282 research outputs found

    The Changing Face of Milk Production, Milk Quality and Milking Technology in Brazil

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    This introductory paper gives an overview of milk production in Brazil and discusses a series of recent regulations implemented to improve milk quality with the purpose of asserting the Brazilian dairy industry as a competitor on the international market. It also points out the economic advantage of setting design guidelines for milking machines that would be best suited to Brazilian crossbred cows.Brazilian Milk Quality, Brazil Dairy Industry, Brazilian Milk Production, Brazilian Milk Prices, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization, International Development, Political Economy,

    Electromagnetic heating for industrial kilning of malt: a feasibility study

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    Industrial malting operations use ~800kWh/t of energy to produce the heat required to kiln malt. Electromagnetic heating technologies are suggested as a way to potentially improve the energy efficiency of the kilning processing. In this work, the potential for using electromagnetic heating to dry malt to commercially acceptable moisture levels, whilst preserving the activity of enzymes critical for downstream brewing processes is investigated. The 2450 MHz bulk dielectric properties of malt at moisture contents consistent with those occurring at different points in the kilning process are evaluated; 12% is shown to be a critical moisture level below which drying becomes more energy intensive. Calculated penetration depths of electromagnetic energy in malt at radio frequency are 100 fold higher than at microwave frequencies, showing a significant advantage for commercial scale batch processing. The moisture contents and alpha and beta amylase activity of malt subjected to RF heating at different temperatures, treatment times and RF energy inputs in the intermediate and bound water drying regions were determined. It is shown for the first time that whilst significantly reduced process times are attainable, significant energy efficiency improvements compared to conventional kilning can only be achieved at higher product temperatures and thus at the expense of enzyme survival. It is suggested that RF heating may be feasible where higher bulk temperatures are not critical for downstream use of the material or when used in hybrid systems

    Black Hole Data via a Kerr-Schild Approach

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    We present a new approach for setting initial Cauchy data for multiple black hole spacetimes. The method is based upon adopting an initially Kerr-Schild form of the metric. In the case of non-spinning holes, the constraint equations take a simple hierarchical form which is amenable to direct numerical integration. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by solving analytically the problem of initial data in a perturbed Schwarzschild geometry.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX forma

    Magmatic-hydrothermal fluid evolution of the tin-polymetallic metallogenic systems from the Weilasituo ore district, Northeast China

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    The large Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit is a recent exploration discovery in the southern Great Xing’an Range, northeast China. The ore cluster area shows horizontal mineralization zoning, from the inner granite body outward, consisting of high-T Sn–W–Li mineralization, middle-T Cu–Zn mineralization and peripheral low-T Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization. However, the intrinsic genetic relationship between Sn-W-Li mineralization and peripheral vein-type Pb–Zn–Ag–Cu mineralization, the formation mechanism and the deep geological background are still insufficiently understood. Here, we use fluid inclusions, trace elements concentrations in quartz and sphalerite, and H–O isotope studies to determine the genetic mechanism and establish a metallogenic model. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and Laser Raman spectroscopic analysis results demonstrates that the aqueous ore-forming fluids evolved from low-medium salinity, medium–high temperature to low salinity, low-medium temperature fluids. Laser Raman spectroscopic analysis shows that CH4 is ubiquitous in fluid inclusions of all ore stages. Early ore fluids have δ18OH2O (v–SMOW) values from + 5.5 to + 6.2‰ and δD values of approximately − 67‰, concordant with a magmatic origin. However, the late ore fluids shifted toward lower δ18OH2O (v–SMOW) (as low as 0.3‰) and δD values (~ − 136‰), suggesting mixing between external fluids derived from the wall rocks and a contribution from meteoric water. Ti-in-quartz thermometry indicates a magmatic crystallization temperature of around 700 °C at a pressure of 1.5 kbar for the magmatic ore stage. Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and trace element analysis of quartz from a hydrothermal vug highlight at least three growth episodes that relate to different fluid pulses; each episode begins with CL-bright, Al-Li-rich quartz, and ends with CL-dark quartz with low Al and Li contents. Quartz from Episode 1 formed from early Sn-(Zn)-rich fluids which were likely derived from the quartz porphyry. Quartz from episodes 2 and 3 formed from Zn-(Sn)-Cu-rich fluid. The early magmatic fluid is characterized by low fS2. The SO2 produced by magma degassing reacted with heated water to form SO42−, causing the shift from low fS2 to high fS2. The SO42− generated was converted to S2– by mixing with CH4-rich, Fe and Zn-bearing external fluid which led to late-stage alteration and dissolution of micas in vein walls, thus promoting crystallization of pyrrhotite, Fe-rich sphalerite and chalcopyrite and inhibiting the precipitation of anhydrite. This study shows that ore formation encompassed multiple episodes involving steadily evolved fluids, and that the addition of external fluids plays an important role in the formation of the later Cu–Zn and Ag–Pb–Zn mineralization in the Weilasituo ore district

