13 research outputs found


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    The Analytic Element Method (AEM) for groundwater flow modelling and also its application possibilities were presented in an earlier volume, [2,3]. The present paper focuses on one certain element of it, the so-called inhomogeneity. The inhomogeneity describes the local variation of aquifer parameters, like its thickness, base elevation or permeability. After a short introduction of the method, the mathematical description and application conditions for the different approaches of inhomogeneities are given in details. Finally, some recommendations are given to help in the decision which approach to use

    River - Groundwater Interaction over the Region of INFOPARK-Budapest

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    The region around the former Kopaszi-sandbank, a shallow, degraded part of the river Danube is now a dynamically developing district of the capital with a campus and the so-called INFOPARK. As the area itself was filled with various type of material during the last century, due to the prescription of the environmental authority regular control of the water quality parameters is introduced. Several groups of observation well were set to for the monthly observation of water quality parameters and the groundwater levels, as well. These levels are influenced by natural processes like the regime of the river or the precipitation, and by the buildings with foundations reaching the aquifer. The aim of this study is to show the interaction between the river and groundwater levels with special respect to the effects of buildings with deep foundations


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    A set of technical-economical indexes was introduced in an earlier paper of this volume to evaluate the land drainage canal network of state property in Hungary. The catchments of theses canals form areal units, the so-called land drainage systems. This paper introduces the application of the method for the description and comparison of these areal units with the help of case studies. These case studies cover the fields of a national level grading, the sharing of reconstruction costs, the interest rates of multifunction canals as regional problems. A smaller scale grading is also given to determine an inlet restriction policy in case of a recipient with limited capacity


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    The analytic element method for groundwater flow modelling is presented earlier in this volume. This paper introduces its application for regional groundwater flow problems. Three examples are discussed, each of them describes the effects of different interventions in surface waters. The first one examines how the modified operation of a river barrage influences the groundwater regime around a village. The second example shows how different versions of a planned canal can be evaluated from the point of view of groundwater. Finally, the third case study examines the enlargement of gravel pits. Though in each case a short solution for the technical questions is also given, the paper rather focuses on the applicability of the method


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    There is a dense land drainage canal network of state property in the lowland area of Hungary. Based on the catchment area of these canals, a set of areal units, the so-called land drainage systems are organised. The management of such a network always requires carefully made decisions. This paper introduces a method for the description and comparison of these areal units on a technical-economical basis. The method is based on well founded data giving general information about the area concerned, and provides a clear set of indexes for the evaluation. Though they are never the only parameters to be considered, the method is suitable to support a wide range of decisions on national, regional and local level


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    The hydraulical phenomena in nature are three-dimensional (3D) and varying in time. In most practical cases it is sufficient to consider those phenomena as two-dimensional (2D) in the horizontal plane and varying in time. These phenomena occur primarily 'where the accelera- tion along the vertical direction is negligible compared to the gravitational one. Disregarding the variation of hydraulical parameters along the vertical direction we obtain a homogeneous horizontal flow. This phenomenon is described by the relatively simple Reynolds equations. In most practical cases the variation of velocity along the vertical direction has to be taken into account. The integral equations in which the depth average is taken into account are approaching the three-dimensional phenomena rather well. In our study we performed the result of our several years' research in the field of mathe- matical modelling of two-dimensional hydrodynamical and transport processes. The mathematical background was introduced in paragraph 1. We showed how the two- dimensional equations (7)-(9) can be achieved from Reynolds equations, valid for the time averaged mean hydraulic characteristics at a certain point of a three-dimensional turbulent flow. After deriving a closed set of equations, which can be solved, we introduced the numerical solution method of the implicit finite differences in four steps and in alternative direction. We showed the calibration of the model to prove the accuracy of the results in paragraph 2. That is why we compared the results of our model with laboratory measurements. We simulated the phenomenon forming at the tailbay of a hydropower station and compared the flow patterns of the mathematical and physical models (Figs 2 and 3). We proved, that our model and its computer program are suitable for the computation of flows that may be as- sumed as two-dimensional in the horizontal plane. In paragraph 3 the application of the model for the Internal Lake of Kis-Balaton is shown. We computed the near steady flow pattern, which forms when both the water intake and outlet was 10 m 8/s (Fig. 4). Sensitivity tests were performed for both the velocity coefficient, C (Fig. 5) and the eddy viscosity, v. We established that neither the determination of C nor that of v needs field measure- ments. Satisfactory accuracy can be achieved if one uses the values and formulae based on former experiences, laboratory experiments or data found in some publications for the estima- tion of C and v. In paragraph 4 we briefly performed the application of the transport-diffusion equation for the Internal Lake of Kis-Balaton. With the help of an example it is shown, that we can compute the concentration of pollutants in a two dimensional space, varying in time (Figs 6 and 7)

