486 research outputs found

    The Stellar Populations of Low-redshift Clusters

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    We present some preliminary results from an on-going study of the evolution of stellar populations in rich clusters of galaxies. This sample contains core line-strength measurements from 183 galaxies with b_J <= 19.5 from four clusters with ~0.04. Using predictions from stellar population models to compare with our measured line strengths we can derive relative luminosity-weighted mean ages and metallicities for the stellar populations in each of our clusters. We also investigate the Mgb'-sigma and Hbeta_G'-sigma scaling relations. We find that, consistent with previous results, Mgb' is correlated with sigma, the likely explanation being that larger galaxies are better at retaining their heavier elements due to their larger potentials. Hbeta', on the other hand, we find to be anti-correlated with sigma. This result implies that the stellar populations in larger galaxies are older than in smaller galaxies.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 195: "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs", Torino Italy, March 12-16 200

    Halo detection via large-scale Bayesian inference

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    We present a proof-of-concept of a novel and fully Bayesian methodology designed to detect halos of different masses in cosmological observations subject to noise and systematic uncertainties. Our methodology combines the previously published Bayesian large-scale structure inference algorithm, HADES, and a Bayesian chain rule (the Blackwell-Rao Estimator), which we use to connect the inferred density field to the properties of dark matter halos. To demonstrate the capability of our approach we construct a realistic galaxy mock catalogue emulating the wide-area 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey, which has a median redshift of approximately 0.05. Application of HADES to the catalogue provides us with accurately inferred three-dimensional density fields and corresponding quantification of uncertainties inherent to any cosmological observation. We then use a cosmological simulation to relate the amplitude of the density field to the probability of detecting a halo with mass above a specified threshold. With this information we can sum over the HADES density field realisations to construct maps of detection probabilities and demonstrate the validity of this approach within our mock scenario. We find that the probability of successful of detection of halos in the mock catalogue increases as a function of the signal-to-noise of the local galaxy observations. Our proposed methodology can easily be extended to account for more complex scientific questions and is a promising novel tool to analyse the cosmic large-scale structure in observations.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS following moderate correction

    The Taurus Tunable Filter Field Galaxy Survey: Sample Selection and Narrowband Number-Counts

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    Recent evidence suggests a falling volume-averaged star-formation rate (SFR) over z ~ 1. It is not clear, however, the extent to which the selection of such samples influences the measurement of this quantity. Using the Taurus Tunable Filter (TTF) we have obtained an emission-line sample of faint star-forming galaxies over comparable lookback times: the TTF Field Galaxy Survey. By selecting through emission-lines, we are screening galaxies through a quantity that scales directly with star-formation activity for a given choice of initial mass function. The scanning narrowband technique furnishes a galaxy sample that differs from traditional broadband-selected surveys in both its volume-limited nature and selection of galaxies through emission-line flux. Three discrete wavelength intervals are covered, centered at H-alpha redshifts z = 0.08, 0.24 and 0.39. Galaxy characteristics are presented and comparisons made with existing surveys of both broadband and emission-line selection. When the number-counts of emission-line objects are compared with those expected on the basis of existing H-alpha surveys, we find an excess of ~ 3 times at the faintest limits. While these detections are yet to be independently confirmed, inspection of the stronger subsample of galaxies detected in both the line and continuum (line-on-continuum subsample; 13 %) is sufficient to support an excess population. This increase in the emission-line field population implies higher star-formation densities over z ~ 0.4. However, further study in the form of multi-object spectroscopic follow-up is necessary to quantify this and confirm the faintest detections in the sample.Comment: 48 pages, 12 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. An abridged version of the Abstract is shown her

    High-threshold mechanosensitive ion channels blocked by a novel conopeptide mediate pressure-evoked pain

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    Little is known about the molecular basis of somatosensory mechanotransduction in mammals. We screened a library of peptide toxins for effects on mechanically activated currents in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. One conopeptide analogue, termed NMB-1 for noxious mechanosensation blocker 1, selectively inhibits (IC50 1 µM) sustained mechanically activated currents in a subset of sensory neurons. Biotinylated NMB-1 retains activity and binds selectively to peripherin-positive nociceptive sensory neurons. The selectivity of NMB-1 was confirmed by the fact that it has no inhibitory effects on voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels, or ligand-gated channels such as acid-sensing ion channels or TRPA1 channels. Conversely, the tarantula toxin, GsMTx-4, which inhibits stretch-activated ion channels, had no effects on mechanically activated currents in sensory neurons. In behavioral assays, NMB-1 inhibits responses only to high intensity, painful mechanical stimulation and has no effects on low intensity mechanical stimulation or thermosensation. Unexpectedly, NMB-1 was found to also be an inhibitor of rapid FM1-43 loading (a measure of mechanotransduction) in cochlear hair cells. These data demonstrate that pharmacologically distinct channels respond to distinct types of mechanical stimuli and suggest that mechanically activated sustained currents underlie noxious mechanosensation. NMB-1 thus provides a novel diagnostic tool for the molecular definition of channels involved in hearing and pressure-evoked pain

    Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the E+A Galaxies in the z=0.32 Cluster AC114

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    We present spatially resolved intermediate resolution spectroscopy of a sample of twelve E+A galaxies in the z=0.32 rich galaxy cluster AC 114, obtained with the FLAMES multi-integral field unit system on the European Southern Observatory's VLT. Previous integrated spectroscopy of all these galaxies by Couch & Sharples (1987) had shown them to have strong Balmer line absorption and an absence of [OII 3727] emission -- the defining characteristics of the``E+A'' spectral signature, indicative of an abrupt halt to a recent episode of quite vigorous star formation. We have used our spectral data to determine the radial variation in the strength of Hdelta absorption in these galaxies and hence map out the distribution of this recently formed stellar population. Such information provides important clues as to what physical event might have been responsible for this quite dramatic change in star formation activity in these galaxies' recent past. We find a diversity of behaviour amongst these galaxies in terms of the radial variation in Hdelta absorption: Four galaxies show little Hdelta absorption across their entire extent; it would appear they were misidentified as E+A galaxies in the earlier integrated spectroscopic studies. The remainder show strong Hdelta absorption, with a gradient that is either negative (Hdelta equivalent width decreasing with radius), flat, or positive. By comparing with numerical simulations we suggest that the first of these different types of radial behaviour provides evidence for a merger/interaction origin, whereas the latter two types of behaviour are more consistent with the truncation of star formation in normal disk galaxies. It would seem therefore that more than one physical mechanism is responsible for E+A formation in the same environment.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted MNRA

    Discovery of a luminous white dwarf in a young star cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We have identified a candidate 1-2 x 10^5 year old luminous white dwarf in NGC 1818, a young star cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This discovery strongly constrains the boundary mass M_c at which stars stop forming neutron stars and start forming white dwarfs, to M_c > 7.6 Msun.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, greyscale image available by ftp from [email protected]. ApJLetters, accepted 17 March 199

    The HI gas content of galaxies around Abell 370, a galaxy cluster at z = 0.37

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    We used observations from the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope to measure the atomic hydrogen gas content of 324 galaxies around the galaxy cluster Abell 370 at a redshift of z = 0.37 (a look-back time of ~4 billion years). The HI 21-cm emission from these galaxies was measured by coadding their signals using precise optical redshifts obtained with the Anglo-Australian Telescope. The average HI mass measured for all 324 galaxies is (6.6 +- 3.5)x10^9 solar masses, while the average HI mass measured for the 105 optically blue galaxies is (19.0 +- 6.5)x10^9 solar masses. The significant quantities of gas found around Abell 370, suggest that there has been substantial evolution in the gas content of galaxy clusters since redshift z = 0.37. The total amount of HI gas found around Abell 370 is up to ~8 times more than that seen around the Coma cluster, a nearby galaxy cluster of similar size. Despite this higher gas content, Abell 370 shows the same trend as nearby clusters, that galaxies close to the cluster core have lower HI gas content than galaxies further away. The Abell 370 galaxies have HI mass to optical light ratios similar to local galaxy samples and have the same correlation between their star formation rate and HI mass as found in nearby galaxies. The average star formation rate derived from [OII] emission and from de-redshifted 1.4 GHz radio continuum for the Abell 370 galaxies also follows the correlation found in the local universe. The large amounts of HI gas found around the cluster can easily be consumed by the observed star formation rate in the galaxies over the ~4 billion years (from z = 0.37) to the present day.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Measuring the Angular Correlation Function for Faint Galaxies in High Galactic Latitude Fields

