1,753 research outputs found

    Volume 58, Number 05 (May 1940)

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    Youth Cries, Wake Up America! New Thing Came and They Would Not See New Insights to the Mastery of Debussy: Three Striking Period Pictures Breaking into Radio Mr. Bach of 1940 Composers and Their Mothers German Masters Our Musical Presidents How to Make Pupils\u27 Recitals Fascinating: Stage Etiquette for Every Performing Musician When Music is King: A Week When a Nation Turns Musical Odyssey of Oscar Levant (interview with Levant, Oscar)https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1260/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 67, Number 09 (September 1949)

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    Why I Went to South Pacific Talent Isn\u27t Enough! Short-Cut to Choral Singing Miss Mary at the Manuals Modern Music Is Nonsense (interview with Darius Milhaud) I Used to Play Piano, But . . . Good Dancers are Good Musicians (interview with Patricia Bowman) Boston Musical Radio Census What Makes a Composer Great? (interview with Igor Stravinsky) Don\u27t Worry About the Next Depression!: Here\u27s How One Teacher Solved the Problem Tabernacle Organ in Salt Lake City Get Them Started Right! Those Fascinating Woodwinds They\u27ve Revived the Music Box Editorial: Music and Barnumismhttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1157/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 41, Number 08 (August 1923)

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    Leaves from a Virtuoso\u27s Note Book: Practical Study Ideas form Personal Contact with Liszt and Rubinstein (interview with Alexander Siloti) First Use of the Damper Tell How Teacher Making Programs Atrractive Secret of Caruso\u27s Glorious Voice: What Made the Voice of the Greatest of Tenors so Wonderful and Powerful Really Use Your Magazines Need of Muscular Freedom Carnivals in Music Transposing Exercises to Build Technic Demolishing Criticism Musical Vistas: Sketches from a Busy Musical Life Swimming to Music Those Pictured Walls Ten Be\u27s that Do Not Sting True of False! Which? Musical Screws to Adjust Musical Debt ot Aristocracy Join in Our Feast Why Piano Classes and Pupils\u27 Clubs Pay Teachers\u27 Ruses Stems Routine Practice Artistic Chord Production Pieces That Interest Pupils How Long Has Your Brain Practiced? Ten Pointers for the Pianist\u27s Left Hand Writing It Out On Selecting New Pieces Cult of Nonsense in Music: A Mid-Summer Fantasy of Musical Humor Liszt\u27s Glissando Chromatic Scale Eight Novel Lessons That Put New Life into Your Teaching Musical History Intelligence Test: Question on the Lives of the Great Composers Public Schools and Music Education Crying Need in Public School Music How Music Saves Criminals Rabindranath Tagore on European Music Remedy for Stiffness that Boys Will Understand Associate Only Pleasant Ideas Beethoven\u27s Love Affairhttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1703/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 54, Number 07 (July 1936)

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    Romance of In the Gloaming Road to Correct Fingering Why Every Child Should Have a Musical Training Short Cuts to Easy Practice First Love of Franz Liszt At What Age Shall My Child Begin to Learn the Piano? Different Bach Developing Interest in Practicing Stamps for Success Sources of Beethoven\u27s Inspiration Secrets of the Conductor (interview with Fritz Reiner) Musical Make-Believe How the Tuner Can Help You Indefinable Liszt (interview with Frederick Lamond) How About Figured Bass? Safe Rule for Clear Pedaling Musicians and Their Food Pitfalls in Teaching Piano Tone Production Pupil\u27s Piano Progressive Music Chart Darkness Before Dawn Why, When, and Where of And Open Door to Another Worldhttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1845/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 44, Number 06 (June 1926)

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    Everything Counts in Your Musical Success (interview with Lawrence Tibbett) Vale, Melodeon! Profitable Lesson in Playing Double Notes Women\u27s Orchestras in 18th Century Italy Simple Help for Scale-Mastery Attention and Getting Along Practical Point for Practical Teachers Getting the Hang of the Rhythm Various Ways of Writing Dots and Their Corresponding Touches Rightly Learned Piece Learning the Keyboard How Words Help Musical Biographical Catechism: Tiny Life Stories of Great Masters Adult Beginner and His Problems For the Musically Slow Selecting Compositions for Your Pupils Cyril Scott and His Ego How to Play Correctly Two Notes Against Three Thumb Drill of the Right Kind Slumps! Acquiring a True Legato Touch How to Develop a School Band Bring Out the Melody Playing for Daddy Those Horrid Inventions! Those Awful Fugues! Hints on the Art of Playing the Music of Bach Suggestions for Interesting Recital Programs Putting Pep Into Practicehttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1734/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 41, Number 09 (September 1923)

