11 research outputs found

    Passiflora citrina J.M. MacDougal

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    Passiflora citrina J.M. MacDougal 26057 LAT (0)N; LONG(0)W. ALT (900

    Stress-induced modulation of the immune response.

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    Prunus guatemalensis I.M. Johnst.

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    Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Chichavac. LAT (0); LONG (0); ALT (2400-2700)

    Ouderen in instellingen 2000 - OII 2000

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    Study on elderly people living in institutions, in somatic as well as psychogeriatric wards (nursing home, rest home, retirement home, verzorgingshuis, verpleeghuis). Respondents are questioned about their physical and mental health, mobility, activities, living conditions, relations, financial situation. If a respondent is not able to answer the questions a proxy is asked (a family member or a staff member). Data on the institutions were also collected. Reason for moving to institution, how long in institution, situation before moving / how long had to wait to move to institution, move alone or with partner, how many rooms / valuation of living in institution. Health: satisfaction with own health / does r. have pain / how many days ill in last two weeks / which illnesses, bedridden, incontinence / difficulties with sitting and standing / test of cognitive functions, memory / self rating: eyesight, hearing / medical care: use of drugs, how often visit g.p., medical specialist, physiotherapist, hospital admissions, how many days, mental health care, depression / does r. have alarm system, ever used it. Relations and activities: relation with family / how often visitors, pay visits / does r. practice sports / which recreational, cultural facilities visited / recreational facilities in home / loneliness / holiday, how often / membership of organizations / does r. possess 65+ card / possibility to heat up food / r. makes own cold meals / r. eats hot meals in dining room or own room / does r. need help with personal care, housekeeping. Mobility: does r. need help to move around / how often gets outside / does r. use wheelchair, walking frame, adapted car, adapted scooter, bicycle / costs of transport / use of public transport, special transport for elderly or handicapped, why not / use of taxi, car, bicycle. Finance: gross income / how much spending money each month / does r. have enough money to go on a one week holiday each year, buy new clothes, buy presents, go out, make telephone calls / costs of home / cost made for dentist, dentures / health insurance, costs /, who takes care of finance / does r. have own telephone, newspaper, cost of newspaper telephone, television, television guide / Religion: in youth, now / life after death / r. how often pray, go to church / talk to religious person Background variables: year of birth / marital status / where is partner living / year of birth partner / no. children / education, education partner / r., parents, born in which country

    Ouderen in instellingen - Woonzorgcomplexen 2000 - OII WOZOCO 2000

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    Study on elderly people living in an independent unit in sheltered housing. (housing-care complex, senior housing complex, woonzorgcomplex, zorgcentrum, wooncentrum, aanleunwoning, inleunwoning, serviceflat). Respondents are questioned about their physical and mental health, mobility, activities, living conditions, relations, financial situation. If a respondent is not able to answer the questions a proxy is asked (a family member or a staff member). Data on the institutions were also collected. Reason for moving to this type of housing, how long in sheltered housing, situation before moving / how long had to wait to move to sheltered housing, move alone or with partner, who needed help most. Housing: how many rooms, all on same level, adapted for handicapped / owner-occupier or rental / valuation of living in sheltered housing / wants to move house, why, to what type of housing / waiting for vacancy in a nursing home. Health: satisfaction with own health / does r. have pain / how many days ill in last two weeks / which illnesses, bedridden, incontinence / difficulties with sitting and standing / test of cognitive functions, memory / self rating: eyesight, hearing / medical care: use of drugs, how often visit g.p., medical specialist, physiotherapist, hospital admissions, how many days, mental health care, depression / does r. have alarm system, ever used it. Relations and activities: relation with family / how often visitors, pay visits / does r. practice sports / which recreational, cultural facilities visited / recreational facilities on site / loneliness / holiday, how often / membership of organizations / does r. possess 65+ card / possibility to cook / r. makes own cold, hot meals / r. eats hot meals in dining room or own room / does r. need help with personal care, housekeeping / does r. give help to others. Mobility: does r. need help to move around / how often gets outside / does r. use wheelchair, walking frame, adapted car, adapted scooter or bicycle, costs of transport / use of public transport, special transport for elderly or handicapped, why not / use of taxi, car, bicycle. Finance: gross income, expenses / living costs / does r. have enough money to go on a one week holiday each year, buy new clothes, buy presents, go out, make telephone calls / cost made for dentist, dentures / health insurance, costs / who takes care of finance / does r. have own telephone, newspaper, cost of newspaper telephone, television, television guide. Religion: in youth, now / life after death / r. how often pray, go to church / talk to religious person. Background variables: year of birth / marital status / where is partner living / year of birth partner / no. children / education, education partner / r., parents, born in which country

    CERRA Seniorenpanel, 1e golf 1993

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    First wave of panel study on the economic aspects of aging. Both heads of household and partner have been questioned. Adjusted questionnaires for: (P1257A) persons in employment (B:) self employed (C:) on early retirement (D:) recipients of disablement insurance benefit (E:) other persons without a job. R.'s physical condition, contacts with medical care, doctors, hospitals last 12 months, physical problems with daily activities, physical and mental complaints / health insurance, own risk / satisfaction with residence and housing conditions / housing costs, rent subsidy, financial burden / value of r.'s house / plans to remove, motives / time spent on daily, weekly activities / changes in quality of r.'s life / type of job, type of company, pressure of work / part-timers: reason why, preferred number of working hours per week / days vacation per year / sources of income / pension entitlements / conditions for early retirement (VUT) / occurrence of early retirement and rejection on medical grounds (WAO) and r.'s work / changes in r.'s job, function: reason and consequences / actual health problems, consequences for work, causes, adaption of work, tasks, cooperation of employer / job satisfaction, wish for other job, motives, efforts made to find other job / wish for (early) retirement, motives, conditions required by r. / (dis-)advantages of having a job / attitude of people around r. to early retirement, financial precautions made for retirement / expected occupational status after two years / r.'s previous employer: type of company, job, function, pressure of work, earnings, pension entitlement, motives to change job / job career, experiences on labour market / occupational status two years ago: job, nr. of working hours, income / expectation to leave a legacy / importance of a good income, appreciation of different levels of income. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Political action 1973-1976 : An eight nation study

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    Cross-national study of conventional and unconventional forms of political participation. Personal satisfaction and deprivation / interest in politics / perception of over- and underprivileged groups / left, right placement / materialistic, post-materialistic value orientation / issue importance and policy dissatisfaction / good and bad sides of major political parties / "feeling thermometer" for social groups / protest approval / protest effectiveness / protest activity / approval of repressive government action / partisan preference / voting behaviour / conventional political participation / occupational value orientation / political efficacy and system responsiveness / attitudes towards young people / trust in politics / organizational membership. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ organizational membershi