1,771 research outputs found

    Quantum stabilization of classically unstable plateau structures

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    Motivated by the intriguing report, in some frustrated quantum antiferromagnets, of magnetization plateaus whose simple collinear structure is {\it not} stabilized by an external magnetic field in the classical limit, we develop a semiclassical method to estimate the zero-point energy of collinear configurations even when they do not correspond to a local minimum of the classical energy. For the spin-1/2 frustrated square-lattice antiferromagnet, this approach leads to the stabilization of a large 1/2 plateau with "up-up-up-down" structure for J_2/J_1>1/2, in agreement with exact diagonalization results, while for the spin-1/2 anisotropic triangular antiferromagnet, it predicts that the 1/3 plateau with "up-up-down" structure is stable far from the isotropic point, in agreement with the properties of Cs_2CuBr_4.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of Obesity-Related Genotype on Weight Loss Success, Changes in Body Composition, Biochemical Markers, and Quality of Life While Participating in a 6-Month Weight Loss Program

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether genotype of some obesity-related genes (FABP2, PPARG, ADRB2, ADRB3) impacts health outcomes from participation in a 6-month weight loss program. Fifty-one overweight/obese women (41.8 ± 12.1 yrs, 35.3 ± 8.0 kg/m^2 ) were randomly assigned to diet based on genotype, true or false match. Dietary intervention included two hypocaloric (week 1: 1400 kcal/d, weeks 2-24: 1500 kcal/d), moderate protein (45% kcal from protein) diets with variations in carbohydrates and fat (LC- 20:35, MC- 30:25). Participants performed a resistance-exercise program four days/week, and 10,000 steps/day three days/week. Anthropometrics, body composition, REE, dietary data, biochemical markers, and psychosocial evaluation were collected monthly. VO2peak, muscular strength and endurance were assessed at baseline, 3- and 6-months. All measures were analyzed with repeated measures MANOVA. Significant genotype effects and trends favoring false matches were observed for body weight (F-5.6±5.0, T-5.0±5.0 kg, p=0.10), fat free mass (F-0.4±2.3, T-0.8±2.3 kg, p=0.09), android total mass (F-849.1±882.8, T-669.7±855.4 grams, p=0.05), android fat mass (F-627±583, T-459±480 grams, p=0.07), gynoid fat free mass (F+3.0±665, T-199±534 grams, p=0.09), and fasting insulin (T+1.9±5.3, F+0.2±5.1 microIU/mL, p=0.04). Significant time x genotype interactions and trends favoring false were observed for triglycerides (T-9.9±62.3, F-35.5±49.1 mg/dL, p=0.05). Genotype effect favoring true was observed for android fat free mass (T-210.5±451.7, F- 222.0±463.8 grams, p=0.04), gynoid total mass (T-878±978, F-852±1073 grams, p=0.09), and hip circumference (T-5.1±5.5, F-4.9±3.7 cm, p=0.07). Significant genotype x diet interaction and trend was observed in favor of true MC for LDL (TMC-15.8±26.7, FMC-8.6±34.2, FLC+3.7±28.1, TLC+10.1±26.3 mg/dL, p=0.02) and cholesterol (TMC- 26.0±32.1, FMC-23.5±32.0, FLC+7.0±31.8, TLC+8.5±35.8 mg/dL, p=0.06). Overall, false matches experienced greater improvements in body composition, fitness, and biochemical markers

