213 research outputs found

    Some Integrable Systems in Nonlinear Quantum Optics

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    In the paper we investigate the theory of quantum optical systems. As an application we integrate and describe the quantum optical systems which are generically related to the classical orthogonal polynomials. The family of coherent states related to these systems is constructed and described. Some applications are also presented.Comment: 27 page

    Ефективність симбіотичної азотфіксації в агроценозах України

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    Проведено порівняльну оцінку ефективності виробничих і перспективних штамів бульбочкових бактерій колекції Південної дослідної станції ІСГМ УААН у симбіозі з сучасними сортами бобових культур. Визначені високоефективні комбінації “сорти – штами”. Показано доцільність передпосівної інокуляції насіння бобових культур на фоні ґрунтової популяції ризобій.Проведена сравнительная оценка эффективности производственных и перспективных штаммов клубеньковых бактерий коллекции Южной опытной станции ИСХМ УААН в симбиозе с современными сортами бобовых культур. Определены высокоэффективные комбинации “сорта – штаммы”. Показана целесообразность предпосевной инокуляции семян бобовых культур на фоне почвенной популяции ризобий.The comparative estimation of rhisobia strains (from the collection of the Southern Experimental Station of Institute of Agricultural Microbiology UAAS) efficiency in symbiosis with modern legume cultivars was done. Highly effective complemented „cultivars – strains” combinations have been determined. It was shown the expediency of legume seeds pre-sowing treatment on background of soil rhisobia population

    At the crossroads of inflammation and cancer

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    AbstractChronic inflammation and cancer are closely associated in the intestine. Anti-inflammatory medication reduces intestinal neoplasia, while colorectal cancer incidence is increased in ulcerative colitis. Cyclooxygenases are key to both diseases, yet the molecular basis of the association remains incompletely understood. Two recent Cell (Greten et al., 2004; Rakoff-Nahoum et al., 2004) papers illuminate roles of Toll-like receptors and the NF-κB pathway in the control of epithelial homeostasis in health and disease

    Hoe de Nederlandse wetenschap beter te maken. [Improving the health of scientific research in The netherlands.]

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    Biomedical science in the Netherlands and other continental European countries is lagging behind scientific research in English-speaking countries. A comparison between the two systems reveals several crucial differences. Although levels of government funding of scientific research are approximately equal, the rigid, non-quality-based funding system of continental universities compares badly with the flexible quality-based funding systems in the USA and the U.K. The rigid, hierarchical organisation and indistinct career structure that are found in the continental European system lead to problems in funding strategy and a lack of independence among young researchers. Moreover, equalized funding by national governments to state universities has hampered the creation of centres of excellence. It is proposed that the broad introduction of a peer-review-based funding system would solve these problems and would put European science back on its feet.

    Signaling mucins in the (S)limelight

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    AbstractMucins may be the ugly ducklings of molecular biology. Their large size, repetitive nature, and unglamorous biological activities have not favored their study. However, integral membrane mucins have conserved intracellular C termini that may influence intracellular signaling. In a recent issue of Genes & Development, Cullen et al. show that the C terminus of membrane mucin-like Msb2 activates a CDC42/MAPK cascade to control filamentous growth of baker's yeast

    Stem cells, asymmetric division and cancer.

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    Inflating cell numbers by Wnt.

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    Wnt signaling: Ig-norrin the dogma

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    AbstractSecreted Wnt proteins trigger the intracellular Wnt signaling cascade upon engagement of dedicated Frizzled–Lrp receptor complexes. Unexpectedly, a non-Wnt ligand for this receptor complex has now been discovered. This novel ligand, Norrin, is mutated in the hereditary ocular Norrie syndrome