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    Agricultural production and agricultural policy has many special dimensions. The production structure, income positions, and labour input have large regional disparities, the production intensity is not homogenous in space, and farms have different risk factors and market possibilities in the different regions of Hungary. Land use and production technology also varies largely, in many regions farming is competitive, highly specialized with big corporate farms, while other regions have small individual farms with mixed production structure and less concentration in land use. There are no direct data for spatial analysis less aggregated than NUTS 3 level. Only the data of agricultural census and administrative database for direct payments are available at settlement and microregional level, but these databases do not provide information of farm income. The income statistics either cannot be disaggregated to micro-regional level (agricultural accounts) or are not representative at this level (FADN). The administrative database of the Paying Agency contains the land use data and limited livestock numbers for all farms receiving direct payments. The FADN database contains a large accountancy dataset for a low number of farms. Statistical matching combines these two databases and provides a possibility for detailed regional analysis using estimated data.micro-regional, statistical matching, administrative data, FADN, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    First description of myxozoans from Syria: novel records of hexactinomyxon, triactinomyxon and endocapsa actinospore types

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    Oligochaete worms collected in late March and early April 2005 from 3 freshwater biotopes in Syria were surveyed over an 11 wk period for myxosporean parasites (Myxozoa). Three types of novel actinospore stages were identified from 1 host species, Psammoryctides albicola. A hexactinomyxon was found in 6 P. albicola (7.5%) collected from a branch of the River Orontes, north of the city of Hama. A triactinomyxon and an endocapsa were found in single P. albicola specimens from the Al-Thaurah region of the Euphrates River (Lake Assad). No oligochaetes collected from Al-Ghab fish farm (Orontes region) released actinospores during the observation period. The present study is the first description of myxosporeans, including actinospore stages, from Syria. The 3 types described herein differ morphologically and molecularly (18S rDNA) from published records

    Analysis of Hungarian Agricultural Subsidies on the Basis of FADN Database

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    On the basis of the micro-economic data of the Hungarian FADN system we analysed the role of subsidies in the profitability of farms, we aimed to reveal which types of farming and economic sizes are effected more by subsidies related to efficiency and profitability. The agricultural enterprises' balance of taxes and subsidies counted from the micro-economic data of FADN enterprises was also analysed in the different type of farming categories and economic size classes. Our aim was to find out what types of farms are subsidized and what types are net payers to the central budget. Examining the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that with the increase of economic size not only the proportion of profitable farms rises, but the profit per size unit increases and the loss decreases. Analysing the effect of production based subsidies and interest subsidies on the pre-tax profit we made the conclusion that the sum of subsidies received from government per size unit is almost equal in all economic size classes.agricultural subsidies, profitability, payments of agricultural enterprises, FADN, Agricultural Finance, Q12,

    Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance on the Budapest Stock Exchange: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Goulash?

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    We examine the impact of ownership concentration on firm performance using panel data for firms listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange, where ownership tends to be highly concentrated and frequently involves multiple blocks. Fixed-effects estimates imply that the l largest block increases return on assets and operating efficiency strongly and monotonically, but the effects of total blockholdings are much smaller and statistically insignificant. Controlling for the size of the largest block, point estimates of the marginal effects of additional blocks are negative. The results suggest that the marginal costs of concentration may outweigh the benefits when the increased concentration involves "too many cooks."Budapest, stock, exchange, ownership, concentration, Earle, Upjohn

    Description of two new actinosporean types from a brook of Fuji Mountain, Honshu, and from Chitose River, Hokkaido, Japan

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    Actinospore infection of oligochaetes living in the mud of 3 freshwater biotopes in Japan was studied. Using the cell-well plate method, a new aurantiactinomyxon type was found in 0.77 % of the examined Tubifex tubifex oligochaete specimens from a brook near Yamanashi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on Fuji Mountain. In 0.14 % of Lumbriculus variagetus collected from Chitose River, near Chitose Salmon Hatchery, a new siedleckiella type was found, while at the same time 8.1 % of the Lumbriculus spp. oligochaetes released triactinomyxons of Myxobolus arcticus. Of the examined Rhyacodrilus komarovi oligochaetes collected from the Mena River system, Hokkaido, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.8% were infected with echinactinomyxon, neoactinomyxum and 2 types of triactinomyxon spores, respectively, and described in our previous paper. The oligochaetes released actinospores for several weeks. Actinospore infection showed high intensity in positive oligochaetes in the case of all the actinosporean types. Two of the actinospore types (aurantiactinomyxon and siedleckiella) presented here have not been previously described

    Evaluation of color intensity enhanced by paprika as feed additive in goldfish and koi carp using computer-assisted image analysis

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    Body color intensity of red-colored koi carp Cyprinus carpio and goldfish Carassius auratus auratus varieties were measured to evaluate the effect of paprika used as a feed additive. Digital photos of the experimental fish were processed and analyzed by using special software. The red, green and blue (RGB) values of images were recorded and grayscale values of R, G and B were analyzed. The RGB values seem to play different roles in the development of the visible 'redness' of the two species. In most cases the B values decreased continuously during the administration of the paprika as a carotenoid feed additive, which seemed to have no effect on this process. The G values remained unchanged or decreased slightly as redness increased due to paprika feeding. The R values had a tendency to increase due to paprika feeding but significant differences can be expected only after 4 weeks at the feeding conditions applied here. Both the initial rate of redness and genetic background are thought to influence the rate of red color intensity change, which was observed to be different in the two fish species studied here