    Dynamical structure factors and excitation modes of the bilayer Heisenberg model

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations along with higher-order spin-wave theory, bond-operator and strong-coupling expansions, we analyse the dynamical spin structure factor of the spin-half Heisenberg model on the square-lattice bilayer. We identify distinct contributions from the low-energy Goldstone modes in the magnetically ordered phase and the gapped triplon modes in the quantum disordered phase. In the antisymmetric (with respect to layer inversion) channel, the dynamical spin structure factor exhibits a continuous evolution of spectral features across the quantum phase transition, connecting the two types of modes. Instead, in the symmetric channel we find a depletion of the spectral weight when moving from the ordered to the disordered phase. While the dynamical spin structure factor does not exhibit a well-defined distinct contribution from the amplitude (or Higgs) mode in the ordered phase, we identify an only marginally-damped amplitude mode in the dynamical singlet structure factor, obtained from interlayer bond correlations, in the vicinity of the quantum critical point. These findings provide quantitative information in direct relation to possible neutron or light scattering experiments in a fundamental two-dimensional quantum-critical spin system.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    A point mutation in the splice donor site of intron 7 in the as2-casein encoding gene of the Mediterranean River buffalo results in an allele-specific exon skipping

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    The CSN1S2 cDNA of 10 unrelated Mediterranean River Buffaloes reared in Southern Italy was amplified by RT-PCR, while the region from the 6th to the 8th exon of the CSN1S2 gene was amplified from genomic template. cDNA sequence comparisons showed that five individuals had a normal transcript only (named CSN1S2A), one had a deleted transcript only (named CSN1S2B), because of the splicing out of the 27-bp of exon 7, and the remaining four had a heterozygous pattern. Analysis of the genomic sequences revealed a FM865620: g.773G>C transversion that caused inactivation of the intron 7 splice donor site and, consequently, the allele-specific exon skipping characteristic of the CSN1S2B allele. The g.773G>C mutation creates a new AluI restriction site enabling a PCR– RFLP rapid genotyping assay. The cDNA sequences showed three additional exonic mutations forming an extended haplotype with the g.773G>C polymorphism: FM865618: c.459C>T, c.484A>T and c.568A>G homozygous and heterozygous respectively in the CSN1S2BB and CSN1S2AB buffaloes. The first is silent, while the remaining two are non-conservative (p.Ile162Phe and p.Thp200Ala respectively). The genotype frequencies (37 CSN1S2A/A, 15 CSN1S2A/B and one CSN1S2B/B) are in agreement with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, with the frequency of the deleted B allele being 0.16. The predicted bubaline as2B protein is 198 aa long instead of 207 aa and would also be characterized by the presence of Phe at position 147 and Ala at 185

    Waiting times in emergency departments: A resource allocation or an efficiency issue?

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    Background: In recent years, the flow of patients to the Emergency Departments (ED) of Western countries has steadily increased, thus generating overcrowding and extended waiting times. Scholars have identified four main causes for this phenomenon, related to: continuity of primary care services; availability of specific clinical pathways for chronic patients; ED's personnel endowment; organization of the ED. This study aims at providing a logical diagnostic framework to support managers in investigating specific solutions to be applied to their EDs to cope with high ED waiting times. The framework is based on the ED waiting times and ED admission rate matrix. It was applied to the Tuscan EDs as illustrative example. Methods: To provide the factors to be analyzed once the EDs are positioned into the matrix, a list of issues has been identified. The matrix was applied to Tuscan EDs. Data were collected from the Tuscan performance evaluation system, integrated with specific data on Tuscan EDs' personnel. The Tuscan EDs matrix, the descriptive statistics for each quadrant and the Spearman's rank correlation analysis among waiting times, admission rates and a set of performance indicators were conducted to help managers to read the phenomena that they need to investigate. Results: The combined reading of the correlations and waiting times-admission rates matrix shows that there are no optimal rules for all the EDs in managing admission rates and waiting times, but solutions have to be found considering mixed and personalized strategies. Conclusions: The waiting times-admission rates matrix provides a tool able to support managers in detecting the problems related to the management of ED services. In particular, using this matrix, healthcare managers could be facilitated in the identification of possible solutions for their specific situation

