12 research outputs found

    Idő-frekvencia és nemlineáris rekonstrukciós módszerek alkalmazása = Application of time-frequency and nonlinear reconstruction methods

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    Olyan adatfeldolgozó módszereket dolgoztunk ki melyekkel a szabálytalan fénygörbék elemezhetők. Félszabályos, RV Tauri és Mira csillagok fényggörbéit elemeztük. Az idő-frekvencia analízis segitségével kimutattuk, hogy a legtöbb esetben a domináns pillanatnyi frekvenciák nem stabilak, és a harmonikus csúcsok nem a domináns frekvenciával szinkronban változnak. Minez arra a következtetésre vezet, hogy ezek a csillagok a klasszikus értelemben nem multiperiodikusak. Hosszú fotoelektromos adatsor létezik 5 csillagra. A fázistér globális rekonstrukciója megerősítette, hogy ezen csillagok fénygörbéje jellegzetességei alacsony dimenziójú, kaotikus dinamika eredményeként jöttek létre. Ez a viselkedés két rezonáns módus nemlineáris kölcsönhatásából és a pulzáció erős nemadiabatikusságából származik. Bevezettünk egy hatásos módszert a csillagmodellezéshez szükséges hidrokódok fejlesztésére. A numerikus modellezés, az analitikus jelre épülő idő-frekvencia analízis és az amplitúdó egyenletek módszereit kombinálva kidolgoztunk egy hatékony eljárást, amivel vizsgálható a modell csillagpulzáció változása az instabilitási sávot átszelő fejlődési utak mentén. Ennek a rendszernek az első alkalmazásaként, részleteiben elemeztük az RR Lyrae instabilitási sáv topológiáját és a módusszelekció mechanizmusát. Eljárásunk lehetőséget ad arra, hogy a nagyon keskeny kétmódusú tartományokat egyszerűen megtaláljuk és behatároljuk. | We developed and combined data processing tools to investigate irregular light variations. We analyzed the observed light-curves of semiregular, RV Tauri and Mira stars. With time-frequency analysis we demonstrated that in most cases the dominant instantaneous frequencies are not steady, and that the 'harmonic peak' does not vary synchronously with the dominant one. This has led to the conclusion that these stars are not multi-periodic in the usual sense of the word. Long term photoelectic data exist for 5 stars. The results of a global flow reconstruction technique give strong evidence that the light-curves of these stars are generated by a low dimensional chaotic pulsation dynamics. This behaviour arises from the nonlinear interaction of two resonant modes, and the high nonadiabaticity of the pulsations. We developed an efficient way for building hydrocodes for stellar modelling. Based on a mixture of numerical modeling, analytical signal time-series analysis, and amplitude equations, we intoduced a powerful methodology for studying the evolution of the pulsations of a given stellar model along its evolutionary track through the instability strip. As a first application of this system we analyzed in detail the modal topology and modal selection of the RR Lyr instability strip. Our methodology allows us to find and delineate the very narrow double mode regimes very effectively

    Pulsating B-type stars in the young open cluster h Persei (NGC 869)

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    We announce the discovery of six Beta Cephei stars and many other variable stars in the young open cluster h Persei (NGC 869). The cluster seems to be very rich in variable B-type stars, similarly to its twin, Chi Persei (NGC 884).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Proc. HELAS-II conference, Goettingen, 20-24 August 200

    HAT-P-65b and HAT-P-66b: Two Transiting Inflated Hot Jupiters and Observational Evidence for the Reinflation of Close-in Giant Planets

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    We present the discovery of the transiting exoplanets HAT-P-65b and HAT-P-66b, with orbital periods of 2.6055 d and 2.9721 d, masses of 0.527 ± 0.083 MJ and 0.783 ± 0.057 MJ, and inflated radii of 1.89 ± 0.13 RJ and 1.59+0.16 −0.10 RJ, respectively. They orbit moderately bright (V = 13.145 ± 0.029, and V = 12.993 ± 0.052) stars of mass 1.212 ± 0.050 M⊙ and 1.255+0.107 −0.054 M⊙. The stars are at the main sequence turnoff. While it is well known that the radii of close-in giant planets are correlated with their equilibrium temperatures, whether or not the radii of planets increase in time as their hosts evolve and become more luminous is an open question. Looking at the broader sample of well- characterized close-in transiting giant planets, we find that there is a statistically significant correlation between planetary radii and the fractional ages of their host stars, with a false alarm probability of only 0.0041%. We find that the correlation between the radii of planets and the fractional ages of their hosts is fully explained by the known correlation between planetary radii and their present day equilibrium temperatures, however if the zero-age main sequence equilibrium temperature is used in place of the present day equilibrium temperature then a correlation with age must also be included to explain the planetary radii. This suggests that, after contracting during the pre-main-sequence, close-in giant planets are re-inflated over time due to the increasing level of irradiation received from their host stars. Prior theoretical work indicates that such a dynamic response to irradiation requires a significant fraction of the incident energy to be deposited deep within the planetary interiors. Subject headings: planetary systems — stars: individual ( HAT-P-65, GSC 1111-00383, HAT-P-66, GSC 3814-00307 ) techniques: spectroscopic, photometric

    BU Canis Minoris -- the Most Compact Known Flat Doubly Eclipsing Quadruple System

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    We have found that the 2+2 quadruple star system BU CMi is currently the most compact quadruple system known, with an extremely short outer period of only 121 days. The previous record holder was TIC 219006972 (Kostov et al. 2023), with a period of 168 days. The quadruple nature of BU CMi was established by Volkov et al. (2021), but they misidentified the outer period as 6.6 years. BU CMi contains two eclipsing binaries (EBs), each with a period near 3 days, and a substantial eccentricity of about 0.22. All four stars are within about 0.1 solar mass of 2.4 solar masses. Both binaries exhibit dynamically driven apsidal motion with fairly short apsidal periods of about 30 years, thanks to the short outer orbital period. The outer period of 121 days is found both from the dynamical perturbations, with this period imprinted on the eclipse timing variations (ETV) curve of each EB by the other binary, and by modeling the complex line profiles in a collection of spectra. We find that the three orbital planes are all mutually aligned to within 1 degree, but the overall system has an inclination angle near 83.5 degrees. We utilize a complex spectro-photodynamical analysis to compute and tabulate all the interesting stellar and orbital parameters of the system. Finally, we also find an unexpected dynamical perturbation on a timescale of several years whose origin we explore. This latter effect was misinterpreted by Volkov et al. (2021) and led them to conclude that the outer period was 6.6 years rather than the 121 days that we establish here.Comment: 19 pages, 8 pages, accepted to MNRA