192 research outputs found

    Long-Term Care Policy after Covid-19 — Solving the Nursing Home Crisis

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    Nursing homes have been caught in the crosshairs of the coronavirus pandemic. As of early May 2020, Covid-19 had claimed the lives of more than 28,000 nursing home residents and staff in the United States. But U.S. nursing homes were unstable even before Covid-19 hit. The tragedy unfolding in nursing homes is the result of decades of neglect of long-term care policy.Beyond the pandemic, we will have to transform the way we pay for and provide long-term care. First, Medicaid programs need to invest considerably more in care in all settings, including home-based settings as Medicaid shifts a larger share of care into them. Second, because caregiving at home is not feasible for many care recipients and families, we also need safe, affordable residential options. Better residential options can help ensure that the tragedy currently unfolding in nursing homes never happens again. Finally, we believe that the United States needs to reconsider our piecemeal approach to paying for long-term care. Existing programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, would have to fundamentally change the way they pay for long-term care to meet the needs of our aging population. We can look to other countries for more coherent financing systems.More funding alone is not the answer. Nor is more regulation a sufficient response. Rather, we need a combination of funding, regulation, and a new strategy that fully supports a range of institutional and noninstitutional care

    Heterotroph Interactions Alter Prochlorococcus Transcriptome Dynamics during Extended Periods of Darkness

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    Microbes evolve within complex ecological communities where biotic interactions impact both individual cells and the environment as a whole. Here we examine how cellular regulation in the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is influenced by a heterotrophic bacterium, Alteromonas macleodii, under different light conditions. We monitored the transcriptome of Prochlorococcus, grown either alone or in coculture, across a diel light:dark cycle and under the stress of extended darkness-a condition that cells would experience when mixed below the ocean's euphotic zone. More Prochlorococcus transcripts exhibited 24-h periodic oscillations in coculture than in pure culture, both over the normal diel cycle and after the shift to extended darkness. This demonstrates that biotic interactions, and not just light, can affect timing mechanisms in Prochlorococcus, which lacks a self-sustaining circadian oscillator. The transcriptomes of replicate pure cultures of Prochlorococcus lost their synchrony within 5 h of extended darkness and reflected changes in stress responses and metabolic functions consistent with growth cessation. In contrast, when grown with Alteromonas, replicate Prochlorococcus transcriptomes tracked each other for at least 13 h in the dark and showed signs of continued biosynthetic and metabolic activity. The transcriptome patterns suggest that the heterotroph may be providing energy or essential biosynthetic substrates to Prochlorococcus in the form of organic compounds, sustaining this autotroph when it is deprived of solar energy. Our findings reveal conditions where mixotrophic metabolism may benefit marine cyanobacteria and highlight new impacts of community interactions on basic Prochlorococcus cellular processes. IMPORTANCE: Prochlorococcus is the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. These cells play a central role in the physiology of surrounding heterotrophs by supplying them with fixed organic carbon. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that interactions with heterotrophs can affect autotrophs as well. Here we show that such interactions have a marked impact on the response of Prochlorococcus to the stress of extended periods of darkness, as reflected in transcriptional dynamics. These data suggest that diel transcriptional rhythms within Prochlorococcus, which are generally considered to be strictly under the control of light quantity, quality, and timing, can also be influenced by biotic interactions. Together, these findings provide new insights into the importance of microbial interactions on Prochlorococcus physiology and reveal conditions where heterotroph-derived compounds may support autotrophs-contrary to the canonical autotroph-to-heterotroph trophic paradigm.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (OCE-1356460)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (DBI-0424599)Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and EducationGordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF495)Simons Foundation (SCOPE Award 329108)Simons Foundation (LIFE 337262

    Draft Genome Sequence of Alteromonas Macleodii Strain MIT1002, Isolated from an Enrichment Culture of the Marine Cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus

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    Alteromonas spp. are heterotrophic gammaproteobacteria commonly found in marine environments. We present here the draft genome sequence of Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002, which was isolated from an enrichment culture of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus NATL2A. This genome contains a mixture of features previously seen only within either the “surface” or “deep” Alteromonas ecotype.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF495)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant OCE-1356460)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education (Grant DBO-0424599)Simons Foundation (Grant 337262

    Temporal dynamics of Prochlorococcus cells with the potential for nitrate assimilation in the subtropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans

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    Utilization of nitrate as a nitrogen source is broadly conserved among marine phytoplankton, yet many strains of Prochlorococcus lack this trait. Among cultured strains, nitrate assimilation has only been observed within two clades of Prochlorococcus: the high-light adapted HLII clade and the low-light adapted LLI clade. To better understand the frequency and dynamics of nitrate assimilation potential among wild Prochlorococcus, we measured seasonal changes in the abundance of cells containing the nitrate reductase gene (narB) in the subtropical North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans. At the Atlantic station, the proportion of HLII cells containing narB varied with season, with the highest frequency observed in stratified waters during the late summer, when inorganic nitrogen concentrations were lowest. The Pacific station, with more persistent stratification and lower N : P ratios, supported a perennially stable subpopulation of HLII cells containing narB. Approximately 20–50% of HLII cells possessed narB under stratified conditions at both sites. Since HLII cells dominate the total Prochlorococcus population in both ecosystems, nitrate potentially supports a significant fraction of the Prochlorococcus biomass in these waters. The abundance of LLI cells containing narB was positively correlated with nitrite concentrations at the Atlantic station. These data suggest that Prochlorococcus may contribute to the formation of primary nitrite maxima through incomplete nitrate reduction and highlight the potential for interactions between Prochlorococcus and sympatric nitrifying microorganisms. Further examination of these relationships will help clarify the selection pressures shaping nitrate utilization potential in low-light and high-light adapted Prochlorococcus.Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF495)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (OCE-1153588)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (DBI-0424599

    Policy Options for Financing Long-Term Care in the U.S.

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    Unlike many other developed nations, the U.S. has no system that protects its residents against the high costs of long-term care, which many people will need as they age. Medicaid coverage kicks in only after families have exhausted their resources. Until then, families bear the financial and caregiving burden of LTC themselves. In the absence of a national system, several states have considered or passed programs that offer some support for LTC. Many peer nations have more comprehensive systems to spread the risk for LTC costs across their population, through social insurance or other mechanisms. This Issue Brief reviews international models of financing LTC, as well as recent state efforts, to help U.S. policymakers design a program that can meet the LTC challenges of an aging population

    Temporal dynamics of Prochlorococcus ecotypes in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

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    To better understand the temporal and spatial dynamics of Prochlorococcus populations, and how these populations co-vary with the physical environment, we followed monthly changes in the abundance of five ecotypes—two high-light adapted and three low-light adapted—over a 5-year period in coordination with the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) and Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) programs. Ecotype abundance displayed weak seasonal fluctuations at HOT and strong seasonal fluctuations at BATS. Furthermore, stable ‘layered’ depth distributions, where different Prochlorococcus ecotypes reached maximum abundance at different depths, were maintained consistently for 5 years at HOT. Layered distributions were also observed at BATS, although winter deep mixing events disrupted these patterns each year and produced large variations in ecotype abundance. Interestingly, the layered ecotype distributions were regularly reestablished each year after deep mixing subsided at BATS. In addition, Prochlorococcus ecotypes each responded differently to the strong seasonal changes in light, temperature and mixing at BATS, resulting in a reproducible annual succession of ecotype blooms. Patterns of ecotype abundance, in combination with physiological assays of cultured isolates, confirmed that the low-light adapted eNATL could be distinguished from other low-light adapted ecotypes based on its ability to withstand temporary exposure to high-intensity light, a characteristic stress of the surface mixed layer. Finally, total Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus dynamics were compared with similar time series data collected a decade earlier at each location. The two data sets were remarkably similar—testimony to the resilience of these complex dynamic systems on decadal time scales.National Science Foundation (U.S.)Gordon and Betty Moore Foundatio

    Phosphonate production by marine microbes: exploring new sources and potential function

