2,517 research outputs found

    Optimal Investment in the Development of Oil and Gas Field

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    Let an oil and gas field consists of clusters in each of which an investor can launch at most one project. During the implementation of a particular project, all characteristics are known, including annual production volumes, necessary investment volumes, and profit. The total amount of investments that the investor spends on developing the field during the entire planning period we know. It is required to determine which projects to implement in each cluster so that, within the total amount of investments, the profit for the entire planning period is maximum. The problem under consideration is NP-hard. However, it is solved by dynamic programming with pseudopolynomial time complexity. Nevertheless, in practice, there are additional constraints that do not allow solving the problem with acceptable accuracy at a reasonable time. Such restrictions, in particular, are annual production volumes. In this paper, we considered only the upper constraints that are dictated by the pipeline capacity. For the investment optimization problem with such additional restrictions, we obtain qualitative results, propose an approximate algorithm, and investigate its properties. Based on the results of a numerical experiment, we conclude that the developed algorithm builds a solution close (in terms of the objective function) to the optimal one

    Vertical sleeve gastrectomy lowers SGLT2/Slc5a2 expression in the mouse kidney

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    Bariatric surgery improves glucose homeostasis but the underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Here, we show that the expression of sodium glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2/Slc5a2) is reduced in the kidney of lean and obese mice following vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG). Indicating an important contribution of altered cotransporter expression to the impact of surgery, inactivation of the SGLT2/Slc5a2 gene by CRISPR/Cas9 attenuated the effects of VSG, with glucose excursions following intraperitoneal injection lowered by ∼30% in wild-type mice but by ∼20% in SGLT2 null animals. The effects of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapaglifozin were similarly blunted by surgery. Unexpectedly, effects of dapaglifozin were still observed in SGLT2 null mice, consistent with the existence of metabolically beneficial off-target effects of SGLT2 inhibitors. Thus, we describe a new mechanism involved in mediating the glucose lowering effects of bariatric surgery

    L-Arginine promotes gut hormone release and reduces food intake in rodents

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    Aims: To investigate the anorectic effect of L‐arginine (L‐Arg) in rodents. Methods: We investigated the effects of L‐Arg on food intake, and the role of the anorectic gut hormones glucagon‐like peptide‐1 (GLP‐1) and peptide YY (PYY), the G‐protein‐coupled receptor family C group 6 member A (GPRC6A) and the vagus nerve in mediating these effects in rodents. Results: Oral gavage of L‐Arg reduced food intake in rodents, and chronically reduced cumulative food intake in diet‐induced obese mice. Lack of the GPRC6A in mice and subdiaphragmatic vagal deafferentation in rats did not influence these anorectic effects. L‐Arg stimulated GLP‐1 and PYY release in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacological blockade of GLP‐1 and PYY receptors did not influence the anorectic effect of L‐Arg. L‐Arg‐mediated PYY release modulated net ion transport across the gut mucosa. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of L‐Arg suppressed food intake in rats. Conclusions: L‐Arg reduced food intake and stimulated gut hormone release in rodents. The anorectic effect of L‐Arg is unlikely to be mediated by GLP‐1 and PYY, does not require GPRC6A signalling and is not mediated via the vagus. I.c.v. and i.p. administration of L‐Arg suppressed food intake in rats, suggesting that L‐Arg may act on the brain to influence food intake. Further work is required to determine the mechanisms by which L‐Arg suppresses food intake and its utility in the treatment of obesity

    Continuity or change in business representation in Britain? An assessment of the Heseltine initiatives of the 1990s

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    Britain has a fragmented, overlapping, and underresourced system of business representation. Attempts at reform, however, have proved difficult and largely unsuccessful. A coherent and logical system is relevant, in terms of both an effective dialogue between government and business, and the promotion of competitiveness and productivity. Through interviews and archival evidence, I look at how government has attempted to reform business associations. The main focus is the Heseltine initiatives of the 1990s: I outline the various initiatives taken, reveal the extent to which policy represented continuity or change, and consider whether the initiatives were effective. I show that they had a degree of success but that they would have made greater impact if they had been sustained over a longer period of time. A consideration of the historical context, moreover, suggests there may be limits to the role of government intervention in business association reform


