2 research outputs found

    Vestibular Manifestations In Retrocochlear Tumoral Pathology

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    Introduction Retrocohlear tumoral pathology is dominated by the vestibular schwannoma (VS). The VS involve the vestibular division of the 8th cranial nerve and grows slowly leading to a gradual installation of the unilateral vestibular impairment allowing simultaneous achievement of central compensation process. Sometimes only a careful history will reveal a slow imbalance, a tendency to move towards to a certain lateral part. Remarkable progress has been made in the VS early diagnosis so that treatment can take place earlier with good results. Materials and methods A representative case is presented. Beside general, neurological and ENT examination, the diagnostic workup comprised of computerized dynamic posturography, videonystagmography, pure tone audiometry, auditory brainstem evoked response, MRI brainstem evaluation. Results In VS computerized dynamic posturography allows an overall of the vestibular function with polymorphic results. Bithermal caloric testing is, combined to auditory brainstem responses a good tool to diagnose and evaluate unilateral vestibular impairment in vestibular schwannoma. Discussion Detailed history, careful exploration of vestibular and cochlear function can lead to the conclusion of possible retrocochlear injury. For confirmation of its existence and its nature contrast-enhanced CT or MRI are necessary. Conclusion Any unilateral cochlear or vestibular symptoms (unilateral or asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral tinnitus, unilateral vestibular impairment of any degree with central compensation or not) should raise suspicion of possible VS

    The assessment of the angiogenesis in the uterine cervix carcinogenesis

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    The uterine carcinoma represents one of the most frequent malignant tumors in female. Great progresses were made in the understanding of the mechanisms of the appearance and evolution of the tumors, and also in the early diagnosis of them. In the present time, the discussions are centered on the angiogenesis and the neovascularisation. During the researches regarding the new factors of prognosis in cervical carcinomas, we are interesting firstly in the study of neoangiogenesis and its predictive role. The microanatomic quantitative study was made on fragments which were processed from uterine cervix dysplasias, preinvasive and invasive tumors. The sections were stained specific immunohistochemically (CD34) and examined with an interactive digital program. We have quantified the density of the microvessels/mm2 tumor stroma and the density of the microvessels/mm2 tumor. The preliminary results regarding the study of the microvessels in uterine cervix carcinomas show a positive correlation between the density and the evolution of the tumor, the angiogenetic process rises simultaneously with the risk of metastasis. This study shows a significant correlation between the density of vessels and the evolution of the uterine cervix carcinomas, the appearance of recurrences and metastasis. The quantification of the angiogenesis is an indicator with an high degree of precision, with is used for the detection of the aggressiveness and malignancy of the uterine cervix tumors