    Cardiolipin drives cytochrome c proapoptotic and antiapoptotic actions

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    ""\\"Cytochrome c (cytc) is pivotal in mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis. The heme-Fe-atom of native hexacoordinated horse heart cytc (hhcytc) displays a very low reactivity toward ligands and does not exhibit catalytic properties. However, on interaction with cardiolipin (CL), hhcytc changes its tertiary structure disrupting the heme-Fe-Met80 distal bond. The CL-hhcytc complex displays a very low midpoint potential, out of the range required for its physiological role, binds CO and NO with high affinity, facilitates peroxynitrite isomerization to NO(3)(-), and displays peroxidase activity. As a whole, the CL-hhcytc complex could play either proapoptotic effects, catalyzing lipid peroxidation and the subsequent hhcytc release into the cytoplasm, or antiapoptotic actions, such as scavenging peroxynitrite (i.e., protecting the mitochondrion from reactive nitrogen and oxygen species), and binding of CO and NO (i.e., inhibiting lipid peroxidation and hhcytc traslocation). Here, the CL-driven allosteric modulation of hhcytc properties is reviewed, highlighting proapoptotic and antiapoptotic actions. (C) 2011 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 63(3): 160-165, 2011\\""

    Skeletal Myogenic Progenitors Originating from Embryonic Dorsal Aorta Coexpress Endothelial and Myogenic Markers and Contribute to Postnatal Muscle Growth and Regeneration

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    Skeletal muscle in vertebrates is derived from somites, epithelial structures of the paraxial mesoderm, yet many unrelated reports describe the occasional appearance of myogenic cells from tissues of nonsomite origin, suggesting either transdifferentiation or the persistence of a multipotent progenitor. Here, we show that clonable skeletal myogenic cells are present in the embryonic dorsal aorta of mouse embryos. This finding is based on a detailed clonal analysis of different tissue anlagen at various developmental stages. In vitro, these myogenic cells show the same morphology as satellite cells derived from adult skeletal muscle, and express a number of myogenic and endothelial markers. Surprisingly, the latter are also expressed by adult satellite cells. Furthermore, it is possible to clone myogenic cells from limbs of mutant c-Met-/- embryos, which lack appendicular muscles, but have a normal vascular system. Upon transplantation, aorta-derived myogenic cells participate in postnatal muscle growth and regeneration, and fuse with resident satellite cells. The potential of the vascular system to generate skeletal muscle cells may explain observations of nonsomite skeletal myogenesis and raises the possibility that a subset of satellite cells may derive from the vascular system

    Crack of a helicopter main rotor actuator attachment: failure analysis and lessons learned