    Traumatic brain injuries and problem gambling in youth: Evidence from a population-based study of secondary students in Ontario, Canada

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is characterized by a change in brain function after an external force or sudden movement to the head. TBI is associated with risk-taking, impulsivity, psychological distress, substance abuse, and violent crime. Previous studies have also linked problem gambling to TBI, but these studies have not controlled for possible confounding variables such as mental health problems and hazardous drinking which are also linked to TBI. This study examines the relationship between problem gambling and TBI among adolescents. Data were obtained from the 2011, 2013 and 2015 cycles of the OSDUHS, a biennial cross-sectional school-based study of children in grades 7 to 12 (N = 9,198). Logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AOR) in controlled and uncontrolled analyses. Adjusting for sex and grade only, problem gambling was associated with a history of TBI (AOR = 2.8). This association remained significant after adjusting for hazardous drinking and suicidality (AOR = 2.0). In addition, problem gambling had a statistically significant relationship with being male (AOR = 4.7), hazardous drinking (AOR = 4.5), and suicidality (AOR = 3.1). This study provides further data to suggest a link between TBI and problem gambling. However, research is needed on the causal relationship between these variables and the potential implications for treatment and prevention

    Releasing incompatible males drives strong suppression across populations of wild and Wolbachia-carrying Aedes aegypti in Australia

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    Releasing sterile or incompatible male insects is a proven method of population management in agricultural systems with the potential to revolutionize mosquito control. Through a collaborative venture with the “Debug” Verily Life Sciences team, we assessed the incompatible insect technique (IIT) with the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti in northern Australia in a replicated treatment control field trial. Backcrossing a US strain of Ae. aegypti carrying Wolbachia wAlbB from Aedes albopictus with a local strain, we generated a wAlbB2-F4 strain incompatible with both the wild-type (no Wolbachia) and wMel-Wolbachia Ae. aegypti now extant in North Queensland. The wAlbB2-F4 strain was manually mass reared with males separated from females using Verily sex-sorting technologies to obtain no detectable female contamination in the field. With community consent, we delivered a total of three million IIT males into three isolated landscapes of over 200 houses each, releasing ∼50 males per house three times a week over 20 wk. Detecting initial overflooding ratios of between 5:1 and 10:1, strong population declines well beyond 80% were detected across all treatment landscapes when compared to controls. Monitoring through the following season to observe the ongoing effect saw one treatment landscape devoid of adult Ae. aegypti early in the season. A second landscape showed reduced adults, and the third recovered fully. These encouraging results in suppressing both wild-type and wMel-Ae. aegypti confirms the utility of bidirectional incompatibility in the field setting, show the IIT to be robust, and indicate that the removal of this arbovirus vector from human-occupied landscapes may be achievable

    Feldspar mineralogy and rare-earth element (re)mobilization in iron-oxide copper gold systems from South Australia: a nanoscale study

