7 research outputs found

    Instructional Supervision and Performance Evaluation: A Correlation of Factors

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    The study aimed to determine the correlation between instructional supervision and performance evaluation in the Public Elementary Schools of Bayawan City Division. The survey was descriptive and correlational in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, weighted mean, and spearman rank correlation coefficient. The study found out that the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the experienced teachers was “very high” in terms of the following aspects:(a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) organization and implementation of instructional supervision; (d) dialogue and discussion in post-instructional supervision; and (e) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision. Likewise, the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the novice teachers was also “very high” based on how they rated their instructional supervisors in terms of the first three areas. In addition, a moderate relationship was found to exist between the teachers’ job performance evaluation and the extent of implementation of instructional supervision in the following aspects: (a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision


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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of home environment to student personality and student personality to the academic achievement of Grade Ten students in Paniabonan High School, Mabinay District II, Division of Negros Oriental. It specifically aimed to show the profile/home environment of the respondents in terms of parents‟ occupation, birth order, family size, family type and family income; academic achievement; and personality type. It further sought to determine the relationship of the personality types and academic achievement; and profile/home environment and personality types of the respondents. The study utilized one hundred thirty eight Grade 10 students as respondents. Descriptive-correlation design was employed in the study construing mainly personality types to be related to academic achievement. Students‟ profile/home environment was also construed to have a relationship with personality types. Percentage, mean, chi-square and Pearson‟s contingency coefficient were the statistical tools used in the study. Significant findings showed that in terms of parents‟ occupation, majority of the respondents‟ parents are working as laborers and/or any servicing jobs. Their parents‟ occupations are classified as blue-collar jobs. When it comes to birth order, most of the Grade 10 students are middle children in their family. Also, majority of the respondents have small family size (1 to 3 siblings) only. Majority of the students have nuclear type of family. Majority of the respondents belong to the poverty level. A number of Grade 10 students belong to “Approaching Proficiency” level in terms of their academic achievement. Respondents whose dominant personality type falls on agreeableness outnumbered the personality types such as conscientiousness, extraversion, emotional stability/neuroticism and openness, respectively.In general, the study revealed that there is a low degree of relationship between personality type and academic achievement. This means that personality type is not a strong determinant of students‟ academic achievement. Furthermore, home environment in terms of fathers‟ occupation, birth order and birth size has a low association to students‟ personality types. This connotes that the jobs of the fathers, the position of a child in the family and the size of the family somehow affect the personality type of a person. Keywords: personality types, home environment, academic achievemen

    Study, pandemic, research progress, students, scientific research etj

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    The study aimed to determine the correlation between instructional supervision and performance evaluation in the Public Elementary Schools of Bayawan City Division. The survey was descriptive and correlational in nature. It utilized the percentage, mean, weighted mean, and spearman rank correlation coefficient. The study found out that the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the experienced teachers was “very high” in terms of the following aspects:(a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) organization and implementation of instructional supervision; (d) dialogue and discussion in post-instructional supervision; and (e) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision. Likewise, the extent of implementation of instructional supervision as perceived by the novice teachers was also “very high” based on how they rated their instructional supervisors in terms of the first three areas. In addition, a moderate relationship was found to exist between the teachers’ job performance evaluation and the extent of implementation of instructional supervision in the following aspects: (a) concept and purpose of instructional supervision; (b) planning and preparations for instructional supervision; and (c) satisfaction with and evaluation of instructional supervision

    Competency Level of Secondary School Administrators and Their Administrative Performance:

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    This study sought to identify the competency level of secondary School Administrators and their administrative performance which a basis for a training program in school management. There were 10 districts included in this study under the Division of Bayawan City. The total number of respondents consisted of 26 school administrators and 260 teachers. The study was a combination of descriptive and correlational research. The statistical tools used were percentage, mean μ, weighted mean μ and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study revealed that majority of the school heads’ performance evaluation coming from their Key Result areas (KRA) were very satisfactory. The study also found out that there is a significant relationship between the school administrators’ competency level (in all areas) and their performance based on RPMS. The data also reflect that all the values of rare classified to be in the moderate category

