811 research outputs found

    Geometric phase for an accelerated two-level atom and the Unruh effect

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    We study, in the framework of open quantum systems, the geometric phase acquired by a uniformly accelerated two-level atom undergoing nonunitary evolution due to its coupling to a bath of fluctuating vacuum electromagnetic fields in the multipolar scheme. We find that the phase variation due to the acceleration can be in principle observed via atomic interferometry between the accelerated atom and the inertial one, thus providing an evidence of the Unruh effect.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Non-local quantum correlations and detection processes in QFT

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    Quantum detection processes in QFT must play a key role in the description of quantum field correlations, such as the appearance of entanglement, and of causal effects. We consider the detection in the case of a simple QFT model with a suitable interaction to exact treatment, consisting of a quantum scalar field coupled linearly to a classical scalar source. We then evaluate the response function to the field quanta of two-level point-like quantum model detectors, and analyze the effects of the approximation adopted in standard detection theory. We show that the use of the RWA, that characterizes the Glauber detection model, leads in the detector response to non-local terms corresponding to an instantaneously spreading of source effects over the whole space. Other detector models, obtained with non-standard or the no-application of RWA, give instead local responses to field quanta, apart from source independent vacuum contribution linked to preexisting correlations of zero-point field.Comment: 23 page

    Universality of Schmidt decomposition and particle identity

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    Schmidt decomposition is a widely employed tool of quantum theory which plays a key role for distinguishable particles in scenarios such as entanglement characterization, theory of measurement and state purification. Yet, its formulation for identical particles remains controversial, jeopardizing its application to analyze general many-body quantum systems. Here we prove, using a newly developed approach, a universal Schmidt decomposition which allows faithful quantification of the physical entanglement due to the identity of particles. We find that it is affected by single-particle measurement localization and state overlap. We study paradigmatic two-particle systems where identical qubits and qutrits are located in the same place or in separated places. For the case of two qutrits in the same place, we show that their entanglement behavior, whose physical interpretation is given, differs from that obtained before by different methods. Our results are generalizable to multiparticle systems and open the way for further developments in quantum information processing exploiting particle identity as a resource

    Moving Atom-Field Interaction: Correction to Casimir-Polder Effect from Coherent Back-action

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    The Casimir-Polder force is an attractive force between a polarizable atom and a conducting or dielectric boundary. Its original computation was in terms of the Lamb shift of the atomic ground state in an electromagnetic field (EMF) modified by boundary conditions along the wall and assuming a stationary atom. We calculate the corrections to this force due to a moving atom, demanding maximal preservation of entanglement generated by the moving atom-conducting wall system. We do this by using non-perturbative path integral techniques which allow for coherent back-action and thus can treat non-Markovian processes. We recompute the atom-wall force for a conducting boundary by allowing the bare atom-EMF ground state to evolve (or self-dress) into the interacting ground state. We find a clear distinction between the cases of stationary and adiabatic motions. Our result for the retardation correction for adiabatic motion is up to twice as much as that computed for stationary atoms. We give physical interpretations of both the stationary and adiabatic atom-wall forces in terms of alteration of the virtual photon cloud surrounding the atom by the wall and the Doppler effect.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, clarified discussions; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Field fluctuations near a conducting plate and Casimir-Polder forces in the presence of boundary conditions

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    We consider vacuum fluctuations of the quantum electromagnetic field in the presence of an infinite and perfectly conducting plate. We evaluate how the change of vacuum fluctuations due to the plate modifies the Casimir-Polder potential between two atoms placed near the plate. We use two different methods to evaluate the Casimir-Polder potential in the presence of the plate. They also give new insights on the role of boundary conditions in the Casimir-Polder interatomic potential, as well as indications for possible generalizations to more complicated boundary conditions.Comment: 10 page

    Entanglement dynamics of two independent qubits in environments with and without memory

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    A procedure to obtain the dynamics of NN independent qudits (dd-level systems) each interacting with its own reservoir, for any arbitrary initial state, is presented. This is then applied to study the dynamics of the entanglement of two qubits, initially in an extended Werner-like mixed state with each of them in a zero temperature non-Markovian environment. The dependence of the entanglement dynamics on the purity and degree of entanglement of the initial states and on the amount of non-Markovianity is also given. This extends the previous work about non-Markovian effects on the two-qubit entanglement dynamics for initial Bell-like states [B. Bellomo \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{99}, 160502 (2007)]. The effect of temperature on the two-qubit entanglement dynamics in a Markovian environment is finally obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Utilization of nitrate abolishes the "Custers effect" in Dekkera bruxellensis and determines a different pattern of fermentation products

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    Nitrate is one of the most abundant nitrogen sources in nature. Several yeast species have been shown to be able to assimilate nitrate and nitrite, but the metabolic pathway has been studied in very few of them. Dekkera bruxellensis can use nitrate as sole nitrogen source and this metabolic characteristic can render D. bruxellensis able to overcome S. cerevisiae populations in industrial bioethanol fermentations. In order to better characterize how nitrate utilization affects carbon metabolism and the yields of the fermentation products, we investigated this trait in defined media under well-controlled aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Our experiments showed that in D. bruxellensis, utilization of nitrate determines a different pattern of fermentation products. Acetic acid, instead of ethanol, became in fact the main product of glucose metabolism under aerobic conditions. We have also demonstrated that under anaerobic conditions, nitrate assimilation abolishes the "Custers effect", in this way improving its fermentative metabolism. This can offer a new strategy, besides aeration, to sustain growth and ethanol production for the employment of this yeast in industrial processes

    Entanglement Trapping in Structured Environments

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    The entanglement dynamics of two independent qubits each embedded in a structured environment under conditions of inhibition of spontaneous emission is analyzed, showing entanglement trapping. We demonstrate that entanglement trapping can be used efficiently to prevent entanglement sudden death. For the case of realistic photonic band-gap materials, we show that high values of entanglement trapping can be achieved. This result is of both fundamental and applicative interest since it provides a physical situation where the entanglement can be preserved and manipulated, e.g. by Stark-shifting the qubit transition frequency outside and inside the gap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on Friday 16 May 200

    Casimir-Polder interatomic potential between two atoms at finite temperature and in the presence of boundary conditions

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    We evaluate the Casimir-Polder potential between two atoms in the presence of an infinite perfectly conducting plate and at nonzero temperature. In order to calculate the potential, we use a method based on equal-time spatial correlations of the electric field, already used to evaluate the effect of boundary conditions on interatomic potentials. This method gives also a transparent physical picture of the role of a finite temperature and boundary conditions on the Casimir-Polder potential. We obtain an analytical expression of the potential both in the near and far zones, and consider several limiting cases of interest, according to the values of the parameters involved, such as atom-atom distance, atoms-wall distance and temperature.Comment: 11 page

    Entanglement Dynamics of Two Independent Cavity-Embedded Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the dynamical behavior of entanglement in a system made by two solid-state emitters, as two quantum dots, embedded in two separated micro-cavities. In these solid-state systems, in addition to the coupling with the cavity mode, the emitter is coupled to a continuum of leaky modes providing additional losses and it is also subject to a phonon-induced pure dephasing mechanism. We model this physical configuration as a multipartite system composed by two independent parts each containing a qubit embedded in a single-mode cavity, exposed to cavity losses, spontaneous emission and pure dephasing. We study the time evolution of entanglement of this multipartite open system finally applying this theoretical framework to the case of currently available solid-state quantum dots in micro-cavities.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Topical Issue of Physica Scripta on proceedings of CEWQO 201
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