including 361 sampling plots and 5345 trees. In order to investigate the priorities and perceptions of SFM experts and stakeholders, a survey was also carried out by completion of a questionnaire on the technical issues of cork oak woodland management. The survey results highlighted a need to improve environmental and economic performance by means of SFM and certification. The indicators tested in Sardinian cork oak woodlands showed that about 80% of the stands fulfilled management sustainability requirements. The suggested SFM indicators can effectively support proactive management and conservation measures, representing a valuable tool in the current context of growing environmental and socioeconomic awareness

    Twin-cities over the Messina Strait : a discussion on Reggio Calabria and Messina road-networks linkage

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    The idea of permanent connection and territorial integration between mainland Italy and Sicily across the Messina Strait dates to the 19th century. However, it was not until 1970’s that the area received the first planning regulations. Since then, proposed linkage projects remained limited to economic-based cost analysis and engineering-design feasibility evaluation. Due to the ever-unstable Italian political scenario, public interest on matter decreased in 1990’s and, by then, associated to incipient configurational models and data processing tools, it hindered any further analyses regarding urban agglomerates’ morphological changes deriving from this connection. Strait debates resurfaced in 2020-2021, as territorial integration is on the agenda of Italian economic recovery plans, an ideal scenario to revisit and study existent proposals, drawing from exploratory evaluations on urban morphology and twin-cities dynamics. This paper contributes to this discussion, through the analysis of different proposals for the Messina Strait linkage, using Space Syntax' Integration measures to assess configurational changes connections between the urban agglomerates of Messina and Reggio-Calabria; depicting tendencies for their urban dynamics transformation. Results and discussion contribute towards planning policies, while appointing the potentials to enhance a shared functional centrality for twin-cities
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