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    Este artigo explora as maneiras pelas quais o design influencia as perceções e ações de estudantes e professores em cinco escolas secundárias do Reino Unido. O entendimento das diferentes práticas desenvolvidas nessas escolas vai além das típicas Avaliações Pós Ocupação (Post Occupancy Evaluations) que enfocam aspectos ambientais, como a aústica, a iluminação e a temperatura, usam métodos quantitativos e frequentemente deixam de explorar a forma como os diferentes fatores ambientais interagem com os usuários, ao longo do tempo time (HYGGE, 2003; GALASIU e VEITCH, 2006; SHAUGHNESSY et al., 2006; WINTERBOTTOM e WILKINS, 2009). Também ocorre uma falta de atenção em relação às maneiras como os processos de ocupação podem modelar as experiências em tais espaços (STABLES, LEAROYD-SMITH, DANIELS e TSE, 2014). A investigação envolveu estudos de casos que objetivavam documentar uma série de assuntos chave discutidos pelos professores e estudantes em cada uma dessas escolas. Os achados contribuem para o desenvolvimento de um entendimento mais holístico sobre as formas como o design pode contribuir para o processo de transformação pedagógica. Argumentamos que os espaços que são projetados para formas específicas de abordagem de ensino e aprendizagem podem ser transformados quando tais espaços são usados na prática (DANIELS et al., 2017 no prelo). Temos evidências de que mudanças subsequentes em termos de liderança frequentemente envolvem modificações adicionais dos espaços e das práticas de ensino e aprendizagem. Neste artigo, acrescentamos a ideia de que essas mudanças têm consequências para a experiência cotidiana de escolarização, como foi evidenciado nos comentários e nas ações dos professors e alunos. Esses aspectos são de particular importância neste momento. O Gabinete Nacional de Auditoria (The National Audit Office) (2017) chamou a atenção para o estado lamentável das construções que abrigam as escolas públicas. Apontou três preocupações: a condição dos prédios, a demanda crescente de vagas e os problemas relativos à entrega de projetos capitais. Fica claro que necessitamos aprender com as experiências e os resultados de abordagens recentes relativas ao design e à construção de novas escolas. Como o Departamento reconhece, desafios significativos permanecem. Espera-se que a condição das escolas piore na medida em que construções em estado ruim, mas não o pior possível, se deteriorem ainda mais. O número de estudantes continua a crecer e as demandas por vagas está voltada para as escolas secundárias, onde tais vagas são de provisão mais complexa e dispendiosa. O Departamento, as autoridades locais e as escolas necessitarão attender essas demandas em um momento em que sua capacidade de realizar programas capitais sofre pressão crescente decorrente da escassez de receita orcamentária

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids status and cognitive function in young women

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: Research indicates that low omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) may be associated with decreased cognitive function. This study examined the association between n-3 PUFA status and cognitive function in young Australian women. Methods: This was a secondary outcome analysis of a cross-sectional study that recruited 300 healthy women (18-35 y) of normal weight (NW: BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) or obese weight (OB: BMI ≥30.0 kg/m2). Participants completed a computer-based cognition testing battery (IntegNeuro™) evaluating the domains of impulsivity, attention, information processing, memory and executive function. The Omega-3 Index (O3I) was used to determine n-3 PUFA status (percentage of EPA (20:5n-3) plus DHA (22:6n3) in the red cell membrane) and the participants were divided into O3I tertile groups: T1 6.75%. Potential confounding factors of BMI, inflammatory status (C-reactive Protein), physical activity (total MET-min/wk), alpha1-acid glycoprotein, serum ferritin and hemoglobin, were assessed. Data reported as z-scores (mean ± SD), analyses via ANOVA and ANCOVA. Results: Two hundred ninety-nine women (26.9 ± 5.4 y) completed the study (O3I data, n = 288). The ANOVA showed no overall group differences but a significant group × cognition domain interaction (p < 0.01). Post hoc tests showed that participants in the low O3I tertile group scored significantly lower on attention than the middle group (p = 0.01; ES = 0.45 [0.15-0.74]), while the difference with the high group was borderline significant (p = 0.052; ES = 0.38 [0.09-0.68]). After confounder adjustments, the low group had lower attention scores than both the middle (p = 0.01) and high (p = 0.048) groups. These findings were supported by univariate analyses which found significant group differences for the attention domain only (p = 0.004). Conclusions: Cognitive function in the attention domain was lower in women with lower O3I, but still within normal range. This reduced but normal level of cognition potentially provides a lower baseline from which cognition would decline with age. Further investigation of individuals with low n-3 PUFA status is warranted