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    A photometric survey of faint galaxies in three high Galactic latitude fields (each 49 arcmin2\sim49~\rm{arcmin^{2}}) with sub-arcsecond seeing is used to study the clustering properties of the faint galaxy population. Multi-color photometry of the galaxies has been obtained to magnitude limits of V25V\sim25, R25R\sim25 and I24I\sim24. Angular correlation analysis is applied to magnitude-limited and color-selected samples of galaxies from the three fields for angular separations ranging from 1012610-126''. General agreement is obtained with other recent studies which show that the amplitude of the angular correlation function, ω(θ)\omega(\theta), is smoothly decreasing as a function of limiting magnitude. The observed decline of ω(θ)\omega(\theta) rules out the viability of ``maximal merger'' galaxy evolution models. Using redshift distributions extrapolated to faint magnitude limits, models of galaxy clustering evolution are calculated and compared to the observed I-band ω(θ)\omega(\theta). Faint galaxies are determined to have correlation lengths and clustering evolution parameters of either r04 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim4~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ01\epsilon\sim0-1; r056 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim5-6~h^{-1}~Mpc and ϵ>1\epsilon>1; or r023 h1 Mpcr_{0}\sim2-3~h^{-1}~ Mpc and ϵ1.2\epsilon\sim-1.2, assuming q0=0.5q_{0}=0.5 and with h=H0/100 km s1 Mpc1h=H_{0}/100~ km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}. The latter case is for clustering fixed in co-moving coordinates and is probably unrealistic since most local galaxies are observed to be more strongly clustered. No significant variations in the clustering amplitude as a function of color are detected, for all the color-selected galaxy samples considered. (Abridged)Comment: LaTeX (aaspp4.sty), 54 pages including 15 postscript figures; 3 additional uuencoded, gzipped postscript files (~300 kb each) of Figs. 1, 2 and 3 available at ftp://ftp.astro.ubc.ca/pub/woods ; To be published in the Nov. 20, 1997 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Strong Clustering of Faint Galaxies at Small Angular Scales

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    The 2-point angular correlation function of galaxies, \wt, has been computed on equatorial fields observed with the CTIO 4m prime focus, within a total area of 2.31 deg2^2. In the magnitude range 19mR21.519\le m_R \le 21.5, corresponding to 0.35\approx 0.35, we find an excess of power in \wt at scales 2θ62''\le\theta \le6'' over what would be expected from an extrapolation of \wt measured at larger θ\theta. The significance of this excess is 5σ\approx 5\sigma. At larger scales, 6<θ246''< \theta \le 24'', the amplitude of \wt is 1.6 times smaller than the standard no evolutionary model. At these scales there is remarkable agreement between the present data and Infante \& Pritchet (1995). At large angular scales (6<θ246''< \theta \le 24'') the data is best described by a model where clustering evolution in ξ(r,z)\xi(r,z) has taken place. Strong luminosity evolution cannot be ruled out with the present data. At smaller scales, 2θ62''\le \theta \le 6'', our data are formally fit by models where ϵ=2.4(Ω=0.2,ro=5.1h1\epsilon=-2.4 (\Omega=0.2, r_o=5.1h^{-1}Mpc) or ro=7.3h1r_o = 7.3h^{-1}Mpc (Ω=0.2,ϵ=0)(\Omega=0.2, \epsilon=0). If the mean redshift of our sample is 0.35 then our data show a clear detection of the scale (19h1kpc\approx 19h^{-1}kpc) where the clustering evolution approaches a highly non linear regime, i.e., ϵ0\epsilon \le 0. The rate at which galaxies merge has been computed. If this rate is proportional to (1+z)m(1+z)^m, then m=2.2±0.5m=2.2 \pm 0.5.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX text, 2 Postscript figures, To appear in ApJ Let

    Galaxy-Quasar correlations between APM galaxies and Hamburg-ESO QSOs

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    We detect angular galaxy-QSO cross-correlations between the APM Galaxy Catalogue and a preliminary release (consisting of roughly half of the anticipated final catalogue) of the Hamburg-ESO Catalogue of Bright QSOs as a function of source QSO redshift using multiple cross-correlation estimators. Each of the estimators yield very similar results, implying that the APM catalogue and the Hamburg-ESO survey are both fair samples of the respective true galaxy and QSO populations. Though the signal matches the expectations of gravitational lensing qualitatively, the strength of the measured cross-correlation signal is significantly greater than the CDM models of lensing by large scale structure would suggest. This same disagreement between models and observation has been found in several earlier studies. We estimate our confidence in the correlation detections versus redshift by generating 1000 random realizations of the Hamburg-ESO QSO survey: We detect physical associations between galaxies and low-redshift QSOs at 99% confidence and detect lensing associations at roughly 95% confidence for QSOs with redshifts between 0.6 and 1. Control cross-correlations between Galactic stars and QSOs show no signal. Finally, the overdensities (underdensities) of galaxies near QSO positions relative to those lying roughly 135 - 150 arcmin away are uncorrelated with differences in Galactic extinction between the two regions, implying that Galactic dust is not significantly affecting the QSO sample.Comment: 35 pages total, including 9 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa