310 research outputs found

    The Mutually Unbiased Bases Revisited

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    The study of Mutually Unbiased Bases continues to be developed vigorously, and presents several challenges in the Quantum Information Theory. Two orthonormal bases in Cd,BandB′\mathbb C^d, B {and} B' are said mutually unbiased if ∀b∈B,b′∈B′\forall b\in B, b'\in B' the scalar product b⋅b′b\cdot b' has modulus d−1/2d^{-1/2}. In particular this property has been introduced in order to allow an optimization of the measurement-driven quantum evolution process of any state ψ∈Cd\psi \in \mathbb C^d when measured in the mutually unbiased bases B_jofCdB\_{j} {of} \mathbb C^d. At present it is an open problem to find the maximal umber of mutually Unbiased Bases when dd is not a power of a prime number. \noindent In this article, we revisit the problem of finding Mutually Unbiased Bases (MUB's) in any dimension dd. The method is very elementary, using the simple unitary matrices introduced by Schwinger in 1960, together with their diagonalizations. The Vandermonde matrix based on the dd-th roots of unity plays a major role. This allows us to show the existence of a set of 3 MUB's in any dimension, to give conditions for existence of more than 3 MUB's for dd even or odd number, and to recover the known result of existence of d+1d+1 MUB's for dd a prime number. Furthermore the construction of these MUB's is very explicit. As a by-product, we recover results about Gauss Sums, known in number theory, but which have apparently not been previously derived from MUB properties.Comment: International Conference on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics held in Honor of Jean-Michel Combes, Cergy Pontoise : France (2006

    A proof of the Gutzwiller Semiclassical Trace Formula using Coherent States Decomposition

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    The Gutzwiller semiclassical trace formula links the eigenvalues of the Scrodinger operator ^H with the closed orbits of the corresponding classical mechanical system, associated with the Hamiltonian H, when the Planck constant is small ("semiclassical regime"). Gutzwiller gave a heuristic proof, using the Feynman integral representation for the propagator of ^H. Later on mathematicians gave rigorous proofs of this trace formula, under different settings, using the theory of Fourier Integral Operators and Lagrangian manifolds. Here we want to show how the use of coherent states (or gaussian beams) allows us to give a simple and direct proof.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, available on http://qcd.th.u-psud.f

    A mathematical study of quantum revivals and quantum fidelity

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    Phase-space semiclassical analysis - Around semiclassical trace formulae

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    The quantum fidelity for the time-dependent singular quantum oscillator

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    In this paper we perform an exact study of ``Quantum Fidelity'' (also called Loschmidt Echo) for the time-periodic quantum Harmonic Oscillator of Hamiltonian : H^_g(t):=P22+f(t)Q22+g2Q2 \hat H\_{g}(t):=\frac{P^2}{2}+ f(t)\frac{Q^2}{2}+\frac{g^2}{Q^2} when compared with the quantum evolution induced by H^_0(t)\hat H\_{0}(t) (g=0g=0), in the case where ff is a TT-periodic function and gg a real constant. The reference (initial) state is taken to be an arbitrary ``generalized coherent state'' in the sense of Perelomov. We show that, starting with a quadratic decrease in time in the neighborhood of t=0t=0, this quantum fidelity may recur to its initial value 1 at an infinite sequence of times {t_kt\_{k}}. We discuss the result when the classical motion induced by Hamiltonian H^_0(t)\hat H\_{0}(t) is assumed to be stable versus unstable. A beautiful relationship between the quantum and the classical fidelity is also demonstrated

    Circulant matrices, gauss sums and mutually unbiased I. The prime number case

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of Mutually Unbiased Bases in prime dimension dd. It is known to provide exactly d+1d+1 mutually unbiased bases. We revisit this problem using a class of circulant d×dd \times d matrices. The constructive proof of a set of d+1d+1 mutually unbiased bases follows, together with a set of properties of Gauss sums, and of bi-unimodular sequences

    A Trace Formula for Products of Diagonal Matrix Elements in Chaotic Systems

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    We derive a trace formula for ∑nAnnBnn...δ(E−En)\sum_n A_{nn}B_{nn}...\delta(E-E_n), where AnnA_{nn} is the diagonal matrix element of the operator AA in the energy basis of a chaotic system. The result takes the form of a smooth term plus periodic-orbit corrections; each orbit is weighted by the usual Gutzwiller factor times ApBp...A_p B_p ..., where ApA_p is the average of the classical observable AA along the periodic orbit pp. This structure for the orbit corrections was previously proposed by Main and Wunner (chao-dyn/9904040) on the basis of numerical evidence.Comment: 8 pages; analysis made more rigorous in the revised versio

    A constant of quantum motion in two dimensions in crossed magnetic and electric fields

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    We consider the quantum dynamics of a single particle in the plane under the influence of a constant perpendicular magnetic and a crossed electric potential field. For a class of smooth and small potentials we construct a non-trivial invariant of motion. Do to so we proof that the Hamiltonian is unitarily equivalent to an effective Hamiltonian which commutes with the observable of kinetic energy.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; the title was changed and several typos corrected; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010

    Semiclassical wave packet dynamics for Hartree equations

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    We study the propagation of wave packets for nonlinear nonlocal Schrodinger equations in the semi-classical limit. When the kernel is smooth, we construct approximate solutions for the wave functions in subcritical, critical and supercritical cases (in terms of the size of the initial data). The validity of the approximation is proved up to Ehrenfest time. For homogeneous kernels, we establish similar results in subcritical and critical cases. Nonlinear superposition principle for two nonlinear wave packets is also considered.Comment: 28 pages. Some errors fixed in Section 2.

    How do wave packets spread? Time evolution on Ehrenfest time scales

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    We derive an extension of the standard time dependent WKB theory which can be applied to propagate coherent states and other strongly localised states for long times. It allows in particular to give a uniform description of the transformation from a localised coherent state to a delocalised Lagrangian state which takes place at the Ehrenfest time. The main new ingredient is a metaplectic operator which is used to modify the initial state in a way that standard time dependent WKB can then be applied for the propagation. We give a detailed analysis of the phase space geometry underlying this construction and use this to determine the range of validity of the new method. Several examples are used to illustrate and test the scheme and two applications are discussed: (i) For scattering of a wave packet on a barrier near the critical energy we can derive uniform approximations for the transition from reflection to transmission. (ii) A wave packet propagated along a hyperbolic trajectory becomes a Lagrangian state associated with the unstable manifold at the Ehrenfest time, this is illustrated with the kicked harmonic oscillator.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure
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