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    Nanoscale characterization (TEM on FIB-SEM-prepared foils) was undertaken on feldspars undergoing transformation from early post-magmatic (deuteric) to hydrothermal stages in granites hosting the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit, and from the Cu-Au skarn at Hillside within the same iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) province, South Australia. These include complex perthitic textures, anomalously Ba-, Fe-, or REE-rich compositions, andREE-flourocarbonate + molybdenite assemblages which pseudomorph pre-existing feldspars. Epitaxial orientations between cryptoperthite (magmatic), patch perthite (dueteric) and replacive albite (hydrothermal) within vein perthite support interface-mediated reactions between pre-existing alkali-feldspars and pervading fluid, irrespective of micro-scale crystal morphology. Such observations are consistent with a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction mechanism, which assists in grain-scale element remobilization via the generation of transient interconnected microporosity. Micro-scale aggregates of hydrothermal hyalophane (Ba-rich K-feldspar), crystallizing within previously albitized areas of andesine, reveal a complex assemblage of calc-silicate, As-bearing fluorapatite and Fe oxides along reaction boundaries in the enclosing albite-sericite assemblage typical of deuteric alteration. Such inclusions are good REE repositories and their presence supports REE remobilization at the grain-scale during early hydrothermal alteration. Iron-metasomatism is recognized by nanoscale maghemite inclusions within ‘red-stained’ orthoclase, as well as by hematite in REE-fluorocarbonates, which reflect broader-scale zonation patterns typical for IOCG systems. Potassium-feldspar from the contact between alkali-granite and skarn at Hillside is characterized by 100–1000 ppm REE, attributable to pervasive nanoscale inclusions of calc-silicates, concentrated along microfractures, or pore-attached. Feldspar replacement by REE-fluorcarbonates at Olympic Dam and nanoscale calc-silicate inclusions in feldspar at Hillside are both strong evidence for the role of feldspars in concentrating REE during intense metasomatism. Differences in mineralogical expression are due to the availability of associated elements. Lattice-scale intergrowths of assemblages indicative of Fe-metasomatism, REE-enrichment and sulfide deposition at Olympic Dam are evidence for a spatial and temporal relationship between these processes

    Malaria epidemiology in central Myanmar: identification of a multi-species asymptomatic reservoir of infection.

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    BACKGROUND: The spread of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum is a global health concern. Myanmar stands at the frontier of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum. Myanmar also has the highest reported malaria burden in Southeast Asia; it is integral in the World Health Organization's plan to eliminate malaria in Southeast Asia, yet few epidemiological data exist for the general population in Myanmar. METHODS: This cross-sectional, probability household survey was conducted in Phyu township, Bago Region (central Myanmar), during the wet season of 2013. Interviewers collected clinical and behavioural data, recorded tympanic temperature and obtained dried blood spots for malaria PCR and serology. Plasmodium falciparum positive samples were tested for genetic mutations in the K13 region that may confer artemisinin resistance. Estimated type-specific malaria PCR prevalence and seroprevalence were calculated, with regression analysis to identify risk factors for seropositivity to P. falciparum. Data were weighted to account for unequal selection probabilities. RESULTS: 1638 participants were sampled (500 households). Weighted PCR prevalence was low (n = 41, 2.5%) and most cases were afebrile (93%). Plasmodium falciparum was the most common species (n = 19. 1.1%) and five (26%) P. falciparum samples harboured K13 mutations. Plasmodium knowlesi was detected in 1.0% (n = 16) and Plasmodium vivax was detected in 0.4% (n = 7). Seroprevalence was 9.4% for P. falciparum and 3.1% for P. vivax. Seroconversion to P. falciparum was 0.003/year in the whole population, but 16-fold higher in men over 23 years old (LR test p = 0.016). DISCUSSION: This is the first population-based seroprevalence study from central Myanmar. Low overall prevalence was discovered. However, these data suggest endemic transmission continues, probably associated with behavioural risk factors amongst working-age men. Genetic mutations associated with P. falciparum artemisinin resistance, the presence of P. knowlesi and discrete demographic risk groups present opportunities and challenges for malaria control. Responses targeted to working-age men, capable of detecting sub-clinical infections, and considering all species will facilitate malaria elimination in this setting
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