215 research outputs found


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    This paper reports an experimental investigation on the dynamics of turbulent unconfined swirling flows. Isothermal free swirling jets with five different swirl numbers (S) and fixed Reynolds number (Re = 21800) are investigated to analyze the effect of swirl intensity on the recirculation, vortex breakdown and the occurrence of the precession vortex core (PVC) by means of 3C-2D Stereoscopic Particle image velocimetry (PIV). The contours and radial profiles of mean axial velocity confirmed the central recirculation zone (CRZ) for high swirl number. The importance of central recirculation zone is to ensure a good mixing of air/ fuel and combustion products and to generate a low velocity region for flame stabilization. Results shows that swirl intensity increases the backflow rate in the recirculation zone and jet spreads almost linearly with a higher spread rate as compared to non swirling flow. The frequency characteristics have been measured with a capacitive microphone. The frequency spectrum indicates the presence of periodic oscillation related to the existence of PVC. The Strouhal number associated with the frequency of the PVC vary almost linearly with swirl intensity

    Phase-averaged characterization of turbulent isothermal free swirling jet after vortex breakdown

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    This work mainly focused on the near-exit region of a round isothermal free swirling jet to characterize the effect of swirl on the flow field and to identify large coherent structures. 3C-2D PIV was employed to capture the instantaneous flow field close to the nozzle exit for non-swirling (S=0) and a high swirling jets (S=1.26) both with a Reynolds number of 21800. At swirl level of 1.26 the pressure fluctuations measured by a capacitive microphone indicate the existence of periodic instability, the so called precessing vortex core (PVC). A three-component proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) applied to the instantaneous velocity fields allow to identify the dominant flow structure associated to the PVC. The time coefficients of the two first most energetic POD modes were used to reconstruct the phase of the oscillatory motion in the swirling flow. The phase information was then used to conditionally average the instantaneous velocity field s, this allowed the 3D structure of the PVC to be reconstructed. The instantaneous minima of negative swirling strength values calculated from the instantaneous velocity field revealed the presence of two helical structures located in the inner and outer shear layers. By phase averaging the instantaneous swirling strength maps, the 3D helical vortex structure was reconstructed . The two co-winding counter-rotating helical structure fade out at an axial location of approximately z/ D = 1.5. The findings evidence that the combined application of PIV, POD and frequency analysis using capacitive microphone can provide detailed observations of coherent fluctuations ind uced by vortex precession

    DMD Analysis of Experimental PIV Data of a Swirled Jet

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    This paper concerns the study of high Reynolds and high swirl number flow through the use of PIV measurements and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) analysis. Principles governing DMD are briefly recalled, then the use of DMD is demonstrated by analysing the acquired PIV data in order to study the dominant dynamics of the system and extracting relevant morphology via DMD modes, focusing the attention on phenomenon known as Precessing Vortex Core (PVC)

    Effectiveness and Limitations of Unsupervised Home-Based Balance Rehabilitation with Nintendo Wii in People with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Balance training represents a critical part of the rehabilitation process of individuals living with multiple sclerosis (MS) since impaired postural control is a distinctive symptom of the disease. In recent years, the use of the Nintendo Wii system has become widespread among rehabilitation specialists for this purpose, but few studies have verified the effectiveness of such an approach using quantitative measures of balance. In this study, we analyzed the postural sway features of a cohort of twenty-seven individuals with MS before and after 5 weeks of unsupervised home-based balance training with the Wii system. Center of pressure (COP) time-series were recorded using a pressure platform and processed to calculate sway area, COP path length, displacements, and velocities in mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) directions. Although the results show a significant reduction in sway area, COP displacements, and velocity, such improvements are essentially restricted to the ML direction, as the Wii platform appears to properly stimulate the postural control system in the frontal plane but not in the sagittal one. Available Wii games, although somewhat beneficial, appear not fully suitable for rehabilitation in MS owing to scarce flexibility and adaptability to MS needs and thus specific software should be developed

