47 research outputs found

    A New Type of Insurgency? A Case Study of the Resistance in Iraq

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    Insurgency is considered to be the principal form of conflict in the world today. Since the end of WWII, large-scale conventional war between states has been minimal. In Iraq, a band of insurgents are attempting to defy the strongest power in the world. This insurgency in Iraq may be the beginning of a new phenomenon of insurgency conflict. This thesis argues that the Iraqi insurgency has no center of gravity, with no clear apparent leader or leadership. As seen in other examples of insurgency throughout history, no leadership has emerged in response to any of the conditions present in Iraq. There is no attempt to seize and actually hold territory, and no single, defined, or unifying ideology. Most important, through the research of this project, there has been no identifiable insurgent organization. It is true that there are multiple organizations involved, such as Al Qa’ida and Al Ansar, but there is no clear indication of any cohesion in the insurgency. This insurgency involves small groups who communicate, coordinate, and conduct their campaigns without a precise central command. The command and control is a very loose environment where individuals gravitate toward one another to carry out armed attacks, exchange intelligence, trade weapons, and then disperse at times never to operate together again. The immediate goal of the insurgency in Iraq is to disrupt the political process and drive US forces out of Iraq. However, each element of the insurgency is also driven by its own unique motivations. No matter the differences, they fight together for a common cause. Their strategy is to seize power by draining the Coalition financially and winning popular support through coercion and fear. Their resources may be unlimited, and with support coming in from all corners of the earth, they may be unstoppable. The future will determine whether or not the insurgency in Iraq is a new type of insurgency. If the Iraqi example fails to spread to other countries, then it can be said that the insurgency in Iraq was a phenomenon unique only to Iraq and its conditions

    The Fifth Avenue Anti-Stuffed Shirt and Flying Trapeze Club: A Reading of George Cukor's HOLIDAY

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    The aim of this paper is to situate George Cukor?s 1938 film Holiday within an ongoing conversation about the perennial American tension between Romantic longings for self-authorship and the cold pragmatics of wealth accumulation. The aesthetic interest in Holiday is fundamentally an interest in the questions that American art and philosophy (early Hollywood film and Stanley Cavell as well as Ralph Waldo Emerson, respectively) pose to America about America. This paper is specifically motivated by Cavell?s conception of the remarriage comedy genre (as detailed in his Pursuits of Happiness) and his understanding of early-American cinema as an inheritance of American transcendentalism. Herein, I argue that Holiday fulfills the requirements of Cavell?s genre study and is thoroughly saturated by Emerson?s philosophical attitudes. I argue for Holiday?s inclusion under the rubric of Cavell?s genre, and I unpack the film?s enduring thematic commentary upon an American tension that unwisely pits fiscal obligations against the pursuit of self-knowledge

    Som da rua sanfoneiros

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    Vídeo que retrata através dos depoimentos das pessoas envolvidas, as características culturais e de trabalho do cidadão de Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil. É possibilitada a visualização da paisagem nordestina que nos é mais comumente difundida: o semiárido. As expressões de identidade dos sujeitos com relação ao lugar, são expressadas de maneira bem demarcada: o cantar do repentista; a passagem pelas ruas; as conversas em comumComponente Curricular::Ensino Médio::Geografi

    Som da rua sanfoneiros

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    Vídeo que retrata através dos depoimentos das pessoas envolvidas, as características culturais e de trabalho do cidadão de Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil. É possibilitada a visualização da paisagem nordestina que nos é mais comumente difundida: o semiárido. As expressões de identidade dos sujeitos com relação ao lugar, são expressadas de maneira bem demarcada: o cantar do repentista; a passagem pelas ruas; as conversas em comumComponente Curricular::Ensino Médio::Geografi

    Mare capoeira

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    Vídeo que retrata a forte identidade cultural dos afrodescendentes com relação à capoeira e sua história. Através desse rito, ocorre um manifesto das africanidades presente no Brasil. São presentes no vídeo, as características de uma periferia urbana, ou seja, casas de alvenaria com fachadas simples, carros populares e que por sua vez se contradizem aos prédios de alto padrão econômico presente na orla da praiaComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séries Finais::GeografiaComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séries Finais::Pluralidade Cultura

    Mare capoeira

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    Vídeo que retrata a forte identidade cultural dos afrodescendentes com relação à capoeira e sua história. Através desse rito, ocorre um manifesto das africanidades presente no Brasil. São presentes no vídeo, as características de uma periferia urbana, ou seja, casas de alvenaria com fachadas simples, carros populares e que por sua vez se contradizem aos prédios de alto padrão econômico presente na orla da praiaComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séries Finais::GeografiaComponente Curricular::Ensino Fundamental::Séries Finais::Pluralidade Cultura

    Desventuras de um dia ou a vida não é um comercial de margarina

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    Animação que demonstra o cotidiano de uma jornalista que convive com as inovações tecnológicas proporcionadas pelos novos softwares de informática, degradando ainda mais a exploração de sua mão - de – obra. Tal exploração é representada na animação, pela hora extra que é necessária ser feita para atingir a meta de 10 matérias para seu período de trabalho. Retrata-se ainda na animação, o desgaste da vida moderna através da reflexão da protagonista com relação ao trânsito dos carros e a circulação de pessoas na cidadeComponente Curricular::Ensino Médio::Geografi