626 research outputs found

    Dynamic Navigation in Dental Implantology: The Influence of Surgical Experience on Implant Placement Accuracy and Operating Time. An in Vitro Study

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    Aim: the aim of this in vitro study was to test whether the implant placement accuracy and the operating time can be influenced by the operator's experience. Materials and methods: sixteen models underwent a (Cone Beam Computer Tomography) CBCT and implant positioning was digitally planned on this. The models were randomly assigned to four operators with different levels of surgical experience. One hundred and twelve implant sites were drilled using a dynamic navigation system and operating times were measured. Based on postoperative CBCTs, dental implants were virtually inserted and superimposed over the planned ones. Two-dimensional and 3D deviations between planned and virtually inserted implants were measured at the entry point and at the apical point. Angular and vertical errors were also calculated. Results: considering coronal and apical 3D deviations, no statistically significant differences were found between the four operators (p = 0.27; p = 0.06). Some vectorial components of the deviation at the apical point and the angular errors of some operators differed from each other. Conclusions: within the limitations of this study, dynamic navigation can be considered a reliable technique both for experienced and novice clinicians

    Knowledge of human papillomavirus infection and its prevention among adolescents and parents in the greater Milan area, Northern Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In order to be widely accepted by users, the implementation of a new health intervention requires them to be adequately informed about its clinical importance, benefits and risks. The aim of this study was to provide data on the knowledge of Italian adolescents and parents concerning human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and its prevention in order to allow the development of adequate training programmes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between 2 May and 15 June 2008, we made a cross-sectional survey of 863 high school students and 2,331 parents of middle and high school students using two anonymously completed questionnaires covering the knowledge of HPV infection and related diseases, and attitudes to vaccinations. The approached schools were a convenience sample of the schools of the greater Milan area, Northern Italy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>More mothers than fathers were aware that HPV infection could concern their children (58% <it>vs </it>53%; p = 0.004) and were favourable towards vaccinating their children against HPV (68% <it>vs </it>65%; p = 0.03); among the students, more females than males were aware that HPV infection could concern themselves (45% <it>vs </it>26%; p < 0.001) and would undergo vaccination against HPV (68% <it>vs </it>40%; p < 0.001). The parents' propensity to vaccinate their children against HPV was significantly associated with professing the Catholic religion (odds ratio - OR = 0.61, 95% confidence interval - CI 0.46-0.82, being atheist), the gender of the offspring (OR = 1.88, 95% CI 1.53-2.30, having at least one daughter), a propensity to vaccinations in general (OR = 23.1, 95% CI 13.7-38.8), a knowledge that HPV vaccine is aimed at preventing cervical cancer (OR = 2.31, 95% CI 1.69-3.16), and an awareness that HPV could affect their own children (OR = 3.52, 95% CI 2.89-4.29). The students who were aware that HPV infection could affect themselves were more in favour of to HPV vaccination, regardless of whether they were male (OR = 5.73, 95% CI 2.85-11.5) or female (OR = 2.39, 95% CI 1.66-3.46).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both students and parents seem to underestimate the likelihood of HPV infection, and this is associated with a lower propensity for vaccination. This is an important indication for future training programmes concerning HPV prevention designed to increase the acceptance of HPV vaccine in families.</p

    Alla ricerca della inibitoria

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    Secondo l'ordinanza in rassegna in presenza di una sentenza con cui il Tribunale ha rigettato l'opposizione ad un decreto ingiuntivo (basato su un lodo irrituale), gi\ue0 ex art. 642 c.p.c. munito dal presidente del Tribunale della clausola di provvisoria esecutoriet\ue0, e nei confronti del quale non sia poi intervenuta ordinanza di sospensione ai sensi dell'art. 649 c.p.c., deve ritenersi inammissibile l'inibitoria ex artt. 283 e 351 c.p.c. della sentenza del Tribunale, quale promossa in appello dal soccombente; e ci\uf2 in quanto l'esecuzione forzata poteva e pu\uf2 essere iniziata e proseguita in forza del solo decreto opposto, costituente ex se titolo esecutivo, senza che a tal fine vanga in considerazione l'esecutivit\ue0 della sentenza del Tribunale e la sua incidenza sulla ingiunzione a norma dell'art. 653 comma 1 c.p.c. L'A., richiamato il caso all'esame della Corte d'Appello di Venezia, approfondisce la questione alla luce di dottrina e giurisprudenza sulla materia

    Nuovi ed indesiderabili esercizi normativi sul processo civile: le impugnazioni a rischio di ''svaporamento".

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    La L. n. 134 di questo agosto vuole alleggerire il nostro sistema delle impugnazioni, reputato un lusso garantistico che nuoce alla ragionevole durata. Questo assunto, esatto solo in parte, sconta la difficolt\ue0 di risolvere sul piano procedurale (qui con il filtro dell'appello e la restrizione delle censure deducibili in Cassazione) un gap culturale e organizzativo, senza neppure lambirne le radici (cosa che non si pu\uf2 fare con tratti dirigistici di penna normativa). Il rischio che si corre \ue8 invece quello di una parziale" dissoluzione" della funzione rimediale che tradizionalmente, da noi, le impugnazioni hanno garantito, almeno fino a qualche anno fa. Pi\uf9 che l'accesso al pieno giudizio di appello (gi\ue0 dosabile con il rifiuto della inibitoria e la passerella al merito), bisognose di rivisitazione sono le Corti di appello stesse, le cui decisioni sui fatti non possono allo stato ambire a codesta nuova insindacabilit\ue0. Pesa negativamente anche un uso strumentale e comodo della comparazione con altri ordinamenti, che vorrebbe dimenticare le nette, anzi ancora abissali, peculiarit\ue0 del nostro e, senza affrontarle, rischia di far perdere alcune sue qualit\ue0 (di mitezza ed accettabilit\ue0) che solo l'aumento sproporzionato del numero di avvocati, del tasso stocastico di complicazioni e delle novelle legislative ha "girato in guasti". Una "short way", verso una minore disarmonia sociale della giustizia civile e delle professioni legali, non \ue8 data. Da questo Governo, per il suo valore, \ue8 lecito attendersi pi\uf9 attenzione alla "big picture", non solo quanto alle circoscrizioni
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