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    Some Vital Point Piano Students Miss: Things that Young Pianists Forget (interview with Frederic Lamond) Training Eyes and Ears Taking Care of the Piano: Expert Advice by the National Association of Piano Tuners Colorful Practice Success and the Music Teacher\u27s Health: What the Teacher Must Do to Keep Fit Rubber Stamps that Help Piano Playing Up to Date Musical History Intelligence Test: Question on the Lives of the Great Composers Is This the Golden Age of Voice? (interview with Madame Lucrezia Bori) Master Singers on Tone Production—Symposium Serious Piano Student\u27s Ultimate Goal Look at Your Music Shelf Simplified Reading for Beginners How to Give Concerts and Recitals by Pupils Practical Points on Accent and Non-Accent Musical Sight Reading: An Imaginative Aspects Securing the Best Results form Piano Study Seize Your Opportunity Grasping by Wholes Speeding Up Fingerings that Help Golden Hour Program Stop the Nonsense Double Bar Only Lifers Wanted Professional and Artistic Opportunities for the Music Supervisor Violin Makinghttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1704/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 65, Number 09 (September 1947)

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    Keeping Young With Music Romance of Home, Sweet Home and Its Author: The American Actor and Poet Who Wrote the Words Was One of the Distinctive Figures of His Day What About the Woman Violinist? (interview with Evelyn) My Hall of Memories: Famous Singers I Have Known, Part I Teacher\u27s Round Table Practical Side of Piano Practicing Can You Set a Standard? Pedals—The Soul of the Pianoforte Schumann\u27s Whims (Grillen), Op. 12, No. 4 (Master Lesson)https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1179/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 30, Number 02 (February 1912)

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    Probable Origin of Syncopation Opera of the People (interview with Victor Herbert) Boccherini and His Friends If My Daughter Should Study for Grand Opera (interview with Andreas Dippel) When Different Pupils Make the Same Mistakes How a Great Operatic Production is Prepared: Opinions from Many Celebrated Specialists upon a Subject of Much Human Interest to all Music Lovers Grand Opera as a Business Self-Help in Voice Study (interview with Charles Dalmores) Alphabet of the Opera Composers Names of the Notes in Other Languages Success at the First Lessons: Five Important Points for Teachers to Remember and Employ Well-Known Composers of To-day—Frank P. Atherton Donizetti of Scotch Descent Books about Operahttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1576/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 55, Number 06 (June 1937)

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    Television, When? Schumann\u27s Forest Scenes How Do We Behave at the Piano? They Didn\u27t Eat with Liszt Color Effects in Pianoforte Playing How One Teacher Got Ahead of The Big Bad Wolf One Jump Ahead of the Times Summertime Pageant Recital for Young People Brain Teasers Intelligence Test for Music Lovers Approach to Scales Fifteen Years in Radio (interview with Milton J. Cross) Training the Thumbs Incorrect Phraseology Enfants Terribles of Pianist\u27s Hands More Be\u27s For Your Musical Hive Scale Preparation Moscheles in Scotland: A Very Entertaining Account of His Meeting with Sir Walter Scott Verdi Renaissance Wild Music of Arabia Hand Shaping Exercises Music\u27s Spiritual Message New Light on Jazz Something Interesting Next Week Some Key Helps for Beginners Position in Holding the Accordion Say It Aloud: A Little Lesson in Psychology Food of a Genius Summer Music Season Abroad for 1937 Making Music Talk Exercises Made Interesting Merry Funeral Music Problem of Missed Notes Grace Notes and Trillshttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1855/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 33, Number 10 (October 1915)

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    Student Days with Edvard Grieg Modern University-Trained Composer Peer Gynt: A Dramatic Prose Reading Arranged from the Famous Drama by Henrik Ibsen, with Musical Accompaniment by Edvard Grieg Development of the Romantic Folk-Songs of Scandinavia Full Hour Lesson Concise Biographical Dictionary of Scandinavian Musicians Use of Finger Exercises in the Early Grades Foundations in Touch for the Beginner Ferdinand Hiller\u27s Tribute to Robert Schumann Blossom Time in Pianoforte Literature (interview with Percy Grainger) Selecting the Pupil\u27s Music Some Occult Aspects of Music How Liszt Encouraged Saint-Saëns Scandinavian Musical Activities in the United States Getting the Right Kind of a Start in Teaching Points that Lead to Musical Progress Future of Scandinavian Music Interesting Phases of Scndinavian Music Richard Mansfield and Hans von Bülow Typography of Programs Love and the Woman Musician Festival Idea in America Origin of the Rakoczy March, The British Estimate of American Public School Music Ibsen and Musichttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1617/thumbnail.jp
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