    Coronary artery bypass grafting and sensorineural hearing loss, a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is routinely encountered by the otologist. The etiology is varied and often identifiable. One of the relatively less frequent causes is surgery. Apart from being an established entity with otological surgeries, sensorineural hearing loss has also been known to occur after non-otological procedures under general anesthesia. Commonest amongst these procedures is cardiopulmonary bypass, an association that has long been recognized. However, despite the proposition of diverse hypotheses in the past, the pathophysiology remains unclear. METHODS: The study is a prospective matched cohort study that will be carried out in Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Participants among exposed would include all those patients who would be undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery in the hospital who fall under the criteria for inclusion. Unexposed group would comprise of patients undergoing a non-bypass procedure of similar duration under the same type of anesthesia who meet the selection criteria. Both these groups will undergo audiometric testing at our hospital on three different occasions during the course of this study. Initially before the procedure to test the baseline hearing capacity; then one week after the procedure to assess any changes in hearing ability following the surgery; and finally a third audiogram at six weeks follow-up to assess further changes in any hearing deficits noted during the second phase of testing. Certain variables including the subjects' demographics and those concerning the procedure itself will be noted and used later for risk factors analysis. A detailed past medical and surgical history will also be obtained. Data analysis would include calculation of relative risk and significance of the results, by running the chi-square test. Other statistical tests like Fisher exact test may then be employed to facilitate data interpretation. Continuous scale may then be employed and multivariate linear regression used. DISCUSSION: This study is planned to obtain a better understanding of the correlation between sudden sensorineural hearing loss and cardiopulmonary bypass. Being the first major cohort trial in this line of investigation, the project is designed to identify the existence of any significant relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass and sensorineural hearing deficit

    Territory, power and statecraft: understanding English devolution

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    In recent decades, the devolution of power to subnational regional authorities has formed a key element of what has been termed the ‘unravelling’ or ‘unbundling’ of the state in many parts of the world. Even in the United Kingdom, with its distinctive global reputation as a power-hoarding majoritarian democracy, the devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland since 1998 can be located within this broader devolutionary dynamic. In recent years, this process has focused on ‘the English question’ and a reform agenda that claimed to offer a ‘devolution revolution’. This paper offers the first research-led analysis of the scope, scale and implications of these post-2015 reforms to English governance. It utilizes Jim Bulpitt’s statecraft approach to explore the changing nature of centre–periphery relationships within England. The main conclusion has been that a ‘rhetoric–reality gap’ currently exists and a ‘devolution revolution’ has not occurred

    Ecology: a prerequisite for malaria elimination and eradication

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    * Existing front-line vector control measures, such as insecticide-treated nets and residual sprays, cannot break the transmission cycle of Plasmodium falciparum in the most intensely endemic parts of Africa and the Pacific * The goal of malaria eradication will require urgent strategic investment into understanding the ecology and evolution of the mosquito vectors that transmit malaria * Priority areas will include understanding aspects of the mosquito life cycle beyond the blood feeding processes which directly mediate malaria transmission * Global commitment to malaria eradication necessitates a corresponding long-term commitment to vector ecolog