    Infantilis haemangioma: klinikai és demográfiai jellemzők, kezelésében és gondozásában szerzett tapasztalatok az SZTE Bőrgyógyászati és Allergológiai Klinikán

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az infantilis haemangioma a leggyakoribb csecsemő- és kisdedkori vascularis tumor; speciális, különleges klinikai lefolyásának, magas spontán remissziós hajlamának köszönhetően általában nem igényel bőrgyógyászati kezelést. A tumorok 10–15%-a azonban komoly szövődményeket okozhat, ezen utóbbi esetek speciális kezelést és szoros utánkövetést igényelnek. Célkitűzés: A szerzők célkitűzése az volt, hogy négy és fél éves vizsgálati periódus során feldolgozzák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bőrgyógyászati és Allergológiai Klinikájának Gyermekbőrgyógyászati Szakrendelésén infantilis haemangioma miatt kezelt betegek adatait, és bemutassák a kezelést igénylő esetek kapcsán szerzett tapasztalataikat. Módszer: Részletesen vizsgálták a csecsemők demográfiai adatait (nem, gesztációs kor és gesztációs súly, perinatalis anamnézis, édesanya terhességi kórtörténete), az infantilis haemangioma miatt bőrgyógyászati szakrendelésen való megjelenés idejét, a tumorok számát, klinikai altípusát és anatómiai lokalizációját, a tumorokkal kapcsolatosan jelentkező szövődményeket. Ezt követően részletesen elemezték a kezelés módját, időtartamát, eredményességét és a gyógyszeres kezelés során fellépő mellékhatásokat. Eredmények: A vizsgálati periódus alatt 96 gyermeket észleltek infantilis haemangioma diagnózissal összesen 163 tumorral. 54 esetben elegendő volt a rendszeres obszerváció, míg 42 gyermek esetén helyi vagy szisztémás béta-blokkoló kezelés beállítása volt indokolt. A kezelt csoportban valamennyi esetben a tumorok regressziója következett be, mellékhatás mindössze hat esetben jelentkezett. A béta-blokkoló kezelést igénylő gyermekek átlagos gesztációs kora és gesztációs súlya szignifikánsan alacsonyabb volt a kezelést nem igénylő gyermekekéhez képest. Következtetések: A komplikált infantilis haemangiomák kezelésében jelenleg a szisztémás propranololkezelés az első vonalbeli terápia. Eredményeink egyértelműen megerősítik a gyógyszer kiváló terápiás effektusát. Jelentős probléma, hogy a gyermekek sok esetben későn kerülnek a tumorok kezelésében jártas bőrgyógyászati centrumokba. A korai életkorban elkezdett terápia jelentősége hangsúlyozandó. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(39): 1535–1544. | Abstract: Introduction: Infantile haemangiomas are the most common vascular tumours of infancy. The vast majority of the lesions do not require dermatological treatment due to their unique clinical course and the high rate of spontaneous regression. Approximately 10–15% of the tumours result in severe complications and sequale, requiring special management and close follow-up. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the data of the patients treated with infantile haemangiomas, and to summarize the results of the therapy during 4.5 years of study period, in the Paediatric Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Dermatology and Allergology, at the University of Szeged. Method: Demographic data of the infants (gender, gestational age and weight, perinatal history of the infant and medical history of mothers), exact date of the visits at Paediatric Dermatology Outpatient Clinic and tumour characteristics (number, subtype, anatomical localisation and complications) were analysed in details. Treatment modalities and therapy intervals, outcomes and the adverse events of the therapies were also discussed in the survey. Results: During the study period, 96 infants with 163 infantile haemangiomas were observed. 54 patients required regular observations, while 42 infants required local or systemic beta-blocker therapy. All of the tumours treated with local or systemic therapy showed marked clinical regression; adverse effects were observed in only 6 cases. The gestational age and gestational weight of infants requiring beta-blocker therapy was significantly lower as compared to children needed only observation. Conclusions: Systemic propranolol is currently the first-line treatment modality for complicated infantile haemangiomas. Our results confirm the significant therapeutic efficacy of propranolol. Early introduction of the treatment is relevant; unfortunately a great proportion of patients are referred late to Paediatric Dermatology Centres. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(39): 1535–1544