    Studio del deficit di alfa-1 antitripsina nella popolazione Sarda

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    Introduzione: L’ AATD e’ una forma genetica abbastanza comune di malattia epatica nel bambino e di enfisema polmonare ed epatopatia nell’adulto, pur facendo parte delle malattie rare. Si manifesta spesso con sintomatologia clinica aspecifica, con tempi e modalità variabili, e spesso non sono utilizzati i test molecolari per una diagnosi definitiva. La diagnosi di laboratorio è spesso casuale e può essere posta partendo dall’assenza del picco delle α1-globuline all’ESP. Tale carenza induce a sospettare l’AATD, che deve essere prima confermata con il dosaggio sierico e quando necessario deve essere studiato il profilo genico. Per questi motivi, è ragionevole pensare che l’AATD sia una condizione clinica sottostimata, da considerarsi probabilmente non una malattia rara, ma raramente diagnosticata. In Sardegna i casi di AATD sono correlati ad una mutazione nota come M-Malton/ M-Cagliari, rarissima nelle altre popolazioni, o alla mutazione S. Non disponiamo ancora di dati attendibili circa la frequenza di questa mutazione. Scopo del lavoro è quello di individuare i soggetti con AATD e calcolare la frequenza della mutazione nella popolazione da noi considerata, trovare un cut-off decisionale di laboratorio da utilizzare per stabilire quali pazienti studiare per la mutazione

    Chronic spontaneous urticaria: a low-grade disseminated intravascular coagulation only partially reversed by Omalizumab

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a disorder characterized by wheals and/or angioedema. The coagulation cascade and inflammation pathways are closely linked together. The aim of our study was first to investigate the dynamics of clot formation in plasma (Clot Waveform Analysis, CWA) in a group of 47 patients with CSU along with other coagulative parameters dedicated to the study of hypercoagulability, such as D-Dimer, F 1 + 2 peptide, Fibrinogen, Platelet count and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV). Secondly, 23 out of 47 patients were treated with Omalizumab at four administration intervals from T0 to T4. A statistically significant increase in Activated Partial Thromboplastin (aPTT) ratio, D-Dimer, F1 + 2, Platelet count and MPV was found when compared with 53 healthy controls (HC). In contrast, the 2nd Derivative of aPTT showed lower values than those of the HC. No differences were found between 1st derivative of aPTT and Fibrinogen. D-Dimer only showed a significant difference between T0 and T3. An activation of both coagulation and fibrinolysis along with a weaker clot acceleration may be in agreement with a low-grade DIC. The accelerated turnover of platelets expressed by both an increase in platelet count and MPV further supports this pathway in CSU. Omalizumab does not affect the relationship between the immune and the hemostatic systems

    (1)H-NMR analysis provides a metabolomic profile of patients with multiple sclerosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the metabolomic profiles of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to define the metabolic pathways potentially related to MS pathogenesis. METHODS: Plasma samples from 73 patients with MS (therapy-free for at least 90 days) and 88 healthy controls (HC) were analyzed by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. Data analysis was conducted with principal components analysis followed by a supervised analysis (orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis [OPLS-DA]). The metabolites were identified and quantified using Chenomx software, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated. RESULTS: The model obtained with the OPLS-DA identified predictive metabolic differences between the patients with MS and HC (R2X = 0.615, R2Y = 0.619, Q2 = 0.476; p < 0.001). The differential metabolites included glucose, 5-OH-tryptophan, and tryptophan, which were lower in the MS group, and 3-OH-butyrate, acetoacetate, acetone, alanine, and choline, which were higher in the MS group. The suitability of the model was evaluated using an external set of samples. The values returned by the model were used to build the corresponding ROC curve (area under the curve of 0.98). CONCLUSION: NMR metabolomic analysis was able to discriminate different metabolic profiles in patients with MS compared with HC. With the exception of choline, the main metabolic changes could be connected to 2 different metabolic pathways: tryptophan metabolism and energy metabolism. Metabolomics appears to represent a promising noninvasive approach for the study of M
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