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Acker, M., Hogle, S. L., Berube, P. M., Hackl, T., Coe, A., Stepanauskas, R., Chisholm, S. W., & Repeta, D. J. Phosphonate production by marine microbes: exploring new sources and potential function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(11), (2022): e2113386119, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113386119.Phosphonates are organophosphorus metabolites with a characteristic C-P bond. They are ubiquitous in the marine environment, their degradation broadly supports ecosystem productivity, and they are key components of the marine phosphorus (P) cycle. However, the microbial producers that sustain the large oceanic inventory of phosphonates as well as the physiological and ecological roles of phosphonates are enigmatic. Here, we show that phosphonate synthesis genes are rare but widely distributed among diverse bacteria and archaea, including Prochlorococcus and SAR11, the two major groups of bacteria in the ocean. In addition, we show that Prochlorococcus can allocate over 40% of its total cellular P-quota toward phosphonate production. However, we find no evidence that Prochlorococcus uses phosphonates for surplus P storage, and nearly all producer genomes lack the genes necessary to degrade and assimilate phosphonates. Instead, we postulate that phosphonates are associated with cell-surface glycoproteins, suggesting that phosphonates mediate ecological interactions between the cell and its surrounding environment. Our findings indicate that the oligotrophic surface ocean phosphonate pool is sustained by a relatively small fraction of the bacterioplankton cells allocating a significant portion of their P quotas toward secondary metabolism and away from growth and reproduction.This work was supported in part by grants from the NSF (OCE-1153588 and DBI-0424599 to S.W.C.; OCE-1335810 and OIA-1826734 to R.S.; and OCE-1634080 to D.J.R.), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (no. 6000 to D.J.R.), and the Simons Foundation (Life Sciences Project Award IDs 337262 and 647135 to S.W.C.; 510023 to R.S.; and Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology [SCOPE] Award ID 329108 to S.W.C. and D.J.R.)

    Extracellular superoxide production by key microbes in the global ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Sutherland, K. M., Coe, A., Gast, R. J., Plummer, S., Suffridge, C. P., Diaz, J. M., Bowman, J. S., Wankel, S. D., & Hansel, C. M. Extracellular superoxide production by key microbes in the global ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, (2019), doi:10.1002/lno.11247.Bacteria and eukaryotes produce the reactive oxygen species superoxide both within and outside the cell. Although superoxide is typically associated with the detrimental and sometimes fatal effects of oxidative stress, it has also been shown to be involved in a range of essential biochemical processes, including cell signaling, growth, differentiation, and defense. Light‐independent extracellular superoxide production has been shown to be widespread among many marine heterotrophs and phytoplankton, but the extent to which this trait is relevant to marine microbial physiology and ecology throughout the global ocean is unknown. Here, we investigate the dark extracellular superoxide production of five groups of organisms that are geographically widespread and represent some of the most abundant organisms in the global ocean. These include Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, Pelagibacter, Phaeocystis, and Geminigera. Cell‐normalized net extracellular superoxide production rates ranged seven orders of magnitude, from undetectable to 14,830 amol cell−1 h−1, with the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus being the lowest producer and the cryptophyte Geminigera being the most prolific producer. Extracellular superoxide production exhibited a strong inverse relationship with cell number, pointing to a potential role in cell signaling. We demonstrate that rapid, cell‐number–dependent changes in the net superoxide production rate by Synechococcus and Pelagibacter arose primarily from changes in gross production of extracellular superoxide, not decay. These results expand the relevance of dark extracellular superoxide production to key marine microbes of the global ocean, suggesting that superoxide production in marine waters is regulated by a diverse suite of marine organisms in both dark and sunlit waters.The authors would like to acknowledge their funding sources including NASA NESSF NNX15AR62H (K.M.S.), NASA Exobiology grant NNX15AM04G to S.D.W. and C.M.H., NSF‐OCE grant 1355720 to C.M.H., NSF‐OPP 1641019 (J.S.B), and Simons Foundation SCOPE Award ID 329108 (Sallie W. Chisholm). The authors would also like to thank the Harvey lab (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography) for use of their flow cytometer in this study. We thank Stephen Giovannoni and Sallie Chisholm for providing bacteria strains and laboratory facilities. Additional thanks to Marianne Acker, Rogier Braakman, and Aldo Arellano for assistance in lab and helpful conversations

    Draft genomes of three closely related low light-adapted <i>Prochlorococcus</i>

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    OBJECTIVES: The marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is a critical part of warm ocean ecosystems and a model for studying microbial evolution and ecology. To expand the representation of this organism's vast wild diversity in sequence collections, we performed a set of isolation efforts targeting low light-adapted Prochlorococcus. Three genomes resulting from this larger body of work are described here.DATA DESCRIPTION: We present draft-quality Prochlorococcus genomes from enrichment cultures P1344, P1361, and P1363, sampled in the North Pacific. The genomes were built from Illumina paired reads assembled de novo. Supporting datasets of raw reads, assessments, and sequences from co-enriched heterotrophic marine bacteria are also provided. These three genomes represent members of the low light-adapted LLIV Prochlorococcus clade that are closely related, with 99.9% average nucleotide identity between pairs, yet vary in gene content. Expanding the powerful toolkit of Prochlorococcus genomes, these sequences provide an opportunity to study fine-scale variation and microevolutionary processes.</p
