46 research outputs found

    Effects of thermal spread on the space charge limit of an electron beam

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    An asymptotic analysis is carried out to calculate the effects of a small thermal spread in the injection energy of an electron beam on its space charge limit. It is found that the space charge limit is lowered proportionally to the beam temperature T near T = O

    Caustics and virtual cathodes in electron beams

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    A simplified model is discussed that captures the basic physics of the phenomenon of oscillatory virtual cathodes in electron beams. A monoenergetic non-relativistic one-dimensional electron beam is injected through a conducting grid into a semi-infinite drift space. Attraction from image charges (and, possibly, an adverse externally applied electric field) cause particle reflection and the formation of a caustic where the charge density has an integrable singularity. The steady-state solution of the Vlasov equation describing the flow is known from numerical simulation to be unstable, but analytical demonstration of this instability has proved intractable. Here we derive an integral-delay equation describing the time-dependent evolution of the electron beam under the assumption that the caustic accelerates much more slowly than the electrons in its neighbourhood and thus at most two streams are present at each point. Under this assumption we show that the charge singularity is ~|x-xc|-\xbd the presence of an external field, exactly what it would be for non-interacting particles, but in the absence of applied field it is weaker, ~|x-xc|-\u2153 Our methods can be used to estimate the charge singularity, and thus the collisionless shock conditions\u27 for virtual cathodes in any geometry. The importance of delay effects for the onset of beam oscillations is demonstrated in an exactly solvable version of the model in which the interaction between the two streams is ignored. This solution, although unphysical, can provide a means for testing the performance of numerical schemes, which have difficulties in problems of this type due to the charge singularity.\u2

    Non relativistic Kapitza-Dirac scattering

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    We use techniques of singular perturbation theory to investigate the scattering of nonrelativistic charged particles by a standing light wave (Kapitza-Dirac scattering). Unlike previous treatments, we give explicit results for the effects of the time-dependent part of the field. For low field intensity or low particle energy, we show that the leading-order effects can be found from an averaged equation, and we compute corrections. For the strong fields that can be produced by modern lasers and/or high particle energies, we show that the time dependence of the potential leads to focusing. Our methods can be applied to other problems with time-periodic potentials

    The Quaternions with an application to Rigid Body Dynamics

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    William Rowan Hamilton invented the quaternions in 1843, in his effort to construct hypercomplex numbers, or higher dimensional generalizations of the complex numbers. Failing to construct a generalization in three dimensions (involving triplets) in such a way that division would be possible, he considered systems with four complex units and arrived at the quaternions. He realized that, just as multiplication by i is a rotation by 90o in the complex plane, each one of his complex units could also be associated with a rotation in space. Vectors were introduced by Hamilton for the first time as pure quaternions and Vector Calculus was at first developed as part of this theory. Maxwell\\u27s Electromagnetism was first written using quaternions.\u2

    The Approximate Functional Formula for the Theta Function and Diophantine Gauss Sums

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    By introducing the discrete curvature of the polygonal line, and by exploiting the similarity of segments of the line, for small w, to Cornu spirals (C-spirals), we prove the precise renormalization formula. This formula, which sharpens Hardy and Littlewood\u27s approximate functional formula for the theta function, generalizes to irrationals, as a Diophantine inequality, the well-known sum formula of Gauss. The geometrical meaning of the relation between the two limits is that the first sum is taken to a point of inflection of the corresponding C-spirals. The second sum replaces whole C-spirals of the first by unit vectors times scale and phase factors. The block renormalization procedure implied by this replacement is governed by the circle map whose orbits are analyzed by expressing w as an even continued fraction

    Long-time behavior of Ginzburg-Landau systems far from equilibrium

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    Using singular-perturbation techniques, we study the stability of modulated structures generated by driving Ginzburg-Landau systems far from equilibrium. We show that, far from equilibrium, the steady-state behavior is controlled by an effective Lagrangian which possesses the same functional form as the original free energy but with renormalized coefficients. We study both linear and nonlinear sources and determine their influence on the long-term stability of the bifurcating solutions

    Acoustic-wave nonlinearity in stimulated Brillouin scattering

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    Stimulated Brillouin scattering is investigated here under conditions characterized by high optical pump intensity. Calculations are carried out at 1.3 and 3.8 /jm with pump intensities equal to approximately three times the threshold. Such strong optical forcing leads to significant self-distortion of the density profile in the material wave serving as the optical grating. The method of multiple scales is used to find a uniform asymptotic expansion in the coupling. At the first perturbation level the resonant portion of the problem yields abridged equations for the incident and the scattered waves with frequencies CWaLn d ws = L - 0 and for the grating and its harmonics with frequencies nfl. The nonresonant portion of the first perturbation yields field components with the frequencies WL + nfl and cos - nfl for n = 1, 2,.... Numerical solutions of the truncated abridged system are found by a method of Chebychev collocation and indicate a reduction in the observed phonon lifetime and a broadening of the linewidth with increasing amplitude

    An Efficient Spectral Method for Ordinary Differential Equations with Rational Function Coefficients

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    We present some relations that allow the efficient approximate inversion of linear differential operators with rational function coefficients. We employ expansions in terms of a large class of orthogonal polynomial families, including all the classical orthogonal polynomials. These families obey a simple three-term recurrence relation for differentiation, which implies that on an appropriately restricted domain the differentiation operator has a unique banded inverse. The inverse is an integration operator for the family, and it is simply the tridiagonal coefficient matrix for the recurrence. Since in these families convolution operators (i.e. matrix representations of multiplication by a function) are banded for polynomials, we are able to obtain a banded representation for linear differential operators with rational coefficients. This leads to a method of solution of initial or boundary value problems that, besides having an operation count that scales linearly with the order of truncation N, is computationally well conditioned. Among the applications considered is the use of rational maps for the resolution of sharp interior layers

    Delay-induced destabilization of entrainment of nerve impulses on ephaptically coupled nerve fibers

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    We study the effect of delay on the synchronization of two nerve impulses traveling along two ephaptically coupled, unmyelinated nerve fibers. The system is modeled as a pair of delay-coupled Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations. A multiple-scale perturbation approach is used for the analysis of these equations in the limit of weak coupling. In the absence of delay, two pulses with identical speeds are shown to be entrained precisely. However, as the delay is increased beyond a critical value, we show that this precise entrainment becomes unstable. We make quantitative estimates for the actual values of delay at which this can occur in the case of squid giant axons and compare them with the relevant time-scales involved