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    A Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), in the course of a training flight, leaving the ground during thetaxi to take off, went into an uncontrolled rolling to the right; consequently the helicopter gradually laid downon the right side. The impact with the runway destroyed the rotating blades up to the hubs rotor. The accidentinvestigation focused on main rotor oscillatory plate servo actuators . These components, directly linked to thecloche movements, regulate main rotor blades plane tilt and pitch. Following the preliminary examination, onlyfront servo actuator attachment was found to be broken in two parts. In detail, the present paper deals with thefracture analysis results. The servo actuator attachment material is a 2014 Aluminum alloy extrudate, undergoneto T651 heat treatment. Fracture surfaces were examined by optical and electronic microscopy in order todetermine the main morphological features and consequently to trace the origin of failure mechanism andcauses. The accordance with the specification requirements about alloy composition was verified by quantitativeelementary analysis through inductive coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP); furthermore, semi-quantitativeelementary analysis was locally verified by Energy dispersion spectroscopy X ray (EDS_RX). Finally, thehydrogen content of the material was evaluated by the total hydrogen analysis. Microstructural andtechnological alloy characteristics were verified as well by using metallographic microscopy and hardness testingof the material.Macroscopic fracture surfaces evidences were characterized by the lack of any significant plastic deformationsand by the presence of symmetry compared to the servo actuator axis. Microscopic fracture features of both theinvestigated surfaces were not coherent to the hypothesis of an impact of the main rotor to the soil. Furtherachieved evidences, such as grain boundary fracture propagation, the presence of corrosion products, were all inaccordance with a Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) progressive fracture mechanism.Finite Element Analysis (FEA) located the highest tensile stress value, when the servo actuator is in its nominalworking condition, at the same points where the corrosion products were more concentrated (i.e. in the part ofthe fracture exposed to oxidative air effect for the longest time). The good agreement between FEA andmorphological evidences allowed to determine the progressive fracture origin area, though it was not possible toindividuate the crack initiation point. In fact, in correspondence to the initiation area of both the fracturesurfaces, shining and flat morphology was found;. then there were evidence of plastic deformations, due to thedetachment of a servo actuator part.The ICP analysis and hardness testing results were in accordance with the material specification requirements.However, the hydrogen content was one order of magnitude greater than the required value and many andunexpected globular formations were observed on the fracture surface. Part of these were dendritic formations,while the others looked smooth and shining. Further, FESEM boundary grain observation gave evidences of ahigh presence of precipitates on the investigated surfaces. Hence, observed microstructural characteristics,boundary grain precipitates and globular formations allowed to hypothesize possible overheating/eutecticmelting phenomena, occurred during manufacturing processes.As widely reported in literature, the AA 2014 alloy is one of the aluminum-copper-magnesium-silicon type,employing copper aluminide (CuAl2 ) as the primary precipitation-hardening agent. The need for a maximumCu phase dispersion in solid solution requires a heat treatment range with an upper limit (507°C) that is near tothe melting of the eutectics (510°C). Moreover, since the 1960s, AA2014 has been defined as sensitive to SCC.This condition is mainly related to the presence of coarse-grained and aligned CuAl2 precipitates. Thisarrangement is due to an overheating (more than 507°C) or to a cooling process carried out too slowly.Microstructural analysis was carried out on three items: 1) a large portion of the broken actuator attachment; 2)on a servoactuator coming from the same production batch; 3) on a servo actuator coming from a differentproduction batch.The microstructure from the broken actuator attachment showed a great amount of precipitates (secondphases) lengthwise aligned to the boundary grain, pores, and also cavities and dendritic globular formations.Analysis results, morphology evidences and reference images available on scientific literature were found to bein excellent agreement and validated the embrittlement and subsequent SCC mechanism hypotesis(intergranular failure propagation).In conclusion, flight accident causes are attributable to main rotor actuator attachment failure.Failure mechanism is classifiable as SCC supported by microstructural anomalies of the material. Theinvestigation of the manufacturing process highlighted how one of the servo actuator batches was not properlyproduced due to poor control and accuracy of heat treatment temperature and/or cooling time. This led tohydrogen embrittlement and to a microstructural problem (globular formations and boundary grainprecipitates). The combination of those phenomena caused an increase of the SCC sensitivity and were thebasic progressive failure driving forces.Nevertheless, as above mentioned, alloy composition was found compliant with the material specificationrequirements and this just because none of the scheduled quality control tests is able to determine the peculiarmicrostructural anomalies reported

    Current surgical concepts and indications in the management of the short bowel state: A call for the use of multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation programs

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    The mainstay of management for short bowel syndrome (SBS) is to promote access to the best quality of care provided by the intestinal rehabilitation program (IRP) in specialized centres. When treating SBS patients, the main goal is to minimize disease-associated complications, as well as achieve enteral autonomy. Surgical strategies should be selected cautiously upon the actual state of the bowel with respect to what it is clinically relevant for that specific patient. To this aim, a personalized and multidisciplinary approach for such a complex syndrome is needed

    An assessment of vortex detection criteria for 2C-2D PIV data

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    The aim of the article is to propose a robust and reliable engineering method for identifying and characterizing vortical structures within a flow field measured with a classic twocomponent PIV measurement system. Some of the most popular vortex-detection criteria are briefly presented for comparison purposes. Many of these fail if spurious vectors are present within the flow field due to poor PIV image quality. The proposed method was tested both on synthetic images of ideal vortices, having different spatial resolutions and different noise levels in order to perform a parametric assessment, and on real PIV images of a four-bladed rotor wake
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