    Internal Stakeholders’ Knowledge and Attitude towards Inclusive Education

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    This study aimed to determine the extent of knowledge and the level of attitude of the internal stakeholders towards inclusive education. The respondents of this study consisted of 5 school heads, 130 teachers, and 150 randomly selected students in the secondary schools in the district of Hinoba-an, Division of Negros Occidental. The researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational method of research. She also used a validated researcher-made questionnaire for measuring knowledge and attitude of the internal stakeholders. The statistical tools used in this study were weighted mean and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient. The study revealed that the internal stakeholders have very high extent of knowledge towards inclusive education. The school heads and teachers have positive level of attitude while the students have a very positive level of attitude towards inclusive education in terms of their beliefs and feelings. In terms of actions, the level of attitude of the school heads and students is very positive while the teachers have a positive level of attitude. In addition, there is a strong relationship between the internal stakeholders’ extent of knowledge and their level of attitude towards inclusive education. Likewise, there is a strong relationship between the school heads’ educational attainment and their (a) extent of knowledge and (b) level of attitude towards inclusive educatio


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    This paper examined the extent of school heads’ implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) as performance management mechanism in the Department of Education (DepEd). It focused on the 61 school heads and 271 teaching personnel of Bayawan City Division, Negros Oriental, Philippines for SY 2018-2019. It utilized the descriptive, comparative, and correlational methods of research in the sense that the extent of school heads’ implementation of goal setting, monitoring and feedbacking practices was surveyed and the results were related to teachers’ job performance. The extent of implementation of the RPMS was measured in terms of the following phases: a) planning and commitment, b) monitoring and coaching, c) review and evaluation, and d) rewards and developmental planning. The study used a researcher-made questionnaire divided into three parts, namely: 1) profile of the respondents, 2) extent of implementation of the RPMS, and 3) job performance of the teachers. It revealed that there is a very high extent of goal setting, monitoring and feedbacking practices as respectively assessed by both the school heads and teachers in all RPMS areas: a) planning and commitment (wx̄=4.49 and wx̄=4.47), b) monitoring and coaching (wx̄=4.43 and wx̄=4.44), c) review and evaluation (wx̄=4.43 and wx̄=4.47), and d) rewards and developmental planning (wx̄=4.38 and wx̄=4.45). There were also significant difference shown in the extent of school heads’ performance management mechanisms and teachers’ job performances when the former and the latter are respectively grouped according to their profile items as to length of experience, educational attainment and position held. It concluded that there is a strong and significant relationship between the extent of performance management mechanisms and teachers’ job performance as all the values of rs fall in the “strong relationship” categories with an overall rating of 0.712 and computed p-values less than the 0.05 level of significance

    Parental Roles in the Delivery of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) Modality: Effects to Pupils’ Academic Performance

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    This study tackled the demonstration of parental roles during the delivery of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) modality. The respondents of the study were the 192 grade 6 parents and pupils of Bayawan City East Central School selected through systematic sampling technique. The researcher has then utilized the descriptive-correlational research design and employed weighted mean, mean, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, and Mann-Whitney U Test for statistical analyses. The results disclosed a high extent of demonstration on the roles of parents as facilitators at home, collaborators of teachers in school, monitors of learners’ schedules, and motivators of children in answering the modules. The study also found out that the academic performance of the pupils is at very satisfactory level. Furthermore, it revealed that a significant and moderate relationship existed between the following roles of parents and the pupils’ academic performance: facilitators at home, collaborators of teachers in school, monitors of learners’ schedules, and motivators of children in answering the modules. A significant relationship was also indicated between the parents’ educational attainment and the extent to which they demonstrate their roles. Lastly, respondents’ perceptions differ significantly on the demonstration of parents’ role as monitors of learners’ schedules, indicating a higher perception from the pupils as compared to their parents