3 research outputs found
How new technologies can promote an active and healthy city. Digital platform to identify areas of informal sport practise in the city of Malaga
La investigación realizada se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la Cátedra Tecnologías Emergentes para la Ciudadanía, Red de Cátedras Estratégicas del Vicerrectorado de Proyectos Estratégicos, Universidad de Málaga, y el Polo Digital, Ayuntamiento de Málaga.In recent years the urban public space has become the largest casual sports infrastructure in cities and suburbs. WHO establishes a direct relationship between the Active Healthy City, social cohesion of communities and public space. This approach provides a framework for research and work on the design of the city and urban space as support for this sport practice. Moreover, new technologies provide an opportunity to promote the sport in the city.
“Malaga Activa” digital platform project is an initiative that wants to promote the informal sport practice on the urban public space (outside the regulated sports facilities) and healthy living in the neighborhoods of the city of Malaga. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the project identifying the active sport areas -those in which physical and casual sport activities take place-. It also includes a methodology and a performance test of the created digital platform, as well as an assessment of the experience and possible improvements to be incorporated in the successive phases of the project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Indicator system to measure the qualities of urban space affecting urban safety and coexistence
Preprint de los autores enviado a: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. DOI:10.1088/issn.1757-899xUrban space design directly influences its own safety. Sometimes this security is given by urban furniture, lighting or urban facilities, among other aspects. This paper presents a methodology based on the development of a system of indicators that provides the opportunity to assess what qualities of urban space influence street safety. It is important to know what aspects of public space make the citizen consider it a safe place and at the same time, to contrast these data with scientific documents. The first results are shown after applying this methodology to the case study of the city of Malaga, and specifically, to a sample of streets selected based on objective criteria crime rate. For research and obtaining indicators, digital surveys have been carried out on a group of 300 people, using Google Forms and social networks. Likewise, to obtain samples of the streets with the highest and lowest crime rates, registration data has been geolocated by the tolls of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The main contribution of this document is focused on defining indicators to characterize and quantify the safety in the streets of the urban public space. These are contrasted with objective data and records of insecurity and crime, and can be applicable to any street in any city. Finally, through these indicators, it is intended to know what are the parameters that influence urban safety for future designs of public spaces, or their renovation, achieving in the future, the existence of streets with a higher level of safety.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Resilience of neighbourhoods against COVID-19 through their associative network. City of Malaga as a case study
La pandemia del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ha supuesto un desafío mundial en las ciudades a todos los niveles. Frente a este reto han surgido numerosas iniciativas vecinales con el propósito de servir de ayuda a la población con mayores necesidades asistenciales y económicas. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar si existe una correlación espacial entre la localización de iniciativas solidarias y la vulnerabilidad frente a la pandemia, con el fin de determinar niveles de resiliencia por grandes barrios a través de su tejido asociativo. La metodología se basa en un análisis espacial con Sistemas de Información Geográfica de las diferentes variables consideradas a través de cartografías de diagnóstico. El caso de estudio para el testeo de este método es la ciudad de Málaga. Las técnicas utilizadas para la recogida de datos son las plataformas webGIS Málaga Solidaria (http://picmalaga.com/covid) y platIC: plataforma de Iniciativas Ciudadanas (http://platic.es) para el mapeo
de iniciativas solidarias y ciudadanas. Su distribución espacial permite medir la capacidad de resiliencia de los barrios frente al COVID-19, así como su relación con otras variables que determinan el nivel de vulnerabilidad. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan algunas relaciones entre grades barrios vulnerables, su tejido asociativo e iniciativas solidarias.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech