1,129 research outputs found

    F-Word Fun Home

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    Growing up fundamentalist can be challenging for any child, but when you do not fit within the confines of traditional gender norms, when you are masculine, female-bodied or feminine, male-bodied, navigating identity can make you feel like a foreigner within your own family. Certain forms of feminism, too, can feel alienating. In this article, I share personal experiences with both social constructions of feminism and fundamentalism. Borrowing from queer theories, I wrestle with ways of doing, undoing, and redoing religion and gender that may have implications for teaching in a more inclusive and expansive manner

    On Oysters and Other Life Lessons: Art Teacher’s Perceptions of Social Class and Schooling

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    I had to be taught that the world was not my oyster. As a child I was quite sure that I was destined for a wondrous life of adventure and distinction. I was the first born in my family, the first child, the first grandchild, the first niece; everyone was crazy about me. My mother swears that on the day I was born my father floated across the room, so filled with joy and pride that his feet literally glided above the floor as he held me in his arms for the first time. I realize now that this is implausible, of course, but when I was young it was part of our family mythology. I had caused my dad to fly. My family adored me; they made me feel as if I was significant

    This is What Democracy Looks Like: Art and the Wisconsin Uprising

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    In February of 2011, an enormous popular political movement came to life in Wisconsin. For many people who were engaged in the month-long occupation of the Capitol in Madison, the Wisconsin Uprising was their first experience with direct political action. For the artists who are the focus of this article, taking part in the Wisconsin Uprising seemed like a natural outgrowth of their many years of socially engaged artmaking. In this article, I offer a brief overview of the Wisconsin Uprising followed by a discussion of the contributions of the artists in the protests in the context of their larger bodies of work. I close with an argument about why art matters in social justice movements and why art teachers have an obligation to include activist art in their curricula

    A Study of the Impact of Disability Studies on the Perceptions of Education Professionals

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    Scholars in the field of Disability Studies (DS) have asserted that introducing future and current educators to the field of DS may impact their perceptions of disability and their practices in supporting students with disabilities. However, little empirical research exists on how introduction to DS actually shifts their perspectives. This study examined the impact of Disability Studies online modules on the perceptions of education professionals. Results of this study suggested that participating in online modules and learning about Disability Studies did impact the ways in which some participants viewed disability, as well as their views on supporting students. These findings suggest that online DS learning modules could be a powerful tool in preparing education professionals to work with students with disabilities

    Examining the Variability in General Education Placements for Students With Intellectual Disability

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    Despite the overwhelming body of research suggesting that students with intellectual disability benefit from access to general education placements, students with intellectual disability continue to be educated primarily in segregated settings. Furthermore, the percentage of students with intellectual disability included in general education classrooms varies greatly among and within states across the United States. In an effort to explore such variability in New York State, we examined trends in general education placement rates of students with intellectual disability across districts and possible predictors of placement in regular classes. Results suggest that although descriptive patterns of placement exist, a more definitive explanation of variability requires a deeper analysis of policy and procedure at the district level

    High-Yield Webinar Engagement Strategies and Teacher Candidate Professional Learning

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    In response to the COVID-19 school closures in both K-12 and higher education, a group of education partners in the United States collaborated to offer a statewide webinar series, 12 webinars in total, to support preservice teachers as they worked to complete their clinical hour requirements. The webinars and extension activities provided via Padlets covered topics associated with best practices and related to credential requirements such as applying universal design for learning and differentiating instruction. This study explored the perceptions of 248 preservice teachers regarding the virtual professional learning format and extension activities, as well as what professional learning they felt they needed in the future as they began their first year teaching during COVID-19. Findings suggest preservice teachers were receptive to learning through the structured webinar platform and found extension activities helpful in applying content. Their knowledge, sense of preparedness, and application of the topics and strategies presented increased, and the topics were relevant and supported the required practicum hours and future teaching practice

    Research-to-Practice Brief: Using Labor Market Projections for Successful Transition Planning

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    Employment rates and post-school transition outcomes for individuals with disabilities remain alarmingly low compared to peers without disabilities. Transition plans often focus on skills associated with employment opportunities that are immediately available to the individual with a disability. We contend that transition plans must be developed with specific attention to projected labor market needs to ensure that we are preparing students with disabilities for long-term success. This research brief describes how the results of an in-depth labor market analysis can be used to develop strong transition plans that prepare students for careers that will last far into the future