53 research outputs found


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    Nesta edição multidisciplinar de "Fronteiras", disponibilizamos artigos que abrangem várias disciplinas, que cursam desde a segurança alimentar até à educação ambiental. In this multidisciplinary issue of “Fronteiras”, we present articles spanning across different subjects, ranging from food security to environmental education


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    A primeira edição de 2016 da revista Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, está no ar com a notícia que a partir desse volume todos os artigos contarão com os registros no DOI (Digital Object Identifier). O Doi é uma ferramenta que associa os artigos existentes nas plataformas digitais a um endereço eletrônico. As edições de 2105 já foram incluídas e até o final deste mês as demais edições receberão o registro DOI.The first edition of the journal Fronteiras 2016: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, is proud to announce the news that this volume all articles will be recorded on the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). DOI is a tool that combines the existing articles on digital platforms to an electronic address. The 2015 issues have been included and by the end of this month the other issues will receive the DOI registration

    Carta Editorial

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    The latest edition of the journal Fronteiras 2015: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, is available with the welcome news of being approved on the assessment done by Scopus Title Evaluation Support to compose the indexed periodicals by Elsevier / Scopus. Scopus represents one of the most important scientific journal data bases, with a comprehensive view of the world's research output in science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. In a time where science communication becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, this recognition helps guide us ever more greatly in seeking out this mission and vision for Fronteiras. It is in this sense that the volume 4, number 3 (2015) proposes to accomplish a part of this mission, now with the backing of another important database reference in scientific dissemination that is ScopusA última edição de 2015 da revista Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, está disponível com a grata notícia de ter sido aprovada em avaliação feita pela Scopus Title Evaluation Support para compor os periódicos indexados pela Elsevier/Scopus. A Scopus figura como uma das mais importantes bases de dados de revistas científicas, com uma visão abrangente da produção de pesquisa do mundo nas áreas de ciência, tecnologia, medicina, ciências sociais e artes e humanidades. Num momento em que a divulgação científica se torna cada vez mais global, interdisciplinar e colaborativa, esse reconhecimento auxilia a nossa orientação em buscar cada vez mais esse caminho como missão e visão da Fronteiras. Nesse sentido é que o volume 4, número 3 (2015) se propõe a cumprir parte dessa missão, agora com a chancela de mais uma importante referência em base de dados de divulgação científica que é a Scopu

    Editorial Letter

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    The Special Issue of Revista Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science presents complete articles from papers presented during the 6th Ibero-American Congress on Qualitative Research (CIAIQ) and 2nd International Symposium on Qualitative Research (ISQR). In the year 2017 were held in the city of Salamanca - Spain, in July (12 to 14). Coordinated by the researchers Cecília Guerra (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal), Patrícia Sá (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal), Rebeca Teja (Universidade Autónoma do Estado do México, México), and Jaime Ribeiro (Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal). This issue brings selected works, always based on the careful evaluation of the editorial team and the scientific board of these important events. Fronteiras, as well as other important Brazilian and international journals, has provided the scientific dissemination of relevant works dealing with qualitative methodologies, which links us to a worldwide network of diffusion of qualitative research in different approaches and methodological procedures

    Editorial Letter

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    The latest edition of the journal Fronteiras 2015: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, is available with the welcome news of being approved on the assessment done by Scopus Title Evaluation Support to compose the indexed periodicals by Elsevier / Scopus. Scopus represents one of the most important scientific journal data bases, with a comprehensive view of the world's research output in science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. In a time where science communication becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, this recognition helps guide us ever more greatly in seeking out this mission and vision for Fronteiras. It is in this sense that the volume 4, number 3 (2015) proposes to accomplish a part of this mission, now with the backing of another important database reference in scientific dissemination that is Scopu